Chapter 15

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*Dad's POV*

Today Nicole goes back to school and I'm worried about her. They've already left notes on her car, here at the house and followed her around the mall. I can't lose my little girl. I know she's technically an adult but she will always be my princessa. Gisela and Raylin have grown attached to her and I know it would break their hearts, if anything shall ever happen to her. "How could I not have seen this coming before now?!" My wife looks at me and rubs my back. "It's okay honey. You couldn't have known. You thought John was done with you and satisfied with the cash you gave him. He was pretty much set for life. This isn't your fault! He's just a greedy bastard and I'm sure Nicole understands." I shake my head. "It is my fault though. Had I not of raised myself in the streets and actually made something of myself, this wouldn't even of been an option. I did this to her, with my poor decisions. I've got to do something before it's to late." She sighs and asks me, "Does the girls know you're sick? That you don't have much longer with us?" "No. Neither of them know any of the sort. I'm not going to tell them. I want to live what little time I do have, with y'all not worrying about me." I tell her. She nods and pecks my cheek. "I understand love." She tells me.

*Nicole's POV*

As I sit in Trigonometry class, my mind starts to wonder. All I can seem to think about is the last nite and the guy that had been following us. Is he the one to get me when I'm alone? Is he the one I should really be scared of? What did he mean by my rightful owner? Am I the daughter of someone else? Did I get sold to this owner person? I shake my head. No! My dad is my dad. I look like him! He wouldn't sell me for any amount. He loves me! That's it Nicole, these guys are only playing with my mind. They want to scare me. Yeah that's it! I tell myself. Gisela and Scott are waiting for me outside the classroom, when the bell rings. "I don't want to go to World History." I tell them. "Let's go somewhere else then.' G suggests. Scott speaks up, "Okay, I'm down but let me text Omar that I'm leaving." We agree and wait for Daniel to leave class to tell him what's up. After the coast is clear, us four all head to the beach. We swing by to our houses to get our swimsuits first though. Scott and I sat in Daniel's car talking about graduation while him and G play in the ocean. Gisela giggles as Daniel picks her up and tosses her in the water. She comes back up and splashes him. We laugh at them. "They look like they're having fun." I say. He nods. "Yeah, I took a picture of them." I smile. "Awwwe, show me!" He shows me the picture and I tell him to send it to me. We kiss and begin to makeout until things start to heat up and we decide to stop, to show Daniel some respect. Since it is his car, we are in afterall. Although we could probably get away with it, we simply don't go any further than that. I give babe a little shove then run down the beach. He runs after me and softly tackles me into the sand. "Ooooooo!" We hear G say as she takes a picture of us. I blush and say, "Giselaaaaa! No pictures! I look a mess! At least you could had warned me you butt. I would taken my hair down." She laughs. "Or nah! Nicole you look hot as fuck. Shut up man!" Scott smiles and says, "I agree with your sister. You look beautiful either way. Bikini, sweats, messy hair, you name it, Nicole, I've seen you sick to your stomach and crying your eyes out. Although it was hard to see, I've thought you were beautiful every single time." I blush and say, "Thanks to you both. I love you guys." They hug me, then Daniel and Scott both throws us girls into the water. We play chicken for awhile until G catches me off guard and knocks me over. "BITCH!" I shout when I resurface. She only laughs and announces her and Daniel win. We dry off and just before the sun begins to set, we head home. Dad lets the guys stay for dinner and watch a movie as a family. He really does love and accept them. He wasn't to happy with Omar, but he let it slide since G is finally being treated as she deserves. G texts me saying, "Guess what!" I reply, "What, chicken butt?" She laughs a little and texts back, that her and Daniel fucked in the ocean since Scott and I was busy talking and how he was amazing. I smile over at her, just when dad starts to cough and jumps up going to the bathroom. I follow him only to notice he doesn't shut the door. He spits up blood and rinses his mouth out. I quickly go upstairs before he can see me. So my dad is really sick. That is what he meant by cherish the times we've had. I wonder how bad it exactly is. Oh god. I wonder what he has. Did mom know about this?! She would had told us. Well maybe. He has her wrapped around his finger, as she does him as well. They would cover for each other no matter what. Thing is, I can't lose him! I throw myself across my bed and cry myself to sleep.

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