🍒Words from the heart⚠️

199 7 33

| F U L L N A M E |
Jasmine Lee Sanders

| N I C K N A M E |
Jaz or Jazzy

|N A M E M E A N I N G &
O R I G N|
A delicsbt flower with a slight floral scent

| A G E |

| G E N D E R |


| N A T I O N A L I T Y |

Yemmin/ Egyptian

| L A N G U A G E (S) |

Manderine Chinese

| S E X U A L I T Y |
Questioning, shes not sure if shes completely straight

| O C C U P A T I O N |


| F A C E C L A I M |
Jade (cant remember last name)

| F A C E  C L A I M |Jade (cant remember last name)

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|P E R S O N A L I T Y|
Jasmine is a very light glass half full person and always tries look for the bright side and things no matter what. She is very hardworking and determined and will do her best at whatever task is put in front of her. She's definitely not a very quiet person and will speak her mind when she feels like she needs to but she isn't excessively outgoing and knows when it's time to back off. She's very curious and is always looking for a story somewhere and can sometimes make a mountain out of a molehill is given the room to think about something. she's very much and ask for forgiveness rather than permission if she feels like it's worth risking something for and she's always got a good justification for whatever she does but she never does anything without a well-thought-out plan. Though she may come off as kind of naive she's actually very smart and catches on to a lot more than people think that she does. So she's very kind and always tries to be nice with her words she can also be a bit blunt at times and isn't really want to sugarcoat what she thinks is the right thing. That being said she's also willing to help you with whatever it is you need as long as her straight up with her.

|L I K E S|
Jasmine is a very simple person she likes her two cups of coffee in the morning with her blueberry muffin fresh out of the oven. She absolutely adores her to guinea pigs and treats them as if they're her children. She definitely has a sweet tooth so she won't hesitate to take up an offer on getting something sweet to eat. In her spare time when she's not writing she likes to do a lot of arts and crafts in a lot of the things that her home or homemade or DIY projects. One thing that she really loves us to see the finished product of something that she's worked hard on come together. She also likes to give people advice whenever it's needed and just have a good conversation with someone every once in awhile. One thing she appreciates more than anything in the world is honesty from others as she gives to them.

|D I S L I K E S|
It takes quite a lot to get Jasmine to a point where she's actually irritated with little things like smacking and interrupting people even if not herself while talking or repeated tapping and or clicking sounds. However a good way to set her off quickly is for her to found out that you lied to her or if you disrespect her family and friends. Another thing that puts a damper on her mood is when she gets writer's block and can't really think of anything. She's quite a big animal person still any harm coming to any type of animal makes her visibly upset. While she's very open about her past when people ask she doesn't like people using it against her or throwing it in her face.

|H A B I T S|
when she gets writer's block she stands up and paces back and forth until she can think of something and even if she can't think of something she'll continue to Pace until somebody stops her.

She is deathly allergic to shrimp
She went to a private school and had private tutors

|B A C K S T O R Y|
Growing up Jasmine had the picture perfect privlaged lifestyle, she had two parents who loved her a sister she got along with very well and she lived in a very wealthy household where she didn't have to work for anything that she wanted or needed. With a life like that you would think Jasmine grew up to be a spoiled and selfish brat but she always stood out from her family in terms of that. her parents being newly rich didn't like to talk about their old lives but her grandma who she was incredibly close to told her all about the meaning of hard work. Jasmine did everything she possibly could for herself and she didn't accept anything from her parents unless she felt like she had earned it. The only thing that Jasmine ever seem to have a problem with going up with her family's lifestyle that she felt she had to fit into. her parents didn't want her to go to college if it wasn't ti become a doctor, lawyer, or buissnes women but definitely not to become something as "useless" as a writer. They wanted her to meet a nice man get married at 20 and have children by 23 just like her sister had done but that wasn't the life for her. She put herself through college and didn't use a single one of her family connections and that's when she met Brandon. He was Phycholgy major who was easy on the eyes and talked smoother than he looked and little naive Jasmine living a sheltered lifestyle fell head over heels fast ignoring all the red flag's. The more she saw him the last she saw of her family and the more her family seem to disapprove of her new lifestyle. She hadn't realized how isolated he had kept her from everyone in her life and how controlling he had been over the things that she did, the only thing that she saw was that he accepted her for who she was or at least what he was turning her into. She was convinced that she was in love and that he loves her too and with enough sweet talkin enough isolation and one tiny argument with her parents was enough to convince her to take College virtually and move to the big city of LA and that's when everything went downhill. Jasmine had completely cut herself off from her family and she was in a place where she knew nothing familiar and had no friends and rarely ever left the house or her boyfriend seem to be always gone and anytime she left he would always get angry. Jasmine started to realize that she was trapped and she wanted nothing more than to get out but every time she got fed up he gave her just enough to subside her worries and proved he loved her even going as far as proposing. Jasmine began to become less and less like herself and more and more caged but she didnt see that, not until the day with joy and pride she showed him the positive pregnancy test and when she expected to see joy all she saw was anger and that was the first and only time Brandon hit her while screaming at her to get rid of it. that's why your eyes finally opened up everything that had happened to her and she knew once the way she had to get out and she never saw him again. She mooved back home where after hearing what happened her parent excepted her with loving arms. Her plan was to become a writer for somewhere prominent and raise her baby while she was at it but sadly her plans didn't really come together the way she wanted them to.She was already 4 months along and picking out baby names and nursery items going to figure out the gender of the baby with her sister when doctors discovered something terribly wrong, Jasmine was going through an Eptopic pregnancy. Because of how long it took them to notice what was wrong with her it was no other choice than a late term abortion or it would mean the death of her and her baby. Jasmine was devastated and refused the surgery until she couldn't anymore in her fifth months where she collapsed and her parents made the decision for her. Jasmine wasn't the same for almsot a year after that until the walls of her house, the room that was supposed to be a nursery held to many haunted memories and so with the promise to visit and keep in touch Jasmine once again packed up her bags and move to the city of New York where she begin to rebuild her life step by step.

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