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1. DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION!!!!! for the love of all the is holly no one liners. The minimum for thos roleplay is 5+ sentences. SENTENCES, not lines and they must be detailed sentences!!!


Jocellyn walked into the club with one thought on her mind and that was to have fun and let lose. She had been flushed with work and she wanted to get away from everything and everyone and have a fun time with herself. Of course as soon as she walked in the club and saw him she knew that her planed night of fun was completely off the table. Her breath hitched and her heart skipped a few beats, she wanted to move but she couldn't, it had been three years and she stulk couldn't even muster up a get away plan when she saw him. After an entire year trying to escape this connection she felt with him just one look at him and she was already reminded of everything she could have had with him. That's when his eyes met hers, those beautiful brown eyes of is that pulled her in and made her feel like the safest person in the world and she ran away from all of that, if only she hadn't been so selfish.


She walked in the club because she wanted fun. She wanted to get away from the world. Then she saw him and she couldn't move. It had been three years and she couldn't even run away.

2.  I will tolerate nothing except respect from you for myself and other roleplays password one is to tag two people who may be interested. If i here that you are being disrespectful to anyone and i personally confirm that is true, even if its not in my book i will delete our roleplay and i have ever right to do so.

3. All sexualities in my Roleplay are welcome in my roleplay and will be doing roleplays other than romance so Aces come in in however there are certain charchters i will not make only because i know i cant potry them properly and its just not fun for me to rp them such as bxb password two is to tell me what you think the most important rule is. I apologize its just not my thing but if you want a gay character thats fine we can do a platonic rp with any of my roleplays or a little short unrequited love thing.

4. Do not under any circumstances control my OC or anything my OC says does or has unless it is previously agreed upon. I didnt like i had to say this but lately ive been having some issues with is and its getting anoying so this rule is very important.

5. Smut goes directly to pm, this was previously my OC book as you can see from the cover and every baby i have ever created is in this book unpublished or not. I can not afford this book to get taken down soon grouping comes in it goes to PM unless you tell me that sometimgs going to happen and they arent going to go further than that password three is to find the word in bold. Also along woth the rule all cursing must be Censored with one Astrid to insure Wattpad dosent flag your comment.

6. I didn't think i would have to say this but look at my OC's before you make a form so you can get an idea on who you want to rp with and what kind if senario you wanna do. If you make an OC that cant be roleplayed with by any of my OC's unless you're willing to to a platonic rp then even if i accept you you won't be abel to rp so be mindful.

7. The rules will be regularly updated and i will let you jnow when you need to see the update, if you are already rolepalying with me.and you violate a new rule i will inform you about the rule personally and that will be that last time you can brak it before it counts as a strike.

8. Tagging.  Please only do it once a week, that means once every seven days please i get very busy and  sometimes i selective reply because im simply only in the mood to do select roleplays so if i don't respond to you i will get to you eventually I won't just leave you hanging.

9. PM me the appropriate rules and the  you will be free to make your form. And incase i was unclear, this means do the passwords before ou submit your form, if you submit a form without the passowrd i will tell you declined.

10. Didn't think I'd have to say this but can we please try and not have overpowered OC's there MUST be a weakness. At least one physical and one mental and this will be updated in the new form, if you are currently roleplaying with me and you believe your OC fits the guidelines of overpowered or impossible for my OC to harm then please PM me the changes.

If you you are rolepalying with me as of today and you ented this roleplay without me personally tagging you in it and you have not taghed 2 people on this page i will not respond to you untill you do that, while your at it re read the updated rules. You do not have to complete the other passwords IF you are already rolepalying with me as of today.

Sunday November 8th update

here has been an extra rule added as of today, if you are currently stop playing with me it is Rule Number 10. You have one week to abide by this rule by yourself if you haven't I will personally contact you and let you know it needs to be changed. If you have not made changes after 3 days of me personally informing you I will start replaying to you until this change is made, to continue to tag me without correcting this mistake I will delete the comment chain.

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