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"Dance with your heart not your feet"

| F U L L N A M E |

Konami Faith Richards

| N I C K N A M E |


|N A M E M E A N I N G &
O R I G N|

Japanese name meaning Scarlett wave

| A G E |


| G E N D E R |


| N A T I O N A L I T Y |

African American

| L A N G U A G E (S) |

English, French and some Chinese

| S E X U A L I T Y |


| O C U P A I T I O N |

Student/ Dancer

|F A C E C L A I M |

Nia Soux

Nia Soux

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|P E R S O N A L I T Y|

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|P E R S O N A L I T Y|

Konami keeps to herself when she's around people she's not really close with, but get her around her friends or in a studio and she breaks out of her shell and becomes an outgoing ball of light that knows just what to say to make you smile. It's hard to make her not like you She's good at finding the bright side to almost any situation. She talks a lot when you break her out of herself but not about herself much, it's actually quite hard to get her to open up about herself. She doesn't believe in violence at all but she is a generally good fighter. Konami does have a different side to her, if she happens to not like you and she had a really good reason to, don't cross paths with her, she can be petty on a whole other level. And her sarcasm never runs dryer.

|L I K E S|

Konami is not a picky person with many things so she doesn't have have to many surviving likes except fresh strawberries, she's liked them since she was a baby. She also really loves animals, even cats, as she's very allergic to them. She loves to be outside no matter what she's doing, in New York she really loved the snow but in LA her favorite things are definitely the beaches and gardens.

|D I S L I K E S|

Konami isn't picky about a lot, but when she is, she's very specific. One thing she doesn't like very much is anyone being passive aggressive and you her opinion you should just say that you're mad and you don't want to talk about it right now don't make sense why comments. She also really hates the sound of people to win with her mouth open and I never seen she can't stand is better food. Probably the last big pet peeve she has is the texture of slime.

|H A B I T S|

apping the rhythm of o any song she hears.


((Anything you think .needs to be known))

- Hobbies: Konami didn't do much outside of dance besides reading and baking. Dance is a huge part of her life, she loves it, and she's good. When she dances is like she's telling a story in detail. She takes every dance she does seriously.
- Pets: she has a Persian Cat named blue, a Venus fly trap named Henry and a gold fish named spot, the twins have a bird named Russell

|B A C K S T O R Y|

Konami is the legitimate child of one of her two dad's, her mother died in a car accident when Konami was 3 because of a drunk driver. Konami has few memories of her mother, like eating ice cream and her mother singing her to sleep. When Konami was 4 Eric married her step dad Jessie who had a 6 year old son named James. Not long after they adopted the thing Michael and Malik who were 3 years older than her. Konami had started dancing after her mom died upon finding her mother's old ballet shoes. Her mother was once a dance teacher up until she had Konami. Her dance classes were pretty expensive but it wasn't a problem because her dad was a very successful lawyer and her step father was a software engineer. About a two years after adopting the twins by chance they adopted Aaron, a 14 year old boy that they had chosen to foster after hearing through a friend he had a bad experience with foster homes. Everything was coming together great until Jessie's mom got sick and couldn't take care of herself any more, she refused to go to a nursing home and couldn't make the travel to New York, where they were at the time so, her parents made the tuff decision to move to L.A.((or pleace of rp)) It was easy for Eric to transfer firms but for Jesse it wasn't that easy he was out of a job for a very long time and Eric and is up taking care of most of the bills. Konami had to stop taking dance for a year but she kept up the practice. Drink that year her brothers with always horse play and she get caught in the middle this led to their dads deciding that they were going to put them in martial arts class is which at the term or a lot cheaper than dance lessons. Once Jessie got a job Konami got back into dance and started competing, she's won many medals and titles for her dancing.

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