🍒Angels Don't Cry🍒

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((Based heavily off song))

"You need someone
to forgive your

| F U L L N A M E |
Seraphina Ochi Romita

| N I C K N A M E |
The mother of empaths

|N A M E M E A N I N G &
O R I G N|
Seraphina is an Italian name mean Angel.

| A G E |
Actual age is forgoten(literally older than dirt) but she looks to be in her 20's

| G E N D E R |

| N A T I O N A L I T Y |

| L A N G U A G E (S) |
All Languages

| S E X U A L I T Y |

| O C U P A I T I O N |

"hold you blody
while im dressed
in white"

|F A C E C L A I M |
Elle Fanning

|F A C E C L A I M |(Irl)Elle Fanning

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|P E R S O N A L I T Y|Seraphina is quite possibly one of the most kind people in the world, she is kind to a fault and will forgive you for just about any and everything

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|P E R S O N A L I T Y|
Seraphina is quite possibly one of the most kind people in the world, she is kind to a fault and will forgive you for just about any and everything. She is big on helping people and will go to any lengths to do so even when its hurting her or if she knows it may be doing the wrong thing. She is very considerate and compassionate towards people especially children and can sometimes be childlike herself. While she she is overly kind and childish she is not gullible or stupid, she is very aware she has made some poor decisions with helping certain people she has helped in the past but if she thinks she can save you she will try. She is very Opinionated about the way she thinks the world she be and how people should interact and she won't hold back on her opinions for anyone. She Is great person to have a conversation with at a bar, its like she can anticipate exactly what you want her to say and match your vibe perfectly by maintaining her overpowering compassionate personality.

"Save your life
make me do it for you
every time"

|L I K E S|
Seraphina has always found humans and thier troubles quite fascinating, but even more she was amazed by their art. Paintings, stautues, music all of it, it completely amazes her. Helping people is also something that gives her great joy, and makes her feel like she as a true purpose. She also loves to cook and really isn't picky about food though she enjoy spicy food the most.

|D I S L I K E S|
As one of the first angels created Serafina was confined for very long time in heaven to serve one God she absolutely hated it. She didn't like the idea needlessly serving someone who had no need for it. That being said she doesn't like feeling useless or like she can't do anything.

"Angels don't

|H A B I T S|
She hums a lot when she's bored


Species: Angel
- she is the first natural empath (someone who feels the emotions of people around them) because of this she is very sub ceptable to corruption by negative emotions and therefore cannot remain on Earth for too long


- taking away negative emotions
- reading a person's emotions
-tempory hypnosis
- ability to sway emotions by touch
- gifting empathy to others
- flight(duh)
- blessing demons ( if a demon is willing and changes their nature enough she can make them wortht of becoming an angel) (( is forbidden to use the power because she almost got corrupted last time she tried to use it))

((Anything you think .needs to be known))

|B A C K S T O R Y|
Seraphina was one of the first angels created along with her older sisters Angelina and Evangelinel to do gods will and serve him but its something that never sat well with her, the rules kept her confined to him faithfully him and she never liked that. So when God sent angels to earth to be among humas she begged him and when he finally agreed she left. It was arguably a terrible decision, as an empath Serafina was almost instantaneously drowned in human emotions and it took her a while before she was able to function and block them out effectively. During this time she tried to help every single person she knew was not feeling happiness. She granted them blessings upon blessings but with every blessing she granted only ate away at her own soul. It took thousands of years on Earth and almost having her soul completely turned dark before she learned to balance her spiritual time and her earthly time.

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