The Popstar

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"Singing is my passion"

| F U L L N A M E |

Denalia Isabella Chenevert

| N I C K N A M E |

Danali - "fame name"

Sirin - people she works for (because she always mages to use her charm to get what she wants)

izzy- very close friends who use it to annoy her(in a playful way)

Dee Dee- by her family

|N A M E M E A N I N G &
O R I G N|

Denalia derived from Denali means Great one 

| A G E |


| G E N D E R |


| N A T I O N A L I T Y |


| L A N G U A G E (S) |

Bajan creol, English, French

| S E X U A L I T Y |


| O C C U P A T I O N |


|F A C E C L A I M |


|P E R S O N A L I T Y|

Denalia is a very outspoken and confident girl who has always loved to be in the spotlight. She's very sweet to people and will be loyal through and through for her loved ones however she isn't the most honest person in the world, how could she be, working in the spotlight you learn to be good at keeping secrets. She gives of a very flirty and confident vibe when speaking to people just because she is a genuinely nice person but has her insecurities just like everyone else and she can obsess over them in an unhealthy way. However even though she isnt faking her kindness Denalia holds a lot of secrets and skeletons in her closet that shed do absolutely anythingto make sure they stay there. She isn't afraid to get bossy or strict and sometimes short tempered when it comes to what she wants especially when her career is involved. She gives off a very businesswoman vibe when she's preparing for a show and has a lot of rituals and things she does before a performance. She is a perfectionist person that usually gets what she wants and while she works hard to do so she's not above using her alluring charm to help her along the way. She likes things to go her way and its not hard to push her to her limit and get her to snap if shes not getting that. She dosent feel like its a problem but sometimes she can feel unbearable to the people around her when she snaps. One thing she has never done is  take her fame for granted, she truly loves her fans and the career she has worked her entire life to achieve. While her appearance is important to her nothing would hurt her more than letting her fans down, in her eyes they are the reason she is so successful and they helped along the way of making her dream come true and for that she really does cherish them.

|L I K E S|

Denalia is like most stars a very picky person but she's always been that way. She wholeheartedly believes in meditation and yoga and uses it on a daily basis. she only eats organic food, unless its debbie cakes, those are her absolute weakness and she will eat them all day and speaking of food she also loves to cook. Reading is something that Denalia has always loved, she's often caught with her head in a book during her free time and its usually something by jane austen or Elizabeth Gaskell. Her one true passion however is obviously singing, no matter what she does she is always singing, she sings when she's cooking, reading walking down the street, literally anytime she has a chance to sing its what she does. 

|D I S L I K E S|

As stated before Denalia is very picky, she doesn't like bitter things but things overly sweet give her headaches. she doesn't like to be interrupted during her meditation and is often quick to snap if she is. She absolutely hates the paparazzi, people getting in her business irks her to her core and that is everything the paparazzi stands for. She hates when she has to regular her art for anyone, she often goes head to head with her creative advisors. While she loves her fame she doesn't like being thought of as anything less than a normal person, while she never talks about her background she literally started at the very bottom and became a celebrity by taking opportunities given to her. Playboys(or girls) and people that take their fame for granted is something else the disgust Denalia, though she finds herself around the lot of them on a daily basis and is very polite to them in the public eye for pleasantries she makes it very clear her dislike for them.

|H A B I T S|

She hums unconciously sometimes

She twist a bracelet around her had when shes nervous

Is known for changing her hair a lot

|B A C K S T O R Y|

Denalia had a very poor stat in life, she was poor and stuck in a small hometown but ine day she finally made the bold decision to startober and move to LA leaving behind her old life all together. After being pucked up in the most unlikely of scenarios at an open mikenight her career quickly took off like something out of a fairy tale. Number for once took care of him for granted and though she always try to remember where she came from she also tried her best to make sure no one else found out where she came from or the dark secrets from her past.

|O T H E R|
When first entering fame she went through a very wild fase and did some drugs and almost got arested but her agent handeled it and her fans never found out

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