🍒Space Girl🍒

101 4 43

| F U L L N A M E |

Adriana Tillice Garcia-Via'Nueva

| N I C K N A M E |

Tessie (only one girl)

|N A M E M E A N I N G &
O R I G N|

| A G E |


| G E N D E R |


| N A T I O N A L I T Y |

Jamaican Latino mix

| L A N G U A G E (S) |

| S E X U A L I T Y |
Bisexual (strong girl lean, will date the right boy)

| O C C U P A T I O N |
Student/ Aspiring Artist

|F A C E C L A I M |
Elizabeth Acevedo

|F A C E C L A I M |Elizabeth Acevedo

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|P E R S O N A L I T Y|

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|P E R S O N A L I T Y|

Addie is a total space basket with her head in the clouds and her dreams in the wind and shes always always smiling. She is a walking tumbler girl asthetic and she definitely feels cliche from time to time but she has her moods. Shes very quirky and sometimes really awkward but she has a lot of confidence and stands out in any room that shes in by her personality. She's not the brightest bulb in the bunch but she makes up for it with her glowing personality. Shes very extroverted with introverted tendencies so while shell go out and definitely be the first to start a conversation she needs her space from tome to time. Shes very crafty and always trying some new crafts activities, almsot 90% of eveything she owns was made and or customized by her. Shes very romantic even with just her friends, she loves to spoil them and get them things just because and she loves to be spoiled in return. Its the cute little things for her like rembering her favorite things or liking the same music as her.

|L I K E S|
The world is her oyster, she loves to be out in nature, come rain or sunshine she is always outside, she even has an outside art studio. Soeaking of with she loves to craat things, drawing, painting, sculpting, sewing she loves it all. She lives to cook and tey new things wven if she thinks she wint like them and she also loves to skateboard. She has a very good sincw of humor and loves to be around people who make her laugh. She has a major Sweet Tooth and a huge appetite and will eat just about anything sweet you put in front of her.

|D I S L I K E S|
There aren't many things that how do you draw the line at but lying to her is probably the biggest one. She's very forgiving and will probably forgive you no matter what you did as long as you told her the truth about it. She doesn't like bitter things then she doesn't like to be ignored but she definitely understands when people need their space as well. She absolutely hates being cooped up inside for too long and will often go outside to sit on her porch just to avoid being inside

|H A B I T S|
Drifting off into space
Biting her nails
Falling in love easily

Heath: she has Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis witch causes loss of moter fincrion and eventually will lead to her being paralyzed.

((Anything you think needs to be known))

|B A C K S T O R Y|
Addie was put up for adoption by her birth mother and while it was an open adoption she doesn't have a very big relationship with her birth mom. However she loves her two moms and couldn't be more happier with them. She had a very happy childhood for the most part but she went through the hardships every other child did as they grew up. She was in a very loving and supportive household all her life so she was never afraid to be who she was but she did get bullied a lot as a kid and even though she tried not to let it get to her sometimes words could hurt. Everything in her life was going smoothly until the day she turned 16 and was diagnosed with early onset Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or ALS). Being an aspiring artist of course this broke her heart but she had to be positive and stay strong not only for her mother's before herself. She has her good days and bad days and she knows eventually she will be completely paralyzed so it just makes every day that she can move more enjoyable

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