The Vist

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It's been four days sense the field trip and (Y/N) hasn't heard anything about Ryuzaki. The female paced her (F/C) room impatiently. She had a queen sized bed facing the door, two big windows beside the bed, also facing the door. She had a dresser at the left of her room and a closet on the right. She wasn't allowed to go anywhere till she was assessed. The female wondered if Ryuzaki was felling as caged as her.

"(Y/N), Explain to me why you left the group. You better have a good reason." A familiar voice broke the silence of the females pacing.


"I am here on business, you know the rules." The female stared at her father for a moment.

"I'm sorry Mr.(L/N)." (Y/N) still found it strange that she had to refer to her father by his last name, but she knew he strives for perfection.

"Why did you leave the group?" The male repeated.

"I saw a butterfly and I couldn't get the lesson about the butterfly effect out of my head."

"Why do you care about it?" The female looked at her father in confusion. With a sigh he elaborated. "The demon."

"He is not an it. He helped me when I needed it." Ozaki raised an eyebrow at his daughter.

"I will keep that off the record." He muttered under his breath.

"What, why!?" The female inquired.

"It is messing with your head, your not thinking clearly." He flatly stated as he turned around to exit the white door.

"No he's not! Why won't anyone believe me? Angles don't lie!" Without turning around or slowing his pace the male replied.

"No, they don't, but fallen angels do." And with that he closed the door.

Ryuzaki's POV:

The male paced back and forth in his tiny cell. Feeling slight humiliation that the cell was made like a bird cage.

"Let me in there now! Do I have to remind you I can get you fired this instant!?" A Males voice rang out. Ryuzaki turned towards the barred doors of his confinement to see a tall male with black hair. His face was twisted in an angered manner.

"What did you do to (Y/N)?" Despite the angered expression the males voice range out calmly.

"So, by your expression, i'm guessing you know her on a personal level?" The males eye twitched irritatingly, receiving a bright expression from the demon. "Ah, Brother? No, no, Father? Yes, that's the one!" In an Instant (Y/N)'s Father had Ryuzaki by the neck.

"I will ask the questions, and you will answer, understand?" Ryuzaki remained unmoved till the feeling of his lungs screaming for air was to much,he gave a slight nod. Ozaki lightened his grip so he still had the demon in his hand, but it allowed him to breath.

"Its gonna be hard to say anything like this!" The demons voice rasped at the effort to voice out his hinting comment.

"Your doing just fine. What are you doing to (Y/N)?" Ozaki repeated. 

Ryuzaki did not reply, earning a slight squeeze from Ozaki's hand as a warning. "Nothing."

"Truth only."Ozaki stated casually. "We can get the information from you the nice way or the hard way. It's your choice."

"And might I ask what the hard way is? Because obviously your not believing me this way." The demon attempted to move his hands, hissing silently once he felt the cold hand cuffs.

"SIR! You need to snap out of it! He has the ability to fester on your anger!" Ozaki immediately dropped Ryuzaki to the ground with a thud.

Ryuzaki let out gasps to relieve his lungs.

Ozaki's POV:

Ozaki had half a mind to snap at the male who had interfered when a though occurred to him. 'If I deny that this thing is making me angry then they would all find out the truth.'

"Thank you for snapping me out of it. Its probably best If I left for a bit." Ozaki began to walk away when a voice reached his ears.

"Where is (Y/N)?" Ozaki whirled around to look at the inquisitive gaze of the creature.

"Why do you care?" Ozaki asked back, trying to keep a cool head in front of his co-worker.

Ozaki's only response was an intense stare from the foul creature.

"What are you doing to (Y/N)?" The creatures mimicked, it's voice dropping a few octaves. His voice sounded like two or even three others speaking at the same time, but all where different octaves. 

Ozaki stared at the thing before him in shock. Ryuzaki began to chuckle, till it became a full out laugh.

Before Ozaki could say a word he felt his co-worker pulling him away.

(Y/N) POV:

The female enjoyed a(n) (F/F) as she waited for the chance to leave her room. She looked down at the meal in front of her and wondered how it would taste from the human realm. 'We have the same food as the humans, but are's is different some how. Human food is supposed to be richer, more filling.'

Her thought was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Come in?" The female stated quizzically.

"Hi darling, I know your feeling a bit cooped up in here, but I talked to your father and he told me It won't be too long now." (Y/N)'s mother replied. Almost as if on cue Ozaki walked into the room.

"Akiya, I need to talk to her."

"Ok, Remember she is your daughter, not a fallen angel." Akiya replyed with a tinge of knowing as she closed the door behind her.

"I need you to tell me everything that happened up to this point." Ozaki sat on the end of the bed next to his daughter and awaited her response.

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