The Decision

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The sound of a school bell pierced through the noise of chattering students, announcing the beginning of class.

"Ok everyone! Take your seats!" Mrs. Oshita instructed to her students. (Y/N) took the seat in the back again. Before she sat she saw Natsukawa smile at her from the seat next to hers. Slowly and with a sigh of irritation she took her seat.

"Hia (Y/N)!" Natsukawa beamed at the female. She glared at him in response.

"Whoa, d-did I do something?" Natsukawa stared blankly at her, obviously clueless of what he had done.

"Why didn't you believe me? You KNOW me! You're my best friend! My only friend. So why don't you believe me!?" The female felt heat of anger rise to her face. She felt tears threaten to spill but she refused to show weakness.

"(Y/N) I..."

"Are you listening back there?" Mrs. Oshita called, making both of them jump.

"Yes Mrs.Ozaki Sorry." They both replied. The male castes a glance back at the female, but she refused to look at him. Instead she tried to pay attention to Mrs.Oshita.

"Ok, as I was saying... every Angel has a different sized wing for there rank. Natalie, could you please come up here? And... (Y/N)?"

The female was taken by surprise as to why SHE was picked, but there wasn't much she could do about it.

"Now please go back to back and spread your wings to there full extent."

Both females did as instructed and confused sounds resonated from their classmates.

Wondering what all the fuss was about, (Y/N) looked at hers and Natalie's wings. (Y/N)'s white and feathered wings were bigger than Natalie's. Both girls were taken aback.

"W-wait! But I'm older than her! So I should be a higher rank than her!" Natalie fumed.

"You are right, but you are also wrong. (Y/N)'s father is part of the council, which in turn lifts her rank higher than her average age group. Now please take your seat so I may continue the lesson." Both females did as instructed.

"Now demons are more... Complicated. There rank is usually shown by their horns. But some are shown by the wings and sometimes even the color of their eyes. But they all have their family's crest. Whether they choose to have a tattoo or a necklace it is up to them." Mrs. Oshita walked to the whiteboard and drew an arrow. Then she drew a plus or cross shape next to it.

'That looks like the tattoo Ryuzaki had.' The female leaned forward, suddenly more interested in the lesson.

"Now these are two family crests. The Arrow is of the Maraku family. And this one," She pointed to the cross or plus sign, " Is of the Echiko family. They both are..."

"ATTENTION, IS (Y/N) PRESENT?" The speaker in the room blared.

"Yes she is."


"Sure thing, should she take her stuff?"


"Well, I guess I will have to catch you up on this. There will be a test on Monday."

(Time Skip)

The female hissed in aggravation at her luck. She walked into the office and was surprised to find her father there.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" There was an edge of sourness in her voice.

"It's about that thing. Just come with me." Before she could say a word he had grabbed her hand and was pulling her outside.

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