chapter eleven

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I ran down the road, almost screaming out of excitement when I reached the park.
" Why're you so excited to go to the park? " Blake laughed, sitting down on the swing calmly.
I threw myself at it, flying halfway into the air when I did so. I guess you could say I'm childish, but I just really love parks.
" We should've brought Clara, then that could've been my excuse to be here in the first place " I giggled, and Blake nodded enthusiastically.
We started to swing back and forth slowly, the cool air brushing against my skin and sending me goosebumps. My hair blew out of my face, which was perfect since it would've ruined my lipstick anyway. I love this this time of year, everything about it. Wearing hoodies, sweaters, boots, cuddling up in blankets, the snow... everything. But I also like summer, I enjoy both. Probably more of an autumn girl though  ;)

Blake noticed I was in deep thought and took that as his opportunity to push me off of the swing, making me land on the concrete beneath me with a thud.
" you bitch " I cursed, standing up and walking away towards the gate.
He followed behind me, and I could hear the faint snickers coming from him which
made me laugh.
" I thought you wanted to come here " Blake said as we left the park, and I began walking back to mine.
" let's go to mine instead " I laughed, and he nodded while following me down the road.

As soon as we turned the corner, I heard the snickering and whispers like I used to hear. It felt like I was back in high school, all of the bullying and rumours being spread.
" Hey Adylin " Brooke smirked, stepping in front of Blake and I.
I didn't reply, instead I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. I hate her, she's one of the many people at my old school who made everything so miserable for me.
" I see you're still hanging around with him... why? " She laughed, pointing at Blake.
" because he's a real friend, unlike you were, Brooke. We need to leave " I said quickly, trying to walk past her until she stepped back in front.

This bitch is just asking for trouble, isn't she?

" you think your all that Adylin but you're really not " She insulted, and I raised a brow at her.
She continued, as Blake and I exchanged looks while preparing to listen to her rant on and on about nothing.
" Ever since you got a following you changed, all you care about is popularity and you think you're someone so amazing! But you're not! You're just a self centred bitch! " She began, and I scoffed to myself.
She's such a hypocrite, all I care about is popularity? Sure, when she ditched our friendship to go hook up with any boy she could find in the school bathroom, or gossip about me like I wasn't even there with the others. And I'm the one wanting popularity and attention? Makes sense.
" Oh, and that thing with Grayson Dolan, he doesn't like you. He never will. It's obvious you're only talking to him for the fame and attention " She finished, obviously feeling pretty chuffed with herself.
That hurt a little, but I know it's not true, so why let it get to me?
" come on, lets go Lin " Blake said, grabbing onto my arm until I yanked it away.
" Lin, lets go " he warned, but instead I glared into Brooke's eyes, showing her that I wasn't scared at all.
I wish I could just rip her freaking hair out, along with her fake extensions.

Oh shit.... I did.

I grabbed her by her hair, pulling her down to the floor angrily and dragging her around. By now a group of people had formed a circle around us, filming the event and chanting.
She stood up, punching me in my stomach as I let out a groan. I fell to the floor, struggling to breathe. Once I regained all my vision, I looked up and saw Blake pulling her away from me while shouting at her, and I took that as my opportunity to jump at her. I pinned her down, punching at her face and stomach like she did to me. She stopped responding, instead just yelling at me to get off.
As soon as I stood up two arms grabbed me, pulling me away from the circle of people and dragging me away. I turned around one last time, noticing the damage I'd given to her.
Bloody face, bruised eye... she deserved it is all I'm going to say.

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