chapter thirty three

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Today is the most dreaded day of the week. The day I leave my boyfriend and fly back home to Texas. Its strange to think that I left Texas single and heart broken, but am returning taken by the boy I'm in love with.
I laid in bed, just staring at Grayson and taking in all his features, not wanting to be without him for a split second. I let out a sigh, as he stirred and let out a groan. He's awake.
" morning, Lin " he smiled, grabbing me by my waist and pulling me into his chest, kissing my cheek as he did so.
" morning " I said bluntly, hugging him tighter than ever.
Grayson knew why I was hugging him so tight, and he didn't mind. Instead he pulled me even closer, the fresh scent of his cologne hitting me as I breathed it in, never wanting to be without him. I felt his lips press against my wet cheek, kissing where my tears had fell. I didn't even know I was crying, but I was, and I couldn't help it.
" I'm going to miss you so much " I cried, as he ran a hand through my long hair.
" I'll miss you to Lin, but I'll come and visit as soon as I can " He whispered, his hands never leaving mine.
I looked up at him, staring into his hazel eyes which usually showed happiness and excitement, but this time just darkness.

My eyes wandered aimlessly around the room, landing on my already packed suitcase which was waiting for me at my door. I glared at it, not wanting to get up and leave this place. Before I could break the trance I was in, Grayson got up, walking straight into the bathroom to get ready. However, I stayed in bed. I needed a couple minutes alone to just think things through, and process the fact that I won't see my boyfriend for a couple months at the most.
" your flight leaves at 10:30, so you should probably get ready now " Gray advised, being on top of his schedule for once.
I rolled my eyes, sitting up and checking the time on my phone.
" you're acting as if you want me to leave " I joked, sighing a little as I spoke.
He smirked, throwing a hoodie over his head and then some joggers.
" trust me... I don't want you to leave, but I bet your family have missed you " Grayson chucked, now completely ready while standing by the desk.
A small smile grew on my face as I thought about seeing my mom and sister, but it quickly faded when I realised that I couldn't see them with Gray.

Once I was ready I grabbed the suitcase, slowly wheeling it out of the room while Grayson double checked that I had everything. I saw Blake at the end of the hallway, as he carried his suitcase towards me and brought me into a warm hug. I needed this from my bestfriend, since I'm guessing he was just as upset as I was to be leaving.
" we don't want to miss our flight, let's go " Blake mumbled, as Grayson, Ethan and Loren followed us down the corridor and to the lobby.
They wanted to come and wave us off, which I was very grateful for. Loren decided to stay an extra week, probably to be with Ethan and get to know him more. The twins live here in LA, so they're obviously staying. Blake and I live in Texas, so that's where we're heading.

Even though my home is now in LA
My home is Grayson

We were now stood outside the airport, saying our goodbyes. This was the part I was dreading the most.
" I'm actually going to miss you, Adylin " Ethan joked, as he pulled me into a hug.
I hugged back, chuckling a little at his goodbye.
" I love you Eth " I smiled, as he returned it.
Next was Loren, who jumped into my arms with watery eyes.
" I'm going to miss you so much, Adylin... but I'll come visit or you can come to me! " Loren said, pulling away and wiping her eye.
I nodded, saying my goodbye to her, before turning around slowly. As soon as I made eye contact with Grayson, I felt the tears brimming in my eyes, as he pulled me into his arms quickly. I felt something land on my shoulder, and I looked up to see a single tear on his cheek and now my hoodie. I couldn't hold it in anymore, tears threatening to leave until I held them back. I have to be strong, otherwise I'll break down.
" I love you so much, Lin " Grayson whispered into my ear, sending chills down my spine.
" I love you too " I whispered back, standing on my tiptoes to connect my lips with his.
This kiss was so much more slow, as if we were treasuring it and making sure that we'd remain in this position for much longer. Because that's what we wanted. I wanted to be in his arms and never leave. The past week that I've spent with him has been the best week of my life, without a doubt. And I've never met anyone who can make me feel the way he does.
I pulled away, slowly walking towards the entry. When our hands disconnected I felt lonely, even though it was just a second ago that I was hugging him. I felt Blake's presence beside me, as we walked into the airport.
I turned around one more time, seeing all of them watch us while waving. I waved, before continuing to walk inside with Blake. I wanted to turn around again, but I couldn't. I knew that if I did, I'd go running back.

A/N- aw the feels

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