chapter four

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Adylin's POV:

I breathed a sigh of relief, smiling lightly. My phone beeped again and my eyes opened widely at his reply.

@graysondolan: DM me X @adylinross

I noticed that he'd followed me, and I quickly tapped on his name to message him. I had no clue what I was getting myself into, but little did I know that, that kiss marry kill game had pretty much changed everything already...


Adylin: Hey, you told me to dm you? :)

Grayson: Yeah I did, I just wanted to talk to you

Adylin: okay?

Grayson: I liked your video, it was really funny

Adylin: Thanks :)

Grayson: it was cute

Adylin: Thanks again haha

Grayson: where are you from?

Adylin: Texas, wbu?

Grayson: New Jersey, but I live in LA. I share an apartment with Ethan, I'm guessing you know who he is too haha

Adylin: Yeah I do😂 I live with my mom and little sister

Grayson: that's cute

Adylin: she's seven, so I look after her a lot

Grayson: that's nice of you, Ethan never looks after me

Adylin: yeah well me and my sister have a 10 year age gap😂

Grayson: so you're 17?

Adylin: yeah, why?😂

Grayson: no reason

I didn't know how to reply to that, and before I could I heard loud laughs coming from Clara, and screams coming from Blake.

Adylin: I better get going now though, I can pretty much hear my bestfriend screaming at the TV from up here😂

Grayson: okay, message me later? X

Adylin: sure, bye :)

Grayson: Bye Lin x

Lin. Only Blake calls me Lin. I can't say I didn't like it though... I went back down to the living room, this time with my phone, and sat down next to Blake.
" what was all that tweeting about? " he smirked, as I rolled my eyes.
" did you DM him? " he asked, and I nodded.
" I wanna see! " he laughed, trying to snatch my phone out of my hand until I hid it.
" no can do " I joked, and he chuckled.
It was silent, as Clara jumped around the room and danced to the song on the TV.
" I bet you guys will start dating " Blake smirked, and I punched his arm.
" we won't " I laughed, and he raised a brow.
" really? He seemed pretty flirtatious on twitter, everybody saw it " He said.
" he even asked you to DM him, he doesn't usually do that publicly on twitter does he? " He smirked even more, raising a brow at me.
" He only tweeted it so that I'd know to DM him " I said, and Blake laughed loudly.
" or, he tweeted it publicly so that people would know that he's reserved you, or made it clear that your his " He said, and I gave him a funny look.
" no " I said, and he shrugged.
" just sayin, because I know what'll happen and I look forward for the day " He smiled.
I shook my head, laughing lightly before turning to face him.
" listen... I don't even know if he'll remember me by tomorrow, so probably not. Even if he does, who knows if we'll become anything? And if we do, it'll be friends. FRIENDS. Okay? " I explained, but it didn't faze him.
" okay, we all know that when we go to that YouTube event in California that he'll be there an you'll fall in love " He giggled.

Oh shit, he will be there.

I shook my head, laughing at how he thinks that. Grayson would never like me like that, we only just started talking to each other 10 minutes ago! It wasn't even flirting, it was being friendly. He would never like me, and I know what if we do become anything it'll be friends.

" I won't fall in love " I said, and he sent me a funny look.
" I bet you will " he repeated.
" I won't " I said for the fiftieth time.
" mkay " he shrugged, but I know he still thinks I will.

I won't, and neither will Grayson. What is there to like about me anyway? If anything, we'll be friends. Friends, nothing else. How does Blake think that I'll fall in love with someone who I pretty much met over a game of kiss marry kill? He's wrong...

or I thought he would be.

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