chapter seventeen

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Here we are, the moment I've been dreading ever since I reunited with Loren at the mall. She's going home, and I'm currently at the airport with Blake dropping her off.
" I'll miss you guys, but I'll see you in what... 6 days?? " She asked, and I nodded with a laugh.
" yep, 6 days... it still feels to long " I frowned, and she wrapped her arms around me.
" I love you guys " she smiled, hugging Blake too before grabbing her suitcase.
" I had the best time, and I'll definitely come back! I'll see you in Cali, bye " She waved, as we waved back and she walked away.
Once she wasn't in sight, we got back into the car, and I drove Blake back to his house since he had to help his mom with something.
" Thanks for the ride biatch " Blake smirked, closing the car door as I rolled the window down fully.
" byeeee! " I yelled with a laugh, driving off back to my house after.
I listened to a lot of Shawn Mendes in the car, singing my heart out and even filming it on my Snapchat. Don't worry, I stayed safe!

Once I reached my house I checked my phone for any messages like I usually do, scrunching up my nose when I saw Ethan's name pop up. He never usually texts unless it's about his brother and I, so I instantly picked it up and quickly entered our messages. Just knowing that Grayson's okay would make me feel a little better.

Ethan: Adylin we need to talk right now

Adylin: what about?

Ethan: I need to tell you something... but just know that you don't deserve any of this

What? My heart dropped and my hands began to shake, I didn't know how to reply.

Adylin: what's happened?

Ethan: has Grayson been answering your calls or texts?

Adylin: no

Ethan: well... he told me that you both said you liked each other, did you?

Adylin: yeah we did, we said we'd wait until we meet to talk about it though...

Ethan: this is messed up, just know that I'm annoyed at him too

Adylin: Ethan, just tell me

I was still sitting in my car, gulping nervously while waiting for a reply. What did he mean by I didn't deserve this? I'm so confused, but it all made sense when he messaged back quickly.

Ethan: Grayson's been spending a bit of time with his ex the past couple days...

Adylin: and? They could just be friends

Ethan: Adylin, he slept with his ex and has been spending so much time with her

My heart stopped, and I felt the tears brimming in my eyes. I don't know why, he's not even my boyfriend!! I've never even met him! He just made me feel like I had a chance, after so long of hating myself and thinking I'm useless.... he gets my hopes up and tells me he likes me back, and says that we'll figure this out when we meet, but then goes and sleeps with his ex?!? He clearly didn't like me, just messing with my mind like everyone else does. And to think that I trusted him, and shared so much with him that I haven't told anyone else.

Adylin: are you being serious?

Ethan: yes... but Adylin I know I said that you don't deserve this, and you really don't... but please fix this with him. He needs you, and he hasn't been messaging you out of guilt for it, just trust me

Adylin: tell him I'm done. He can't make me feel like I have a chance and then do that, I feel like shit Ethan

Ethan: please fix it with him

Adylin: no, Ethan. So much for fucking liking me back, if he did would he sleep with his ex?? He said that we'd make something of this when we meet!! He can't make me feel like that Ethan.

Ethan: I understand that Adylin but hear him out, please
Read ( 12:34pm )

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