chapter thirty seven

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I rolled out of bed, instantly landing on Blake which managed to wake him up.
" what time is it? " he yawned, as I stood up and checked my phone.
" 10:15 " I said quickly, gasping as soon as I remembered.
" their flight lands at 11:45!! They're coming so soon! " I screamed in excitement, jumping onto my bed and dancing happily.
I honestly can't believe that I haven't seen everyone in a month, and I'm still trying to process the fact that I'm reuniting with them today. But one person in particular, I have missed even more. My boyfriend.
" Lets go get breakfast, I know that your mom cooks the best pancakes " Blake smirked, standing up and rushing down the stairs to retrieve his food.
I followed him, the delicious smell instantly filling the air as I stepped inside the kitchen. My mom was standing by the oven, flipping a perfectly shaped pancake in the pain before sliding it onto a plate. There were two plates, with the neatest stack of goods on them. I ran over to mine, taking the plate while thanking my mom. I obviously had chocolate chips, strawberries and raspberries on mine, while Blake had syrup and a selection of his favourite toppings.
" these are so good, Dani " Blake said to my mom, who smiled widely at his compliment.
" thank you, Blake! I know how much you used to love my pancakes when you were little... sometimes you would beg your parents to let you come over just for pancakes in the morning... " My mom chuckled, and I smiled at the memory of fetus Blake.
" I mean, you can't blame me " Blake laughed, as my mom sat down on the sofa and continued watching peppa pig with Clara.
" Adylin has some friends coming over today, and her boyfriend " My mom said to Clara, as she whipped her head around in my direction.
" will they play with me? " She shouted, the hope obvious in her voice.
" I'm sure they will, especially Grayson " I chuckled, remembering how he said that he couldn't wait to meet her.
" is Grayson your boyfriend? " She asked, making me feel as if I were being quizzed.
" yes " I laughed, as my mom clapped her hands.
" I'm so excited to meet him! They seem really funny, I did my research " Mom smirked, as Blake and I gasped.
" you googled my boyfriend? " I asked her, raising a brow and laughing.
" yep, I watched some of their videos... and let me say, you have good taste in boys " She giggled, as Blake bursted out laughing.

Once we'd finished our breakfast we headed upstairs to get ready. It was now 11:00, and we chose our outfits and prepared ourselves for the big day. The day when I reunite with Loren, the day I reunite with Ethan, the day I meet Hunter and Brandon, and most importantly... the day I reunite with my boyfriend.
" do I look okay? " I asked Blake nervously, running my hands up and down my outfit.
" you look great, why're you so worried? " He laughed.
" because! " I huffed, looking into the mirror one last time and sighing.
" Lin... he's your boyfriend, he fell in love with you, and he's still in love with you... trust me on that one " Blake advised, and I smiled at what he'd said.
He must've read my mind, because Grayson was all I was thinking about when I doubted my appearance.
" you have a way with words, my friend " I smirked, patting Blake on the shoulder.
" I know I do " He joked, sitting down on my bed and scrolling through Instagram.
I did my hair, straightening it like I usually do while singing along to the Despacito Remix.
" I still don't understand how you're so good at Spanish " Blake chuckled, filming me singing for Snapchat.
I've explained it to him so many times, but I'm guessing that he never listens each time I do.
My moms grandma was part Spanish, and she could speak the language fluently. She obviously taught my grandma, followed by my mom, and then it went on. It kind of flows in the family. My mom can't speak Spanish fluently, but I studied it in school too. I'm pretty good with it, I guess.
" Lin, it's 11:30... they'll be landing in fifteen " Blake said, standing up and slipping on his shoes.
I finished my hair, turning off the straighteners and grabbing my phone. We ran down the stairs, as I slid on my ugg boots and grabbed my car keys from the table.
" we're going to pick them up now, we'll be back soon " I told my mom, who nodded.
" drive safe! " She yelled, before I closed the door and climbed into the drivers seat of my car.
" you ready for this? " Blake asked me, as I started the engine and pulled the car out of the driveway.
" yep " I chuckled, while turning up the music, starting to hum along to the lyrics of the song.
Blake as usual danced wildly in the passengers seat, singing the occasional lyric if he knew it.
I live really close to the airport, so within five minutes, we'd reached our destination. I started to get nervous as we reached the arrivals area, and I parked the car just outside.

Blake and I were walking beside one another in silence, obviously both too excited for words. I was ecstatic, but nervous too. What if things have changed for Grayson within the month we've been apart? I hope not. I threw the thought to the back of my mind, as we reached the large area where we could wait for them.
After a good ten minutes of waiting, I pulled out my phone and began filming for snapchat.
" so right now Blake and I are waiting at the airport to pick up some special guests, you'll see who soon " I smirked, turning the camera around and zooming in on Blake's face.
I clearly caught him off guard, as he was staring into space at nothing in particular. He had the funniest smile on his face, which made me burst into a fit of laughter beside him.
He turned his attention back to me, confused at what I was laughing at. I didn't say anything, instead I showed him the video while in hysterics. I even cut around his face at the end so I could savour it.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard a familiar voice shout at us, and I swivelled around on my heel quickly, smiling at the first person I saw...



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