Chapter 3

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Kaitlyn's POV

I open my eyes to the sound of Layla singing "Lay what's the time?" I shout over to her "It's 8:30 we have to be at work for 10 I didn't mean to wake you Kat" She walks into my room smiling cheerily I forgot to put my pyjamas on last night. "Kat you wanna go out for abit I am meeting some friends you could tag along?" Layla replies smiling. "Friends....who?" I say quite surprised she never goes out with 'other friends'. "Chill it's just me Nicki , Brie and You if you wanna join us?" Layla mutters happily. "Sorry did you say your going out with the bitch twins?" I say rather pissed of. "Don't call them that be nice Kaitlyn there actually really nice girls" Layla says giving me the evils. "Lay it was only yesterday you were slagging them of" I say trying not to get into an argument. "Whatever Kaitlyn do what you want" Layla replies slamming my door.

1hour later

Phil's POV

Mine and Kaitlyn's date last night went well I really like her I think she feels the same I will text her I slip my phone out my works pants pocket and type in my pass code

Hey Kaitlyn last night was great I could give you a lift into work today?

I press send anxiously not expecting a reply straight away.

Hey Phil I would love that and last was really fun we should do it again sometime. X

She put a kiss at the end I didn't put one I better text back but Maybe not straight away or she'll think I was waiting for the text aww what the hell you only live once.

Yeah I will pick you up at 10 mins till 10 see you then xx

I put two kisses just to show her I ain't scared of putting X's. I can't wait to see her anyway I better get ready.

John's POV

I decided to come into work early today me and Nicole are having a bit of a rough patch "Hey John what are you doing in so early it's unlike you?" Randy moans frowning. "Just needed some peace you know" I reply sitting down at my computer. "Aww John have you fallen out with Nicki" Randy replies sarcastically. "Dude don't be such a dick about it and yeah we have" I say sighing logging in. "Johnny I have known you along time I am saying this as your best friend she isn't worth your time" Randy replies putting his hand on my shoulder. "Randy please don't dude get to know her she is a great person" I say removing his hand from my shoulder "Ok dude but I am just warning you she will break your heart" Randy replies walking over to his desk.

10:00 am

As I look threw my emails for the 1000 time I notice Kaitlyn walk into the room with a sport coat on and a pair of tight black jeans I haven't properly spoke to her wait she is with Phil they must be a thing now..I was to late I guess.

Kaitlyn's POV

I sit down at my desk and sigh logging in. "Hey Kat you forgot your lunch in my car" Phil says handing me my lunch box. "Thanks phil I say placing it in my bottom drawer "See you later Kat" He replies walking over to his desk. I look around the office for Layla we ended things today on bad terms I happen to look in John's direction he looks stressed maybe I should talk to him but that would look stupid so I decide to get on with my work. My phone buzzes i sigh worriedly and find a text from Layla.

Kaitlyn I think it would be best if you move out.. This has been a long time coming we are two totally different people I hope you understand xo

I am shocked I feel a chill going up my spine and feel myself going white. I walk over to the water cooler to get a drink I rest my head against the wall. "Hey Kaitlyn are you alright?" John asks worriedly I didn't even notice him walking towards me. " not really John see my room mate has kicked me out" I say with tears in my eyes. "Aww I am sorry to hear that Layla is quite a nice girl I am sure she will change her mind" John replies getting a drink of water. "I dunno it's really complicated" I reply trying to hold back the tears. Never cry in front of a stranger that is something I have learned. "Tell me how it is complicated" John replies smirking. "Well she is friends with someone I don't like and she accused me of basically ruining her life" I say putting my head in my hands. "Hey hey don't cry" John says hugging me. "Kaitlyn are you ok?" Phil says almost running over to me placing one arm around me. "John you can get back to your work I will sort it out" Phil replies shooting John a nasty look.


Ugh it's time to go home it was so nice of Phil to offer me a place to stay but I couldn't accept I will just move in with my mum for awhile while I find a place to stay. I walk out of the tall yet homey building and walk towards the bus stop. "Hey Kaitlyn do you want a ride home?" Nicki murmurs pulling me out of my day dream "No Nicole it's ok honestly I will just get the bus" I reply smiling back. "No babe I can't have you doing that please I am offering" She says. What's the worst that could happen...well she could try and kill me but Atleast then I wouldn't have to be tormented anymore "Ok thank you" I reply sitting in the back seat not even noticing that John was is in the car. "So is everything ok now Kaitlyn" he starts a conversation with me. "Yeah...I am just gonna stay with my mum for abit while I find an apartment" I reply smiling at him his dimples are so adorable.

10 minutes later

"Thanks for the ride Nicki it was so nice of you" I say smiling "No problem I will see you at work tomorrow" she replies with what looks like a genuine smile. "Bye Kat see ya around" John replies I really don't want him to go. I walk up to the house and walk in "Hey..Layla I will be on my way soon my mum will be picking me up" I say walking to my room not wanting to make eye contact with her. "Kat..I am sorry I snapped it was early in the morning and you know what I get like" she says trying to hug me. "Layla I think your right I think one more argument and we will rip each other's hair out and I don't want that" I reply quickly throwing things in suitcases.

2 hours later

As I wait outside for my mum I think about what I actually wanna do with my life because I don't wanna work at a call centre all my life. Maybe a lawyer or something I see my mums car pull up in the lot and I walk over saying my final goodbyes to the apartment I once loved "Hey mum how are you" I say lugging my suitcases into the car. "Darling what is going on?" She replies driving home. "I fell out with Layla I just wanna be on my own mum you can understand and I have missed you" I say smiling at her. My phone buzzes I take it out my jacket pocket.

'Hey it's John I hope your alright I am sure living with your mum ain't to bad lol.'

I laugh just the thought of him brings a smile to my face.

'Very funny you actually made me smile and sorry about Phil earlier =)'

I reply and put my phone back In my pocket it have no idea where I am going in life but I know I wanna be in John's arms....

Thank you for reading guys it means a lot and thanks to my friends on twitter who have read this. Plus a big thank you to Crazy4Kaitlyn ❤️ keep reading guys will update A.S.A.P =)

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