Chapter 10

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John's POV

How could she fucking do this to me I can't believe her "" Kaitlyn says looking at the picture of my best friend Randy and my long time girlfriend Nicki snogging each others faces of. "I...can't believe it...i expected it from him but not her I knew It wouldn't last but not this way" I reply tears rolling down my face "I understand you love her John who sent it?" She replies sitting next to me hugging me "Randy did...I can't believe it but I didn't love her I never did" he replies looking up at me. his eyes sparkles "then why are you so upset darling?" I say feeling bad "Because randy is my best friend well was I need to call her" he replies angrily "no no wait till she comes in tonight do you want to go home?" I say putting my hand on his shoulder "no no I want to be here with you" he replies holding my hand smiling at me. I sigh and make him a hot chocolate. He just sits there in silence no word is spoken and no crying "John?" I say plainly "what?" He replies then takes a deep sigh "I am sorry for everything your a really great guy" I say smiling taking him over his hot drink. "Could I stay here tonight?" He says a tear running down his cheek "yeah of course" I go and grab spare pillows from the cupboard and a blanket "So here you go John" I say handing them to him and hugging him. "I am glad I have a friend who I can trust" he says pulling me on the couch beside him the lights go and so does the TV what the fuck "are you ok?" He replies sighing holding my hand "I hate the dark when I was younger I had a lot of nightmares I had to see a phycologist about it" I say frightened "shh it's ok" he replies "it's probably a power cut the wind outside is quite bad lets just sleep" he says stern pulling the covers over both of us now lying down and two soft pillows behind my head. He kisses my forehead and I snuggle into him. He makes all the nightmares seem like nothing I have completely fallen for John.

Once he closes his eyes I whisper something it's been coming along time "John you no idea how much I love you whenever your around me I get butterflies your smile can light up a room and it's lightened my life please never leave me" I say a tear rolling down my face "Kaitlyn I can't explain my love for but I promise you that I will be here forever and always" he smiles snuggling into me more I drift into sleep the man I loves arms around me.


I awake John gone from beside me I sigh he must of left to see Nicki. I take my phone siting on the table beside me and call his number "Hello..John what's happening?" I say worriedly. "'s over we got into a massive row I am at my place" he says sighing I could here in his voice he has been crying "Do you want me to come round?" I say tiredly. "Yeah that would mean a lot I have the rest of the week of because Vince says it hasn't been very busy" he replies. "Oh ok well I will go get ready I will see you shortly" I reply with butterflies. I can't believe how lucky I am that I met him.

1 hour later

I click of my car and sort my hair nervously and walks over to John's door "Hey there" he says with a slight smile. "Hey can I come in" I say smirking "Yeah of course come on in" he says leaving space for me to walk through I brush past his abs and blush "So how are you this morning John?" I say sighing. "Better sorry I left I just remembered I had to go and see Nicki but it's over now and I haven't spoke to randy yet." He says pinching his top of his nose angrily. "Ok do you want me to do it?" I say willingly "No thanks for asking though" he replies sipping his coffee. "Right what do you want to do today then?" I say clapping my hands. He laughs "what's so funny?" I say blushing "your cute when you get all serious" he says laughing "I have a pool fancy a swim?" He adds smirking. "Sorry I don't have my swim suit" I say giggling. "Just swim in your bra and pants" he says giggling "shut up you wish" I say blushing and laughing. "Yeah I have one of Nicki's old swim suits" he replies. "Mm I dunno" I say biting my lip "Please" he says pulling on my arm. "Ok i suppose" John collects two towels and lays them in his garden next to the pool. He takes of his top and jumps in the pool wearing a pair of shorts. "I better go change" I say laughing shaking my head at him walking up the long staircase I find John's room and rummage through the wardrobe and find it. The top half is a blue bikini with a little American flag on it and the bottom half is blue and has laces coming down it.

5 minutes later

John's POV

I swim around for a bit then all I see is Kaitlyn in this gorgeous 2 piece I can't deny it she is sexy. "WOW" I say not meaning to say out loud Kaitlyn giggles and jumps in. I hand her a glass of champagne and she smiles "So you and Phil is that a thing?" I say taking a sip from the bottle she laughs "I suppose not he wanted to meet up with me" she says rubbing her head. "Right well how I said I felt on the weekend I still feel that way" I say laying my feelings on the table. "John this ain't good for you right now i want you to be happy." She replies putting her hand on my shoulder.

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE THEN!" Nick yells above me. "Nicki I already told you it's over please leave" I say stressed. "You fucking heard him dumb slut" Kaitlyn exclaims angrily now standing beside Nicki. The next thing i see is Kaitlyn lying on the ground her head bleeding and I pull my phone out to call an ambulance Nicki running out of my house and speeding away. Now I realise what I have to do.

Thanks for all the support guys sorry it took me so long to update but hopefully Chapter 11 will be up by the end of the week. :) follow me on twitter @CenaFeels

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