Chapter 9

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Kaitlyn's POV

"Don't can't leave" Phil says frowning "I was going to tell you Phil I am so sorry" I reply crying "don't leave..please I need you here" he replies embracing me into a hug "Babe I am so sorry" I whisper into his ear. "But....I love you" Phil whispers back is have butterflies he pulls me into a soft lingering kiss that needed to happen I pull on the back of his head he wipes the tears from my face and hugs me with no words needed.

In the morning

AJ shakes me "BABE! come on we are going home apparently there is supposed to be a massive storm this afternoon" she exclaims packing "oh ok can you help me pack" I say feeling like shit "ughhh fine but you owe me" AJ replies stuffing things into my bag "wow..chillaxe what's up" I reply worriedly "It's just.. Dolph is seeing someone else I saw texts" AJ replies crying. "Aww babe I am so sorry.. I AM GONNA GO FIND HIM" I say angrily leaving the tent and running over to him. "AJ is to good for you Dolph you giant shit!" I shout punching him "WOW get of him..calm down Kaitlyn!" John shouts pulling me of him "I will take her to cool down" he adds pulling me down the hill "Wow John you want don't talk to me" I shout pushing him of me. He kisses me roughly "I am sorry I can't keep away from you" he whispers still kissing me "John please don't make this hard for me" I say stroking his face "What do you mean?" He says seriously "I...I am leaving to live in Texas..with my sister" I say whispering in his ear "What..why?" He says shocked "because I need to find a job and when I am around you I just can't keep myself away from you I am sorry" I reply sitting up. "Kaitlyn..I don't want you to go I want to be with you..because in a weird way you have made me feel like this amazing person but I am only like that when I am with you" John replies his index finger stroking my cheek. "Well I am..sorry but it's time to change I love you but you don't feel the same" I say standing up against the tree "KAITLYN! come on we better get back before it starts" AJ shouts down at me. "Bye John i guess this is goodbye I want to thank you for giving me the chance to love you..I don't want to but I have to I will never forget you" I say kissing his cheek. "You go home and I will text you I want you in my life whatever it takes" he replies grabbing hold of my waist and pulling me close. "Goodbye John" I say leaving tears rolling down my face.

In the car

I rub the tears from my eyes again I am so sick of crying all the time "Hey babe I am sorry" AJ says holding my hand but still concentrating the wind is starting to pick up and the rain is torrential I am so glad we all made it in the car things could have turned nasty my phone buzzes:

Hey Kaitlyn we need to talk when we get back x

It's Phil oh god I completely forgot about him "So Kaitlyn how are things now with the whole John thing?" AJ says biting her lip "very complicated I really love him AJ but it feels like he doesn't really care but he keeps coming back" I reply looking out the car window "babe stay at mine tonight you have your stuff and you we'll have a good night and sort everything out" AJ replies smiling "yeah Hun I would love that I better text my mum and let her know" I say smiling texting my mum

Mum I won't be back till tomorrow I am staying with AJ love you xxx

and send "AJ Phil text me earlier saying wants to meet up with me when we get back" I say replying to his text

Ok where do you want to meet xx

"Kaitlyn don't do this you either like John or Phil?" It really does feel like that and maybe that's what I have been angry and upset about all this time. "I realise that AJ I just I don't know what i am doing right now" I reply upset. "I understand that but I just want you to make the right choice" she replies smiling at me "yeah thanks Hun and I forgot to tell you Layla spoke to me" I say biting my bottom lip. "Wait..what that bitch she called me this morning telling me that your ignoring her" she replies angrily "right that's it the next time I see that girl I will rip her fucking hair out" I say getting pissed off. AJ giggles I wonder what John's doing right now probably driving "So are you coming out tonight babe massive night out we arranged it before we left" AJ exclaims excitedly "no I might just stay in and watch a movie" I reply happily. "Boring! Please Atleast think about it?" she replies reaching her house "if I stay I might think about getting another roomie I am not living with my mum all my days" I say sighing. "Hey..stay with me I mean I don't have a room mate or anything and we are like besties" AJ replies even more excited. "Yeah! I love that idea" I reply smiling. We get out of the car pulling the luggage out of the car into AJs luscious house. "So when do you want to move in?" AJ squeals excitedly "Babe remember I am looking for a job in texas" I reply instantly forgetting "No wait you said you were given an offer what you haven't been given an offer?" AJ shouts with a slight bit of happiness "I am sorry yeah I wasn't given an offer but I was going to go and stay with my sister" I reply closing the door. "Your staying here with me and you will find you Prince I am sure it's either John or Phil trust me" AJ replies taking her suitcase upstairs. "Yeah..I suppose I guess anytime really" I say sighing waiting for her to click. "anytime what?" AJ says confused "" I say with a big grin on my face. "I can't wait just go and collect your stuff from your mum's tomorrow" She replies jumping up and down.

John's POV

I can't stop thinking about her why does she have to be...the one "What you thinking about baby" Nicki exclaims sipping her glass of wine "Nothing just how beautiful you are" I reply cheesily "Aww are you coming out tonight there's gonna be a lot of us" Nicki replies now sitting on my lap "Yup who's all coming?" I reply hoping Kaitlyn will be there. "Just us that went on the camping trip and Seth and Roman are coming into town so there joining us" she replies "cool cool is Layla and Kaitlyn coming" I say trying to hide my grin "Yeah both of them so I dunno what's going to happen but I think Kaitlyn and Phil are dating so he'll have her back" she replies giggling wait Kaitlyn and Phil seriously together "Cool I don't think I will go I don't feel to well" I reply lying just not wanting to see Kaitlyn and Phil "Aww I will stay home with you" Nicki says sighing "no you go out and have a good time" I reply with a fake smile "Ok babe well I am gonna go round to Brie and Bryans to get ready" She replies kissing me then picking up a bag of clothes and leaving. I take my phone out of my pocket and text

'Have a good time tonight..'

sent I am so tired of all this crap I just want to be with her.

'I am not going having a quite night in myself in a hot bubble bath :)'

Kaitlyn replies my heart in my mouth she's not going with Phil I hope she's not given up on me.

'Can I come round I want to talk to you.'

I reply sighing not thinking she will reply but she does instantly.

'I don't think that's a good idea John your right I need to forget you I am sorry'

I text back

'Please I will bring pizza I just wanna hang out'

I reply pushing my luck but I really need to see her face.

'Ok..10pm the girls go out at 9:30 so it gives you time to get the pizza ;)'

She replies I can't wait to see her I need to talk to her I need to tell her how I really feel. It's just really complicated "Come on John be a man" I say out loud to myself.

Kaitlyn's POV


I decided to change I put my jean shorts and my hoodie on get comfy and I set up the DVD player I shouldn't be nervous but I am. The doorbell rings I take one big breath in and out and answer it. "Hey John come in" I exclaim smiling at him he looks amazing wearing a pair of jeans and a simple shirt he looks casual but the best thing I have ever seen. "oh you brought the pizza" I mutter happily "yeah of course I did that was my part of the deal" he replies winking my stomach jumps at that I try to hide my embarrassment I just can't believe I am here with him "So..what did you want to talk to me about?" I say nervously opening a bottle of wine and pouring it into two glasses "well I just wanted to know where we stand?" John replies eating a slice of pizza "Well...I am not sure I thought we could just be friends but I don't know If it will work" I say sighing "Mhh..what so you like me?" John says playing with his wine glass "yeah...a lot but you are dating Nicki so we have to keep it friendly" I say trying not to laugh seriously friendly. "I don't think i can go through life not being with you...kaitlyn" our foreheads touch.

John's phone bleeps It gives me a scare he looks at his phone with disgust I take the phone out his hands

Thanks for reading Chapter 9 of Work/Life it means a lot guys follow me on twitter @CenaFeels and tell me what you think will update ASAP.

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