Chapter 8

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I have the perfect plan for John's get away he can say he's going home for the weekend and well to be fair no one cares where Kaitlyn is going. I laugh to myself and I can say I am going with Kaitlyn so it doesn't look weird "So should I tell John about the plan?" She exclaims happily. "Yeah do it now" I reply smiling. Kaitlyn takes out her phone and texts away I wonder what Dolph is doing never mind that the now. Kaitlyn's phone buzzes and she giggles "what did he say?" I say squeaking. "He said can't wait to get you alone!" She says her face turning bright red. "Eek I can't wait to here all the sexy details" I reply giggling. ""Shut up AJ I can't wait to finally spend time with him we are going to Hawaii from next Friday till Monday" Kaitlyn says her smile widening.

Kaitlyn's POV


I am so excited I am going to Hawaii with the man I love lucky for me I have money saved up it was supposed to be for the summer me and Layla were gonna go to Rome but that's canceled. I am sitting watching John and nicki flirt and laugh I sigh and look away. "Hey you how are you feeling?" Phil says smiling at me. "I feel better thanks how about you?" I say smiling. "Not bad" he says smiling "guys lets play truth or dare" Brie exclaims. No thank you not after last time everyone sits in a circle and I attempt to walk away "come on babe if she starts I will punch her in the face" AJ exclaims smiling. i decide to join the circle to cause less drama "John you start" Brie shouts. I look over at John and smile he is to busy looking at Phil "this ones for you truth or dare?" John smiles pointing at him. "Mmm...Truth" Phil says glaring at him "Do you have a crush if so who?" John exclaims smiling "yes..I do and she's here right now but that's all I am saying" Phil says his face turning slightly red. "No you have to say" Nicki says smiling I gulp anxiously "Kaitlyn I like you and I understand you don't feel the same way" Phil says smiling over at me I feel my heart in my mouth. "ok ok it's my go" Nicki shouts clapping get hands together "Kaityln truth or dare?" she says I know what she excepts me to do John thinks he can make me feels jealous well he is gonna be surprised. "Dare" i say with no emotion "I dare you to kiss Phil!"she says pointing at him giggling randy shouts something but I don't make it out because I am so nervous I look over at John who looks like he doesn't give a shit then I look at Phil who looks almost needing my affection I walk over to him and kiss his lips softly he pulls me into it and slips his hand up my shirt I pull away and walk back Nicki,Brie and AJ screaming because of what just happened randy congratulates Phil and laughs. I shouldn't of done that.....I love John but he is pulling Nicki along and it's not fair maybe I should just stop and say enough Phil is an amazing handsome guy and John well he is perfect to me in every way but he's cheating.

I walk down to the lake slipping myself away from the group without them noticing and think about things "Hey Kaitlyn I want to apologise about everything I hope we can be friends" Nicki smiles hugging me "sure fresh start" I say smiling not meaning it. "so you and Phil huh?" She says giggling "yeah I didn't expect it how are you and John" I say noisily. "He has been quite distant actually" Nicki replies sighing "aww don't worry babe guys do that" I say smiling at her. She kisses my cheek then leaves back to the circle. I close my eyes then I feel lips on mine which startles me "John what the hell you scared me" I say my heart beating one thousand times faster "your asking me what the hell what happened between you and phil?" He says looking hurt. "John...I just don't think you care I love you more than anything and you have nicki" I reply sighing. "Kat..after everything you think I don't care I need you I want you no one else I love you more than anything on this planet" he replies lying on top of me pressing his forehead against mine. "Next weekend it's just you and me" he says kissing me softly. I tangle my fingers in his and look him in the diamond blue eyes I don't think I could love anyone as much as I love him. "I can't wait John what should I do about phil?" I say biting my lip "well you could tell him that your not interested are you?" John replies sighing "of course not but Nicki keeps saying I should go for it" I reply kissing his neck "oh well don't because I love you and I don't want him to touch you did you enjoy the kiss you had with him" John says caressing my cheek with his left hand "no no course not" I say honestly. "Why did you do it" he says now sitting next to me "i got jealous seeing you two together so happy it just made me snap" I say feeling guilty.

John's POV

This whole thing is totally complicated Kaitlyn holds my hand and places her head against mine "John I can't tell you enough how much i love you" she says smiling "Kat I can't..I can't do this right now not to Nicki we can be friends but nothing else till I sort my head out" I say a tear rolling down her eye "oh..ok I understand yeah lets just be friends" she replies wiping her eyes. I don't know how I feel everything is just to much.. She gets up and runs back up to camp I sit with my head in my hands I walk back up to camp my excuse was I needed the toilet I sit down next to Nicki my head is pounding Kaitlyn is sitting opposite me with tears in her eyes. Nicki smiles at me and nuzzles into my neck her hair smells of strawberries. i watch Phil walk over nervously and whisper something in Kaitlyn's ear I try not to look but can't help myself they walk of down the hill towards the lake Kaitlyn now smiling what the hell?

Kaitlyn's POV

John's right it would never work we can only be friends I guess...but I love him push those feelings away and never think about it ever again "So..I wanted to know if you wanted to go out on a date when we get back?' Phil says nervously. "Yeah yeah I would love that" I say getting butterflies he leans in and kisses me softly his body smells of lynx maybe moving on is the best thing I can do "Phil..thank you" I say smiling "wait what for?" He says confused "for coming into my life" I say cheesily he pulls me into a hard kiss not tender but lust filled.


I lay in my tent silently crying I don't think I will ever get over John. AJ startles me coming Into the tent and looks at me "Babe what's wrong?" AJ exclaims sitting beside me hugging me "I just I love John but I really care about Phil but John doesn't feel the same" I say sobbing. "Hey babe it's all gonna be ok" she replies that's all I wanna hear right now is that everything will be fine.


I open my eyes rubbing the cry and sleep out them i check the time on my phone and see it's 12am I sit up put my flats on and walk down the hill towards the lake my favourite part of this whole trip is watching it everyone is in there tents sleeping I sit picking at the grass crying again I hear a voice behind me "are are you...ok?" Layla says worriedly. " not really Layla go back to bed it's late" I say sobbing she walks closer and embraces me into a hug "shhh I am sorry" she says now crying. "It''s ok" I say lying I just can't be bothered arguing "So what's wrong" she says we are both now sitting "It's just moving and I will miss everyone" I say partly lying "your..your leaving is it because of me?" Layla says sighing "At first but I realised I need a fresh start" I say putting my head in my hands "oh ok does Phil know?" She replies holding my hand "No...I will tell him tomorrow at lunch" I say sighing "oh right I will speak to you tomorrow" Layla says hugging me then heading back to her tent. "You can't leave!" A voice exclaims from behind me.

Thanks for reading chapter 8 of work/life follow me on twitter @CenaFeels please comment and tell me what you think.

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