Chapter 4

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John's POV

I wake up opening one eye Nicole's body wrapped around me. I carefully unwrap myself from her and get ready for work I decided not to go in to early today "Hey babe are you going?" Nicki replies rubbing the sleep from her eyes "Yeah Nicki I am have to go to work I will see you later" I say kissing her head and picking up the car keys.

At the Call Centre

"Morning John" Eve murmurs smiling at me "Good morning Eve" I reply smiling I sit down at my desk and log into my computer. I don't want to work here I hate picking up phones all the time i want to work at a gym but I need money. i look around and see Kaitlyn swinging on her chair I can't help but laugh. Maybe she can cheer me up I walk over to her "Hey Kat how are you?" I say sitting on her desk "Oh hey John I didn't even notice you there i am ok I suppose my mum ain't to happy I am home" she replies giggling.

"I am sure she will be fine about it" I reply watching her still spinning round. "Hopefully eventually" she replies "Layla is gonna be working today will you be ok?" I scrunch my face. "Oh I forgot I will just ignore her" Kat replies frowning "it will be fine and just remember I am here if you wanna talk" I say nudging her then walking back to my desk.

Kaitlyn's POV

2:30 pm

It's been a really long day I had a meeting which Layla was in she decided to give me the death stare the whole way through I hate working here I really do. "Hey Kat we need to talk" Phil says frowning. Oh god what could it be now nothing can be worse than what I have been through "Oh...ok what's wrong?" I say struggling to get the words out my mouth. "La...Layla has been spreading something about you round the office" he replies whispering in my ear. "Oh what did she say" I have tears in my eyes "She said that you have HIV and that everyone should stay away from you" Phil whispers into my ear softly. Ugh I can't do this any fucking more I am leaving. "I quit I quit I quit I quit" I say crying and rushing out the door with my bag.


I have been lying in my bed since 2:30 I can't believe she did that to me we were best friends for years. My phone rings I sigh and pick it up "He..hello?" I say still crying "Kaitlyn it's John are you ok?" He says his adorable voice making me smile. "No..John I quit my job and my mum is really angry" I say sobbing. "I heard what that horrible bitch said about you do you want to go for a coffee?" John replies sounding slightly nervous. "Mmm ok I could do with a friendly face" I reply sitting up and putting my hair in a pony tail. "Alright I will meet you at Starbucks" John says happily. "Alright see you in 15" I reply excited to see him.

15 minutes later

John's POV

Kaitlyn doesn't deserve all this grief of the girls I am worried about her but I have a lot to worry about right now "Hey John" she says walking over to the table "Oh hey Kat are you ok" I say hugging her. Her hair smells like Cherries "Thanks John I really needed that hug" she says smiling "So what are you gonna do job wise?" I say scrunching my face. "Mmm well I have been given an offer in Florida a small art studio" she says biting her lip "Oh right and by the way we go on the camping trip next week are you coming?" I say trying to change the subject. "Yeah..Phil invited me" she replies rolling her eyes "Aww yeah well it will be good" I reply smiling. "Yeah I am worried incase the girls start" she replies worriedly. "Don't be Kat it will be fine honestly" I say putting my hand on her shoulder then quickly removing it. "Yeah I will try and enjoy myself" she replies smiling.

30 minutes later

"Thanks for the lift home John it was great talking to you!" I say talking to him through the car window "No problem Kat I will speak to you later" he replies his sparkling blue eyes looking into me. "Ok bye John send my love to nicki" I say smiling. I walk into my house with a big grin on my face "Hey Huni what do you want for your dinner?" Mum says putting her hair in a pony tail. "Dunno mum...can I ask you something?" I say biting my lip. "Of course darling what is it?" She replies smiling. " it ok to like a guy that has a girlfriend..." I say biting my lip " depends does he like you" she says sipping her water "I am not sure just drop it..." I say quickly walking to my room texting my best friend AJ she always puts a smile on my face.

'Hey AJ there is this camping trip next week do you wanna come? Xo'

I send it waiting anxiously I know John will be there but I need one of my girls with me. As I walk to my room my phone buzzes in my trouser pocket I jump on my bed and check my text.

'Hey Kat how are you can't wait to see you next week hope your ok? x'

It was Phil oh I didn't expect that he is a great guy I text him back.

'Hey Phil yeah...things aren't so great hope your well see you then xx'

I reply adding the extra x at the end I am so scared incase Layla tries to spread more.

'Hey babe I will be there send me details can't have my girl going alone =) x'

Yay thank The Lord she is going. I better pack can't believe its Friday already.

Monday afternoon

Phil's POV

As I take my tent out the boot of my car I see Kaitlyn and AJ setting out there tent I can't help but laugh at Nicki and Brie set a tent up while John takes stuff out his car. I have to share with Dolph I would rather be sharing with Kaitlyn but no one needs to know that."hey Phil how are you" Layla smiles what the hell is she talking to me for "..ehh hey I am ok what about you?" I say awkwardly "Good I hope things aren't awkward between us because of her I understand how you must feel she Is a bitch" she says whispering then walking over to Randy.

WHAT.A.BITCH ugh what's wrong with Layla nasty honestly. "Hey Phil it's great to see you" Kaitlyn says smiling. "I am great glad to see you smiling" I say leaning on my car. "Aww thanks Phil" she replies her face turning red. "No problem so what are we doing today then" I reply smiling. "Not to sure to be honest you wanna go on a walk later" Kat replies now staring me in the eyes. "Yeah...yeah sure maybe later on tonight" I reply think about how romantic it will be.


Kaitlyn's POV

I have just woke up from a small nap I took AJ sitting beside me texting someone "Hey...Who are you texting?" I say smiling up at her. "" she replies her face going red. "Tell me!" I say smiling. "Just a guy.." She replies giggling. "OMG is it Dolph!" I say squealing "NO" she replies her face going bright red. "Aww it is so cute you two all loved up" I say laughing and laying back down. "Well young Kaitlyn I am going to dolphs tent" she replies smiling and leaves giving me a hug. Just as I am about to drift of to sleep I feel a presence in the tent with me I turn around worriedly what...wait what?

Thank you for reading my fan fiction guys it means a lot. Also a big thank you to Crazy4Kaitlyn for all her support follow me on twitter @CenaFeels the next chapter will be up ASAP =)

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