Chapter 19

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Greys p.o.v.

I awoke to find Infinity sitting up in bed, staring at her arms. A ragged breath escaped her lips telling me that she was barely holding on.

"Come here Baby", I whispered opening my arms, a silent invitation for her to join me. She crawled into my embrace, letting her body relax against mine.

"What's going on?", I asked as I stroked her hair and held her against me.

"I don't know.....", she trailed off, biting her lip and looking down.

"Infinity, there's something bothering you", I gently put a finger under her chin and coaxed her into looking at me.

"...I can't...tell you",  she responded looking back down.

"Infinity, you can tell me anything", I whispered wanting her to feel comfortable.

"I'm n..not..ready", she whimpered avoiding eye contact.

"Hey", I whispered trying to get her to look at me. "That's okay, Princess, I just want you to know I'm here and I'm willing to listen", I kissed her forehead, feeling her shiver in my arms. She clung to me, clearly emotionally worn out.

"Why don't we go somewhere today, just me and you?", I asked hoping to get her away from everything.

"Like where?", she asked hesitantly.

"I have a place in mind, and I promise no one will bother us this time", I shuddered to think of the run in with the rogues.  She nodded before pulling the blanket around her and laying her head on my shoulder.

Suddenly her body stiffened and she bolted to the bathroom. I sighed as I stood up and followed her. This whole pregnancy thing was not as glamorous as everyone made it seem, I couldn't believe that most the women of the pack had, or would, go through this. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head against my chest.

"Come on, let's leave all this crap behind for a little while", I grabbed her hand and led her to the bedroom, where I threw on a shirt and pulled on a pair of jeans while Infinity went into the closet to find an outfit. I threw myself back onto the bed and waited. It wasn't long before Infinity emerged wearing a simple black dress with a long sleeved flannel covering her arms. I couldn't believe that she still managed to take my breath away every time I saw her.

"You look beautiful", the words escaped my lips as a hoarse whisper. A small, shy smile formed on her face as she slowly made her way towards me. I stood up and pulled her into a tight hug feeling her immediately relax against me.

"I love you", I whispered into her hair, wanting her to feel wanted.

"I love you too", she smiled against my shoulder and her arms tightened their hold on my waist.

"Let's get out of here", I pulled away and took her hand in mine. She smiled and let me pull her into the elevator.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going?", she asked looking up at me like an adorably confused puppy.

"Nope, that would ruin the surprise", I chuckled trying to suppress my laughter.

"Grey, please?", she begged using those damn doe eyes that never failed to temp me.

"No", I tried to sound serious but it wasn't working. She huffed and crossed her arms before pouting.

"Now don't do that", I chuckled as I quickly swept her off her feet, literally.

"Grey!", she yelped hitting my shoulder playfully.

"Okay if your not going to tell me where we're going, can you at least put me down?", she giggled trying to squirm out of my hold. I pretended to think about an answer for a minute.

Scarred Luna (Completed But In Editing) Where stories live. Discover now