Chapter 34

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Infinity's p.o.v.

I gazed down at the beautiful ring on my finger. I had to smile as I watched Grey move about the kitchen. I wrapped my arms around him from behind and laid my head against his shoulder blades, taking in his comforting warmth and scent. "Well hello Princess", he chuckled turning around to wrap his arms around me in return. The twins cries from the living room caused me to let him go. "Mama! Mama! Mama!", both the twins shouted in unison as I picked them up. "Well good morning", I smiled my voice light and airy as I looked into their innocent eyes. They would never have to know the pain that either of us had endured, meaning they would hold onto that thread of innocence as long as possible. I felt tears prick my eyes as I held them close. The doorbell rang causing me to jump and sit the twins down gently. "I'll get it Princess", Grey called wiping his hands off with a dish towel before opening the door.
"I hope we're not intruding", Brianna greeted him as she walked through the door followed by a solemn looking Sam. He faked a smile when Brianna turned around and pecked his cheek before letting it drop and whispering something to Grey. Grey glanced at me worriedly before motioning Sam into the kitchen. "I'm so proud of you two, you've come so far", Brianna hugged me tightly. I could only nod as I hugged her back just as tightly. "So I have some news....", she whispered chewing her lip shyly. "What is it?", I asked fearing something was wrong. "Sam and I......we're expecting, but he doesn't know it yet", she placed her hands on her stomach and smiled at me. "No way", my jaw dropped and I looked down at her hands. "Yes way, don't say anything though. He's been so stressed lately, I really don't need him worried about me", she glanced into the kitchen to see the men talking in hushed tones. "He hasn't been sleeping or eating, and won't tell me what's up", she looked ready to cry as she turned back to me. "I'm sure he just doesn't want to stress you out", I pulled her into a hug and led her over to the couch. "Maybe.....but I don't like when he keeps secrets", she huffed picking up Hazel as she tugged on my leggings.
"Hello little miss Hazel, aren't you just precious", Brianna cooed bouncing Hazel up and down on her knee. I noticed that Jasper's face looked very flushed and he seemed fussy. "Jasper, come here baby", I picked him up and felt of his forehead. His skin felt unusually warm and his breathing sounded congested. He laid his little head on my chest and burst into a coughing fit. "Grey! Grey come here!", I cradled his head as the fit ended and stood up. Grey immediately rushed over to me to make sure nothing was wrong. "He feels warm to me and sounds sick", I rocked him gently as Grey laid a hand on his forehead. "He does feel warm, do you want me to call Olive?", he asked worriedly.
"No, no let's just let him rest", I cradled Jasper tighter to my chest. "Okay, hey..... I love you", he kissed my forehead and smoothed my hair back. "I love you too", I stood on my toes and kissed his cheek before taking Jasper upstairs to put him down for a nap. He fussed briefly before dozing off into a peaceful slumber. I checked to make sure the curtains were pulled and that the window was locked before making my way back downstairs. "Princess, could you come in here?", Grey called waving me into the kitchen.
I walked into the kitchen and let him wrap his arms around me tightly. "Is something wrong?", I asked as I buried my face in his shoulder. "No, I just feel like being near you", he placed a gentle kiss on my neck. "Sam and Brianna left and I just put Hazel down for a nap", he mumbled still holding me tightly. "We should have a movie night, it's been forever since we had a little time to ourselves", I suggested pulling back and cupping his face in my hands. "That actually sounds really nice Princess", he smiled and pulled me over to the couch.
He sat me in his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. I leaned back until my back was flush against his chest. I flinched as his hand brushed my hip and memories flashed through my mind. "Memories?", he asked turning me around so that I was straddling him. I nodded and laid my head against his shoulder. "I hate that you had to go through all that pain and torture", he whispered against my neck. He gently kissed my shoulder and smoothed my hair down. I couldn't help it as my eyes drooped and I fell asleep against his shoulder.
I could see myself walking down the aisle in a white dress, but as I walked the bottom of the dress turned a brilliant Crimson with blood and blood pooled across the floor. I wanted to stop but my feet continued to move as if they had a mind of their own. The hot sticky blood rose to my ankles and I glanced up to see Grey standing at the the end of the aisle. "Grey!", I called desperately willing my feet to move faster.The blood rose faster and faster as I tried to make my way to him until I was swimming, being weighed down by the crimson stained dress. As I got closer I realized that Grey's eyes were glazed over and lifeless and his body hung limply from a noose. A scream left my mouth but the sound was quickly swallowed by the blood as it overwhelmed me.

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