Chapter 29

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Infinity's p.o.v.

"Morning Princess", Grey called as he made his way to the kitchen. "Good morning", I called as I cooked his breakfast and checked on the twins. He pecked my cheek and began to set the table for the both of us. "Shane called this morning, he informed me that they were coming to visit this weekend", he called from the dining room. "This weekend? That's fine, I'll just have to fix up the guest rooms", Mentally I groaned at the thought of cleaning. Don't get me wrong, I loved having a clean house but hated chores with a passion.
I picked up the twins and moved them to their playpen in the dinning room before laying out the eggs, sausage, bacon, and toast on the table. " This looks wonderful", Grey kissed my cheek as he headed to the kitchen to refill his coffee. I smiled and placed Hazel in her high chair, the twins were growing at a rapid pace and it wouldn't be long before the were crawling and talking. "Here, let me feed her and you go ahead and get Jasper", Grey offered coming up behind me and taking the spoon as the twins were already mostly off milk. "Grey you don't have to!", he cut me off by shooing me over to the playpen and taking my spot to feed Hazel.
I picked Jasper up an sat him in his high chair, leaning over and grabbing the second jar of baby food and opening it. "", Jasper cooed looking up at me with his stunning silver eyes. "Grey! He's talking, listen", I looked expectantly at Jasper and waited. "Mama", he babbled again, this time it was followed by laughter. Grey's eyes were glazed over and his whole was body stiff. "Grey? Grey what's wrong? What's going on?", I stood up and laid a hand on his shoulder. " head...they're head", he gasped his hands tightly gripping the sides of his head. His face was contorted in pain as he shook his head back and forth. "Grey! Baby, who's in your head?", I kneeled in front of him and tried to pry his hands away. " my head", he mumbled beginning to rock back and forth in the chair. I grabbed his phone off the table and called Olive. "Alpha, what's wrong?", she asked clearly startled. "Actually it's Infinity, there's something wrong with Grey. He keeps saying that they're in his head and is unresponsive to the outside world", I rubbed Grey's shoulders as I spoke. I wanted to cry but knew I had to be strong for him. "I'll be over in two minutes, but for now put the twins somewhere safe, away from Grey.", she ordered before hanging up. I sat the phone down and rushed the twins upstairs and locked the door to the nursery before returning to Grey.
He had tears running down his face as his hands continued to grip his head. "Oh Baby", I whispered as I rubbed his back and tried to comfort him. The doorbell caused me to jump and him to start mumbling again. I ran to let Olive in and led her to Grey. "They're in my head!", Grey cried out as we approached. "Grey! Grey, look at me!", Olive called trying to get him to snap out of it. "Infinity, try to get him to look at you", she instructed pushing me towards him. "Grey, Baby please come back. The twins need you, I need you. Please please don't let them win, fight them, look at me", I whispered feeling a tear slide down my cheek. His eyes flickered to look at me before he doubled over again. He whimpered softly, the sound breaking my heart every time it escaped his lips. "Keep talking", Olive whispered as she laid a hand on my shoulder.
"Grey, Baby I need you to look at me.", I whispered. I grabbed his face and kissed him, hoping maybe it would snap him out of it. "Luna, I'm going to sedate him so we can take him to the hospital and find out what's going on", Olive spoke softly as she laid a hand on my shoulder. I nodded defeatedly and moved to let her work. "Infinity, call his mom and ask her to come take the twins", Olive ordered as she prepped a needle. I grabbed Grey's phone and found his mom's number. "Grey, honey is everything okay?", she asked causing my eyes to burn the with tears. "Actually this is Infinity, something's come up with Grey and I need you to watch the twins", my voice was hoarse and I could feel the tears running down my cheeks. "Of course", was all she said before hanging up. My body felt numb as I sat beside an unconscious Grey and laced our fingers together.
Grey's mother and a few male members of the pack arrived and I allowed Olive to pry me away from Grey. She led me upstairs and helped me pack a bag for the twins before picking them up and taking them to Grey's mother. Olive then sat me in the back of the ambulance where Grey was laid out on a stretcher. I took his limp hand and laced our fingers together. I was fighting my mind, it wanted to shut down and I knew I had to stay here. If I let myself shut down he would be all alone. "Luna. Luna!", Olive waved her hand in front of my face to get my attention.
"Do you want to ride on the foot of the bed, or walk beside it?", she asked as they prepared to move Grey. Instead of answering I simply moved so that I was sitting cross legged on the bed. She nodded and thy began moving the bed into the hospital.

Scarred Luna (Completed But In Editing) Where stories live. Discover now