Illusion Of A Dream (Στίχοι)

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 I wake up from the nightmare and I scream

I just learnt to live with a Dream.

I fall asleep and I meet you again,

It's like an unfair game that my fate's playing

and it shames me like a sin.

When imagination takes over

How can I stay under control ?

I don't feel any sober

My mind maybe has been lost

The Illusion totally invigorates me

with a simple move then suffocates me

Although I know I get deceived

Only when I see you I feel relieved

And now what can I do

If my mind get lost?

Memories come like a ghost

They haunt my mind

I hold my breath

Don't you feel it?

I'm in despair

Out of the blue, the vision gets alive

Hope that's not a terrible lie

I'm touching you, you stay there

You don't dissolve into thin air

Now I am deeper in despair

And now what can I do

If my mind get lost?

Memories come like a ghost

They haunt my mind

I hold my breath

Don't you feel it?

I'm in despair

So many sleepless nights I'd passed

Until I recovered

Now that I've found you

It's too hard to believe you are true.    

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