Chapter 4

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I sit on my sofa, waiting for Niall to come back and explain this situation to me.  After coming home from bowling with Niall, I go upstairs to find one of his friends sitting in my bedroom with my house key.  I hear a car turn into my driveway and I get off of the sofa to go and see who it is.  I am glad to see that it is Niall and not my mother.  I don’t know what I would tell her about tonight if she were to come home soon. I open the door and wait for Niall to come in.  He sits at the snack bar and I go to get us some drinks from the fridge.

“Water or soda?” I ask.

“Water”, he replies.

I grab two water bottles from the fridge and set one in front of him and one in front of myself.

“So tell me why there was a boy standing in my room when I got home”, I say, not waiting to get straight to my point.

“Okay.  So, umm, where do I start?  So Harry is a little different, as I’m sure you’ve noticed.  He thinks a bit differently than we do.  And when he sees something that he wants he has to get it or something doesn’t go right in his brain.  Even the smallest things will set him off.  He usually tries to keep to himself, because he knows how he can get.  That’s why I was surprised when he talked to you”, he explains.

“What happened last time?” I ask.

“What?” he says, looking confused.

“You said you thought he stopped this, so I was assuming something happened”, I say explaining myself.

“Oh, well, there was a girl, Jane.  And Harry took a liking to her, but she didn’t care for him and she didn’t want anything to do with him.  And Harry couldn’t have that, because if he wants something, he has to have that.  He was hurting people trying to get to her, like seriously hurting them, and she just kept running farther, and I don’t blame her, he was getting scary.  He can get like that.  And I’m afraid that Harry has taken a liking to you”, he says as a gasp escapes my mouth.

“What exactly does this mean?” I ask.

“Nothing yet. It depends on his liking grows or not. But no matter what happens, I’m going to do my best to protect you”, he says caringly.  We are now sitting very close and I can feel his breath on my face. “I know I’ve just met you this morning, Layla, but I’ve also taken a liking to you”, he says as he gets closer.  I, too, get closer, removing the space between us.  Just this morning, I was trying to avoid conversation with this boy, and now we’re sitting in my kitchen, about to kiss.  Crazy day, huh?  Our lips barely graze as I hear the front door open.  I pull back right before my mother steps into the kitchen.

“Thanks for taking me home”, I say to Niall trying to convince my mother we just got home.

“No problem Layla”, he says with a giggle. “I’ll text you”, he says before walking back to his car.

“How was your night?” my mother asks once Niall exits.

“It was good.  Bowling was fun”, I reply, debating whether I should tell her about Harry or not.

“I’m glad you had fun, and Niall seems to be nice, don’t you think?” my mother says.

“Yeah.  He’s cool”, I reply. “I think I’m going to go shower, then hit the hay.  Night mom.”

“Okay, goodnight sweetie”, my mother says before I head to my room.

I run upstairs to my room to grab some clothes, and then head to the bathroom.  I turn the shower on the hottest temperature possible, hoping it will wash away this crazy day.  I stay in the shower longer than I should, standing there until the water turns cold. I quickly jump out and wrap a towel around me.  I wipe all the excess water off of my body and then slip into my pajamas.  I brush my teeth and dry my hair before walking back to my room.

I pick up my phone from my nightstand, seeing I have a text from Niall.

*Need a ride for school tomorrow?*

*If you’re willing*

*What time?*


*Okay, see you then*

I place my phone back on my nightstand, plugging it in to the charger.  Just as I am about to plop on my bed, a square brown thing catches my eye.  I walk over to it, picking it up, and realize that it’s a wallet.  I open it up, recognizing the face of the ID I see in it. Harry Styles has left his wallet in my room.  

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