Chapter 14

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Nine girls. Nine freaking girls. Wow. He never thought to mention that before. What if I'm just another girl for him? What if he's just faking all this "need" crap? I can't handle that. He could just be using that to get every girl. It's a very good story. I'm sure I'm not the first to have fallen for it. My feelings for this boy have grown over these past few weeks. I can't just say he means nothing to me now. But I am a bit hurt. I can't help but wonder if it is all fake. If I mean so much to him, why did he just leave me here alone? At four in the morning. My doubt is growing by the minute and I'm sitting here alone, sore in more than one place.

*Harry's POV*

I can't seem to leave the hospital. Once I left Layla's room, I had every intention to just walk out to my car and go home. But once I got to my car, couldn't even start it. I put the key in the ignition, but something wouldn't let me turn the key.

I'm still sitting in my car. The only thing on my mind right now is Layla. I wonder if she's asleep. I'm not sure what to do. I thought I was mad. But I guess I'm not. She just wouldn't understand. She didn't even try to. My fist flies and hits the front of my steering wheel, making me horn shout.

I can't leave her at the hospital alone when I was the reason that it happened in the first place. I yank the keys from the ignition and get out of my car and walk towards the hospital. I head up to her room. I reach for the handle on the door. But I immediately let it go once I grab hold. She most likely doesn't want to speak to me right now. And I'm not sure if I want to speak to her either. So I just lean against the wall and fall to the ground, my head against the wall. I get a few looks from the nurses that pass by, but I choose to ignore it. I doze off for what feels like a few minutes, but I hear someone say my name.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" I hear an Irish accent. Shit. It's Niall. I stand up off of the floor. I see he has a black eye and his hand is bandaged up.

"I should ask you the same", I tell him.

"Bar fight", he says. Of course. He's only been back for a few days and he's already getting back into that crap.

"Really Niall? I thought you were gunna stop all of that shit."

"Dude. I'm Irish. It literally flows through my veins to be a drunk", he says, his language it the teensiest but slurred. He giggles a bit at the end.

"There's nothing fucking funny about getting drunk and hitting a girl", I tell him. I feel my blood starting to boil. Does he even fucking remember what he did to her? Then what happened the day after that. Fuck. I'm surprised he even spoke to me. I made an effort to avoid him and of course I see him at the bloody hospital. I knew he was going to be at the party, but I was still preparing myself for that.

"Dude I'm sorry. You know I didn't mean to do that. I was drunk", he says, trying to defend himself.

"Yeah but it still happened", I tell him, trying to calm myself down. I don't want to be too loud, in case Layla is awake.

"You know I cared about her. I still do. I was planning on going apologize to her", he says, but I can tell it's a load of bullshit.

"Don't you dare going fucking near her when she's alone", I tell him, my temper rising again.

"I'll do what I want", he says. And with that, he turns around and storms to the elevator.

I can't let him go around her again. He's not going to hurt her again, or confuse her, or feed her any bullshit about himself.

I go back and take my place next to the door. I pull out my phone to check the time. It's already 6:30. How long was I asleep? I can tell that the hospitals getting busier. Why is it this busy on Tuesday?

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