Chapter 7

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I watch Harry walk out of my door and sit in silence until I hear him leave my home.  I sit down on my bed, contemplating what just happened.  Harry just showed up at my window at three in the morning, climbed in my room, told me he needed me, kissed me, and then left.  Well I guess I made him leave, but it was all still pretty crazy.  I mean, I didn’t actually mind the kiss, it was pretty nice.  My mind immediately goes to Niall.  Crap.  I was going to have to tell him about this.  I didn’t want Niall to get mad at Harry.  Maybe I should talk about this with Harry before I go to Niall with it.  This is going to stress me out.  I hate when I don’t know what to do in situations.  I usually go to my mother with things like this, but I don’t believe I can do that this time.  What would I tell her? “Hey mom can you help me with this? A boy crawled in my window at three in the morning and kissed me and he just so happened to be Niall’s friend, who also kissed me.  Oh and I enjoyed both of their kisses.”  Yeah, not going to happen.

I finally decide just to go back to sleep and think about it tomorrow.  I glance at my clock.  It reads 3:54.  I lie back down in my bed and go back to sleep.

I wake up at about eight-thirty and go downstairs.  My mother is sitting on the couch, watching the news.  I decide to go back to my room to get dressed.  I decide to wear my hair in its natural waves and I just slip on jeans, a t-shirt, and my toms.  I grab my phone, and it starts buzzes right in my hand.   I click the green button and bring it to my ear.

“Hello?” I say into the phone.

“Layla? It’s Niall”, he says through the phone.

“Hey!” I say yet again.

“I was wondering if you wanted to grab some breakfast with me”, he says.

“I would love to”, I say, being thankful I didn’t eat yet.

“Great, I’ll be there in a few”, he says and I hang up my phone.

I run downstairs and say to my mom, “I’m going get breakfast with Niall.”

“Okay honey, just be back by noon.  I have something for you”, she says.

“Okay, I will”, I say back as I hear a knock on the door.

I run to the door and open it.  Niall is standing there dressed in the same clothes as the first day I met him, almost a week ago.  I lean forward and give him quick hug and yell goodbye to my mom before walking out the door with him. We load into his car and pull out of my driveway.

“Where do you want to go?” he asks.

“Honestly, my favorite breakfast place is McDonalds”, I say and nods.

“Mine too”, he replies, smiling at me.  On the way there, we talk about where he grew up and what his childhood was like.  We drive in and he turns to me and asks “Do you want to get down, or go through the drive through and go back to my place?”

“Let’s go through the drive through”, I say and a small smirk spreads across his face.

We get in line behind the other cars, and order our food.  Once we get to the window, he pays, turning down my money yet again, and he hands me the bag of food.  I look into the bag and see that we only have one hash brown.

“We’re missing a hash brown”, I say to him and he sighs and goes to park.

“Get the receipt out of the bag, and I’ll go get it”, he says and I hand him the receipt.

He gets out the car and walks towards the restaurant.  I can’t help but notice he left his phone in here.  I really need Harry’s number so I can talk to him about what happened last night.  I quickly grab his phone, sliding it, thankful that there is no password on it.  I quickly go to his contacts and search for Harry’s name.  I get to the h’s and I don’t see a Harry there.  But I do see a “Hazza” and I think I faintly recall Niall calling him that at the bowling alley.  I quickly copy the number to my phone and put his phone back on his seat.  I look up to see him just now exiting the restaurant.  I let out a sigh a relief and try to look as innocent as possible.  He gets in the car and hands me the hash brown, which I stick in the bag, and he drives out and heads toward his house.

Once we reach the house we get out and walk in.  His house is a bit smaller than mine, but I assume he lives here alone, so it probably doesn’t matter.  It’s definitely not what I expected it to be.  When I think of a twenty year-olds house, I usually think trashy and smelly.  His wasn’t smelly, but there was a few things here and there.  Cups, plates, things of that nature.  He led me to the living room.  In it, there was a large TV, a couch, and two chairs.  I took a seat on the couch, right next to Niall, and pulled out my chicken biscuit.  He turned on the TV and started eating his food, too. 

We ate in mostly silence, only the TV and the sound of our chewing making any noise.  Once we both finish eating we watch TV for a little while longer.  I started getting into the show I was watching, when the TV just shuts off.  I turn to Niall in confusion and he just crashes his lips onto to mine.  His lips aren’t soft and sweet this time, they are hard with pressure, kind of like Harry’s were last night.  I realize I shouldn’t be thinking about Harry right now, and I go back to focusing on Niall’s lips on mine. He grabs my thigh, pulling me onto his lap.  He now has a hand on each of my thighs, gently squeezing them while his lips work with mine.  He doesn’t even touch his tongue to my lips before shoving it into my mouth.  I wrap my arms around his neck and put my hands through his hair.  At this point, his hands move from my thighs to my bottom, squeezing it once he reaches there.  I unwillingly let out a soft moan and I feel his lips form into a smile while they are still connected to mine.  I tug on his hair and he moans in reply.  His hands start to move up my shirt, but I grab them and stop them, removing my lips from his. 

“I’m sorry”, he says as I climb off of his lap.

“Its fine”, I say. “I should probably head home anyway.”

I get up off of his sofa and go to grab my phone from the kitchen.  Niall gets up behind me and follows me.

“I shouldn’t have done that Layla.  I’m sorry.  I was getting carried—“ I cut him off.

“Niall, it’s really fine.  I need to head home”, I say. “Thanks for breakfast.”

I walk out of his house and walk across the street to mine. I step into my house and almost run up stairs, when my mom pulls me back.

“Layla, I want you to come see something”, she says leading me outside.  Once we step outside, she opens the garage door, revealing two cars, our old Toyota Camry, and a new white Hyundai Elantra.

“I know you were upset that you had to leave your car in California, and I found this one cheap, so I thought I would get it for you!” she says and I am still in shock.  I run over to her and give her a huge hug.

“Thank you so much mom!” I practically scream.  She hands me the keys.

“Knock yourself out”, she says.

I run to the car and jump in the front seat, sticking the keys in the ignition and slowly backing out of my driveway.  I drive all around town, looking at the bowling alley, Walmart, the gas station, anything that I see.  I’ve always loved driving at the feeling it gave me.  I drive back to my house relaxed.  I park the car back in the garage, and go up to my room.  I plop on my bed, still smiling from my car ride, and I realize I still need to talk to Harry about this.  I dig my phone out of my pocket, and search through my contacts until I see Harry’s name. I click the call button.  It rings a few times before he picks up.

“Hello?” he answers.  He doesn’t recognize my number.

“Harry”, I say.

“Layla?” he asks confused.

“Yeah it’s me.  I need to talk to you.  Can you come over?” I ask.

“Yeah sure, I’ll find a ride”, he says.  Does he not have a car?

“I’ll come get you, what’s your address?” I ask. I really just want to get this over with.

“Nah, you don’t have to.  I’ll find a ride”, he says.

“You sure?” I ask.

“Yeah”, he says.

“Okay”, I reply, hanging up the phone.

Crap, what is my mom going to think? I pull my phone back out and shoot him a quick text.

*Make sure you take the window*

*Will do*

I put my phone back and lay on my bed, waiting for him to get here.

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