Chapter 26;

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Ali's POV
I walked into the ICU ward and followed the nurse to Emily's room. She stopped outside the door and gave me a sad smile before walking away. I swiped my hand across the sensor and the door opened. I walked behind the curtain and broke down crying. I slowly made my over to the side of the bed and brought one of my shaky hands to my mouth and began to cry.

"My baby. My poor baby."

I sat down on the chair next to the bed and put my free hand on one of her cold, pale ones. I hiccuped again as I looked at all the tubes and wires attached to her body. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Ash. She had tears falling down her face as well as she held me tight.

"I know."
"My baby."

I felt her shake against me and I felt even worse. I hugged her back and just looked down at Em. The door opened again and Alex walked in and immediately brought her hands to her mouth and started crying. She walked to the bedside and put her hand on the side of Em's face and caressed her cheek. She was crying hard it broke my heart to see her in so much pain.


She looked up at me and her lip quivered. I held out one of my arms and she walked right to me and Ash and I hugged her.

"I c-can't l-lose her Ash. Not again."

Hope's POV
I drove back to Em's house and walked inside. Taylor came running to me and I bent down and picked her up.

"Hi princess. How's Liv?"
"Not so god mom. She's really sad and won't talk to me or aunt Mal. She's been in bed all day crying."
"Okay. Thanks for watching her for me."
"Of course mommy."

I set her down and she walked back into the living room. I took off my jacket and set it on the rack and put my keys into the key bowl.

"She hasn't eaten either. I'm really worried Hope."
"I'll take care of her now Mal. Just be there for everyone else."

She nodded sadly and walked back into the kitchen. I sighed and walked up the stairs. I walked down to Liv's room and slowly opened the door. I walked in and saw her sitting up in her bed hugging her knees. She turned her head and looked at me.

"Hey gorgeous."
"Hi grandma Hope."
"How are you feeling?... you know what, don't answer that-"
"I'm fine grandma Hope. I just miss my mommy. Is she okay?"

She giggled and then went serious all of a sudden. I sighed and walked over and sat on the bed next to her. I reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear and gave her a sad smile.

"Honestly kid, I don't know. How about you get up and I'll make you some lunch, give you a bath and I'll take you to see your mom? Deal?"
"Deal. Piggy back?"
"Hop on."

She giggled and jumped up and wrapped her arms around my neck from behind. Once she was fully secured I stood up and walked out of the room and down the stairs into the kitchen. Mal looked up from her phone and smiled and set it on the counter.

"Hi Mally."
"Hiya Liv."

I set Liv on the counter and she kicked her legs back and forth while watching me rummaging through all the cabinets and the fridge for something to make her.

"I give up. What would you like to eat?"
"Is there bread there?"

Mal chuckled and stood up. She made her way to us and over to a weird looking box and opened it and pulled out the loaf of bread. Liv  giggled at me and Mal patted my shoulder.

"Thanks Miss Know It All."
"My pleasure."
"So gorgeous, what would you like?"
"Peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
"Of course."

I found the peanut butter, with the guidance of Liv, and grabbed the jam out of the fridge. I made her her sandwich and set it on the counter next to where she was sitting. I grabbed her a juice box as well. I heard the front door open and I looked at Mal. She shrugged and stood up and was just at the door when it opened.

"Aunt Amy!"

I helped Liv down off the counter and she ran to Amy. Amy bent down and hugged her tight.

"Hiya precious. How's it going?"
"I'm going to see mommy later after I do everything Grandma Hope tells me to do."
"After your lunch how about you, Taylor and I go make cards for mommy? How does that sound?"

She skipped back over to me and I handed her her sandwich and juice and she walked to the table, with the help of Mal. Amy walked over to me and hugged me.

"How are you holding up?"
"I don't know. I really don't know. Did you already go in?"
"No. Lauren and I decided to wait until everyone visited and then go in."
"Cheney's here?"
"She wouldn't be anywhere else Hope. She's just on the phone with her parents. She'll be in in a second."
"I haven't told Liv about Em yet. About her being in a coma. I don't know how to tell her."

The door to the kitchen opened and Cheney walked in with a smile on her face and lightening up our moods as always. She looked at me and then back at Liv. She gasped and opened her arms and Liv ran straight to her giggling.

"Aunt Lauren! I missed you."
"I missed you too kid. You've gotten so big since I saw you last."
"I'm a growing girl aunt Lauren. Gotta be strong like mommy some day."

Lauren's smile faltered a little but a fake one appeared and she kissed Liv's forehead. Taylor came in and she smiled when she saw Lauren and Amy and hugged them both.

Tobin's POV
I sat on the chair next to her and took in the sight before me. I wanted a moment alone with her before someone else arrives. I looked at all the wires and tubes coming out of her. She looked so small and fragile. I slowly lifted my hand and placed it on top of her cold one. I softly rubbed my thumb over the back of it and looked at her.

"Don't die. I know that's a lot to ask but what about our family? What about Liv? She needs her mom. She needs you. I need you."

The curtain moved and Christen walked in. She froze and brought her hands to her mouth and started crying. I stood up and walked over to her and wrapped her into a hug. I kissed her forehead and leaned my head against hers.

"I'll be in the waiting room if you need anything."

I let her go and kissed her cheek. She slowly made her way over and I looked at her. I know this wasn't the right time to say it for the first time but who am I for doing things wright?

"Hey Chris?"
"I love you."
"I love you too."

She smiled her amazing smile at me while blushing and it made me smile even more. I nodded to her and walked out of the room and back into the waiting room.

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