Chapter Twenty-Six

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Diana's POV


The living room and dining table is cleaned and now I'm about to go to our room. I bet it's a mess there too. I sigh and walk into the room and my eyes widen to the mess. The fuck does he do all day? The blanket is on the floor, papers scattered everywhere and as my eyes went to the floor, I spot a bunch of used tissues and... blood? What the hell? I walk over to it and see a fallen razor with dried blood on it and blood patches on the floor. Did he cut himself? Why did he cut himself?! And then it hit me; the time I cut, he said if I break the promise then he'll self harm too. I didn't know he was serious about it. Shit, this is all my fault.

Tears pricked my eyes as I sat on the bed like a statue. What have I done?! Before I could do anything, the door bell rang and I quickly wipe my tears and walk over to it; revealing Zayn, trying to catch his breath. What's up with him? "Are you okay?" I ask, inviting him in.

"I should ask you this question, are you okay? Show me your hands!" he protests and I look at him suspiciously. Does he know? He turns my hands and sighed in relief. "Are you crying?"

"No" I lied, looking away. Without warning, he hugs me tightly and I can't help but cry in his arms. He knows. "It's all my fault, Zayn" I say in-between tears. "I shouldn't have cut myself. I didn't know he was serious about it" I choke out.

"Sshh it's okay, it's fine now. It's the past, forget about it" he tries to calm me down and it worked. "Focus on today, babe" he rubs my back and releases me as I wipe my tears away. I have to be strong for him and myself because of the baby. I nod and he walks me to my room and we both started cleaning the blood off the floor. I threw all the extra razors away which I found in the drawers and smile. This will never come back here.

 Zayn disappeared from the room  as I start tidying up the kitchen. It isn't that dirty because neither he knows how to cook and I don't think he has eaten much, looking at his body size now. I decided to cook dinner and bring it to Niall at the hospital as I watch Zayn walking into the room. "Where did you go?"

"Nothing, just went to call Niall" he smiles.

"Is he okay? Is anyone there with him?" I ask, curiously as I bring out a pot and some normal always use ingredients.

"He's alone" he mumbles. Why is he alone?

"You should go back there and before that, can you bring the food I'm making right now to him for dinner? He'll love it. I don't think he'll like hospital food much" I suggest and he nods

After an hour, his dinner is packed and I hand Zayn the Tupperware as we said our goodbyes. "Take care of Niall"

"You too" he kisses my forehead and walks out of the house. I went back in and plop down the couch with my plate of food and decided to be lazy all night, since I've done so much today. Finally the house looks like 'our' house and not a wrecked abandoned home.

Harry's POV

"Mum are you okay?" I ask, worriedly. "How did you fall?! You look so stressed out and tired!" I sit beside her and touch her leg, pressing it slowly. God knows how mum fell and this Gemma must be busy on the phone as usual.

"The stairs were wet and I was in a hurry" she shrugs and I shake my head, frustrated. "Where is the girl you like? Um what's her.. yeah Diana!" Oh shit. What do I say now?! I can't bring her here, she's not my girlfriend and neither does she knew that I like her. And she must be back with Niall by now since they love each other a lot. Even if I did tell I liked her, nothing would work out. As I was about to speak my phone rang and it was a call from... Abigail?

"Hello?" I answer as I hear shuffling from the other side of the phone

"Hey Harry, Abby here" she speaks. Wow, I'm hearing her voice for the first time in six months

"What's up? How are you?" I ask, nervously.

"Um, I'm alright. You? How did Anne fall? Is she okay?" her voice sounds worried. How does she know?

"I'm fine and well, mum slipped and hurt her ankle and I think she's fine. How did you know about this?"

"Gemma told me" she laughs softly and I glare at my sister who is now sleeping on mum's lap. Oh no she didn't. "Um, I'm coming over in fifteen, if that's okay?"

"Y-yeah, it's absolutely fine" I say and we said our goodbyes and  walk over to mum.

Why was I so nervous on the phone? She's just a friend so why was I stuttering?!

After what seemed like half an hour, the door bell rang and I ran to get it.

"Oooh, someone's in a hurry" Gemma called out and I glare at her once again. I opened the door and Abigail stood there in a normal grey t-shirt and skinny jeans. As I was about to hug her or let her in, Gemma stood right in front of me and took her away giving me a smirk. This girl is dead.

"Harry I heard about Niall. What happened?" She sat beside me on the couch, with her hands on my knee.

"This happened like... few months ago, he was throwing up blood for a few months and when he went to the doctor, he said that he's been diagnosed Leukemia.." I started off. "And now the new Doctor says that it isn't Leukemia, it's just a severe liver damage which has to be operated before it's too late. It can be dangerous later on" I finish off

"So did you find a donator yet?" she asks, looking down at her phone.

"Not yet" I sigh, just by thinking about it gets me goose bumps. I wonder how is Niall handling it.

"Wait, what's his blood group?"

"Uh, A. Why?" I ask. What's going on in her mind?

"I have the same blood group! Maybe I can help?!" She stands up in excitement. What?! No!

"What?! Are you out of your mind? Do you know how dangerous It is?!" I yell and she looks at me, dumbfound.

"What's more important than saving a friend, Harry? Won't you do the same?" She says and I started thinking about it. Can she really help? "Maybe it could really save him. Think about what his girlfriend is going through"

"How do you know about Diana?" I ask. I hope she doesn't know about the me and Diana's rumor.

"It was on the news" she laughs. "Can you take me to the hospital?" I nod and we decided to leave at midnight. I don't know who am I risking Abigail's life for; Diana or Niall. I'm extremely confused. Do I really love her? I don't feel anything for her now. Not like I used to when I hear her name. All I know that I'm doing this for my best friend and I hope he survives because we Is need him. His family needs him and so does Diana.


This chapter is so boring i swear to god.

BY THE WAY! SEQUEL IS RIGHT AFTER THE LAST CHAPTER WHICH IS CHAPTER 27! :D It'll be 'Half a Heart' and it's in my works so check it out. It'll be up on the 9th March 2014 :) xxx

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