Maddie Hatter

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"Please Jerome I'm sick." You complained from under the pile of blankets.

"I don't care we're not watching a kids show." He huffed.

"But please Jerome!" You begged, pouting a little as you batted your eyes in hopes of getting what you wanted.

"Fine." He huffed.

"Thank you, I promise as soon as I fall asleep you can change the program." You snuffled with a happy grin which he copied.

"Just let me sit where I want and we'll be fine." He lifted you so he could sit you on his lap with the blankets under you.

Jerome wouldn't admit it but he hated when you were sick, he always felt like he should care more, he felt irritated more than anything. Mostly because you couldn't do what you normally did and you insisted on little things that annoyed him. One of which was the colourful cartoon that was currently dancing over the TV screen.

"Why would anyone want to be good when they could be bad?" Jerome muttered as Raven walked off the screen.

"Who knows." You yawned.

"Seriously, you leave the front door wide open... although who in their right mind would break into your apartment, I suppose Barb might but we don't have any wine for her to steal." You muttered when you came home to find Jerome had left the front door open.

You jumped when you heard a maniac giggle from somewhere in the flat which lead to you grabbing the nearest object, a frying pan, as you tiptoed to your bedroom.

"Doll stop screaming it's me... you're awful at defending yourself, don't scream and wave your weapon around without looking you won't hit them." He scolded and took the frying pan off you.

"Well, what're you doing here I thought you were out." You gasped as you calmed yourself.

"I was watching... porn?" He muttered as he finished giggling over your attempt to attack him.

"You were watching porn?" You asked doubtfully and he stopped laughing as he frowned up at you.

"Yes, why can't I have been watching it, maybe some friends recommended it!" He huffed defensively.

"Jerome... I'm pretty sure all of your friends are too scared to send you porn." You hummed and slowly sat in his lap, kissing him as you eased your way towards the laptop that he'd pushed shut half way.

"Ah, hey give it back Doll!" Jerome almost yelped as you opened it and saw what he'd been watching.

"Aw, you like Maddie Hatter!" You giggled and sat on the bed again.

"I do not!" He scoffed.

"I like her to, she's cute." You mumbled when he turned away from you and ignored your prodding.

"She's a bit like you." he admitted and you burst into a fit of giggles.

"The big bad Jerome Valeska thinks cartoon Maddie Hatter is cute!" You declared dramatically which had him laughing along with you.

"You're my mad girl." He mumbled as you straddled his lap and kissed him.

"Well, I'll let you know if I start hearing narrators in my head." You teased as he lay back with you on his chest, opening the laptop and setting it next to you.

"Please do, they might be helpful." He let out a throaty laugh as you rolled your eyes and grinned up at him.

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