Son Of Jerome (Part Five)

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Jerome's death hit Gotham like a landslide. Eventually the only option you had to keep you and James safe was to give up what little secrets you knew about Jerome and his plans. Jerome's followers were none the wiser, or at least if they were, they were to insane to care.

That didn't stop them worshiping James as if he were Jerome himself, after several attempted and failed kidnappings of both you and James Jim had stepped in, removing any trace of you from Gotham so he could help you hide from the cult.

"Jim, it's early, why're you calling me?" You sighed, running your fingers through your hair as you sat up and yawned.

"The cult is up to something again, they... removed Jerome's face." Jim sounded desisted over the phone and your stomach flipped at the thought.

"Why tell me this?" You sighed.

"They're trying to bring Jerome back and I think seeing as they are getting desperate they might try and find James again, hopefully we can get them distracted." Jim muttered.

"We'll be careful, thank you for calling." You sighed as you headed to James' room.

"Did Jim call?" He asked after you'd both got dressed and were eating breakfast in the kitchen.

"Yeah, everything's fine sweetie." You hummed handing him the tablets he'd need to take for the day before kissing the top of his head.

"You know you're the one that (Y/N) likes... how is my (Y/N) by the way, she the queen of Gotham yet?" Jerome gravelled out at Lee who glared him down.

"She's in hiding from your cult." Lee spat out.

"Those idiots, I told them to be careful with you, precious cargo you know, left instructions that they had to treat her like the queen of Gotham." Jerome shrugged and let go of Lee who eyed the door but thought better of it. "So, how's the kid?"

"James is fine." She hissed out making his chuckle. "She doesn't need you to help him anymore, she took him to a doctor."

"Of course, she did." Jerome sighed and hopped onto the counter. "Be sides the obvious, anything good happen while I was out?"

"Your cult over threw nearly half of Gotham but with some help we managed to regain the city." Lee smirked when Jerome hissed.

"Who exactly helped you?" Jerome asked and burst into laughter. "Let me guess, (Y/N)?"

"Yes, in exchange for her son's protection."

"So, she took away their backup leader because I was gone... am I flattered or angry?" Jerome pondered as he wiggled the gun in his hands.

"They tried to eat your son Jerome." She snapped which made him chuckle.

"How exciting, but you know what, I should really go find my face and maybe... visit some people." He sighed and hopped down so he could make his way to Lee.

"Oh and (Y/N), I hear you've been a bad girl, sharing my secrets with Jimbo... we can talk about it when I see you later." Jerome finished his broadcast and left you so scared you couldn't move.

"It's ok Mom, Jim will help us." James smiled and lent against you, both of you jumping when the power cut out.

"There's a generator in the garden I'll be right back Jamie." You mumbled and kissed the top of his head as you got up, leaving him with the torch as you slowly picked your way through the house.

"Mom?" James called when he heard the floor creak and several figures filled the living room as James tried to dash to the door.

"Sorry kiddo it's just your Dad, now do me a favourer... Where's Mommy?" Jerome asked as he bent down to eye level with the boy who simply stared at Jerome.

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