The Girl On The Corner

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There she was at the corner again. Always waiting for the bus and never calling a taxi. Sometimes Jerome likes to day dream about her. In a good mood he'd wonder over to her and make her laugh, stop the gloomy expression on her face.

In a bad mood he'd jump out and scare her, chasing her like a cat chases a mouse, toying with her before deciding to keep her or let her go. He likes it when people try to talk to her, the way she stares them down and glowers, as if accusing them of some great crime because she has to remove her earbuds.

When she gives the people that look they seem to think she's frightening, tough, as if she'd be a threat to them. But she isn't. Jerome can tell. He's good at picking out those things. When she thinks she's alone her shoulders hunch and she pulls her knees close, sometimes jumping when a new song starts, but only when she's alone.

He likes to watch her from the top of Galavan's tower. The other Maniax like to watch her to. They tell Jerome their sordid dreams for the girl on the corner, he loves to listen to them, imagining how it would feel and how she would react.

"What're you all doing out here?" Barb asked as she found the Maniax staring down into the street.

"Waiting for my Doll." Jerome said over his shoulder.

"I don't see why you don't just take her." Barb sighed and went bac inside.

"More fun to watch." Jerome mumbled to himself.

To say Jerome was worried by her absence would be the wrong choice of words. He was cross with her. Cross that she had him perched on the high wall, legs dangling off the edge of the building, waiting for her to get her bus when it was freezing cold.

"Don't think she's coming." Aaron mumbled to Jerome who scoffed.

"Nonsense my Doll will be here." He was assuring himself more than the others who seemed just as disappointed.

It got dark and the only two people left outside were Jerome and Aaron who both wanted to wait for the corner girl. Eventually Theo came outside to and cautiously peered down.

"Tabatha has retrieved a rather special reward for all your help Jerome." Theo muttered and jerked his head inside.

"You stay here and keep an eye out for my Doll." Jerome ordered at Aaron after a few minutes' thought.

He followed Theo to his bedroom where Barb was pouting as she leant against the door. She made several rude and loud complaints about not having her own reward but curiosity had sunk its claws into Jerome so he slid into his room and stopped dead at the sight in front of him.

"Well hello Doll." Jerome chuckled and sat on the foot of his bed as he looks at her.

"You're the boy from the tower." The weak fearful tone of her voice sent a jolt through Jerome.

"And you're the girl on the corner." He broke into a wide grin and tilted his head as he watched her.

Jerome Valeska ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now