Son Of Jerome (Part Two)

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"Who was that?" James asked as you finally made your way to the cabin that Paul had set aside for emergencies.

"It was no one." You sighed and ruffled his hair.

"But he looked exactly like me." James pointed out.

"Promise me if he finds you at school or on the street you won't go with him and you won't listen to what he tells you?" you asked the boy who shrugged.

"Whatever." He sighed, grabbing the bat he'd been lugging around all day.

"Do you want to talk about why you tried to hit that girl at school?" You asked awkwardly, carrying in the food that was still in the back of the car.

"I felt like it." He snapped, suddenly angry as he stormed away.

With a reluctant groan, you headed inside, cleaning the dust off the surfaces to occupy your mind. James stayed out in the woods, giving you time to start cooking, when you heard the door open you hopped he was in a better mood.

"Sweetie, I'm sorry about earlier, I just... we should talk about these things and maybe we can find something other than your classmates to lash out at." You sighed when he didn't answer. "Can you pass me the bag on the other counter?"

He still didn't answer, naturally you assumed that he was still angry, you were used to him ignoring you until he calmed down which would be when he'd cling to you as if his life depended on your forgiveness.

"You miss me Doll?" Jerome drawled as his arms wrapped around your waist and he dumped the bag you'd asked for on the counter in front of you.

"How did you find us?" You whispered as Jerome pressed you into the counter.

"When I was cleaning up, I found a photo, it has the address on the back." He placed it on the chopping board you'd been using. "How'd running away work out for you Doll?"

"Where's Paul?" You asked suddenly realising he'd said 'cleaning up'.

"Don't worry pudding, you've got me now, we don't need that old man hanging around." Jerome drawled as one hand made its way up your front to grip at you neck, causing you to gasp.

"Jerome please." You whimpered when you caught James walking up the garden path out of the corner of your eye.

"Don't beg me (Y/N), you knew everything, he old you everything didn't he!" Jerome bellowed, spinning the two of you so he could pin you against the wall behind him.

"Yes!" you cried.

"Tell me he didn't let you come back and find me... you wouldn't just abandon me would you Doll?" Jerome's voice cracked which surprised you considering how low and angry it had been seconds before. "Answer me!"

"Jerome please stop." You whispered as James stood in the doorway.

Jerome Valeska ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now