a/n: pic doesen't rlly relate buuuut frat boy harry is so hot fuc me up
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5:52 p.m.
"ave, when do you plan on getting dressed?" cami groaned in annoyance.
"i have no plans at all." i say half meaningly and half jokingly. i wanted to back out. niall's party was tonight and the overthinking has been killing me so bad.
cami gives me a glare, "get ready now! your outfit is already on your bed."
"you sound like a mom." i laugh standing up and grabbing the top and tight skirt.
"well, you're being a child."
after minutes of staring at myself in the mirror i kept thinking of the possibilities of me seeing harry, ha, yay i'm overthinking again! i kept re-adjusting my skirt and heels and touching up my make-up, careful not to overdo it. breathe in, breathe out.
6:32 p.m.
help me. help me. help me.
in less than an hour, i'm going to be seeing him again. after two long months. i hate myself so much for overreacting but why did i do this at the first place again? oh god. i should've just stayed home.
here i am typing my heart out while cami's driving and i'm trying my best not to shake anxiously.
i didn't even notice cami had turned off the engine and she went out already. she went over to my door and opened it slowly.
"let's go."
i slowly stand up hoping it could pass time and make things less worse than it already is.
we started walking towards niall's place. and let me tell you, it was huge. obviously, he's a celebrity but wow this was breathe taking.
i looked down to my feet carefully not tripping and making a fool of myself but honestly it was just so that i didn't have to face the fact i'm going to be seeing him again.
"jesus, avery. by the time you get to niall's front door it's probably christmas already." cami complained as she was steps ahead of me and her head was turned towards me.
"i was- i was just admiring the... the cement." i looked down again and fastened my pace.