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i woke up to a pounding head ache. i flutter my eyes open and see the familiar view of my room. coming in to realization that i have no idea how last night ended.

i forced myself to stand up and take a shower as early as now. i undress and let the hot water run over my body. what the hell happened last night? and that's when all the memories rushed in to my mind and i remembered everything. harry and i fūcking kissed. and god, did i not regret it at all. should i feel bad for not regretting it? yeah i should.

what the hell is wrong with me? i kissed him and he had a girlfriend. i didn't want to be those types of women who steal their exes. i'm so dumb and frustrated at him and myself.

i run my hands through my hair and tug due to my frustration which result to making my head hurt even more. i get out of the shower once i'm satisfied and change into comfortable clothes. i head downstairs to look for some water and medicine that can cure my head ache. i have no idea why i had a head ache even though i was sober all night.

as i made my way to the kitchen cami was there and immediately handed me a glass of water and medicine as if she knew what i needed right now. she kept her fact straight, "drink up. you have some explaining to do." and walked away to the couch.

i looked at her confusingly but drink the water and medicine anyway and after i do i put down the glass and asked cami what the hell she was talking about.

"oh, don't play dumb, ave." cami smirked.

"what? can you please just expla-"

"why the hell did you kiss harry?" she asked before sitting on the couch and looking up at me. my eyes slightly widen at her question not knowing how she knew. we kissed in the kitchen and last time i checked cami was passed out in niall's living room. if i'm being honest about the question, i have no idea why i did what i did. i guess i couldn't control my feelings and i just poured it out all to him but really after we kissed we were too flustered to pretend that happened.

"i- how did you know?" i slumped beside her in the couch and fiddled with my fingers.

"i asked first." she argued and i sighed.

"i don't know, okay, he was the one who made the move and i just-" i rambled but cami cut me off by saying "you missed him?" and i sighed loudly once more and nodding my head yes.

"you do realize he has a girlfriend?"

"i know! you're making it seem like i'm the bad one here, but he's the one who leaned in,"

"why the fūck would he kiss you if he was with megan? not unless he possibly still has feelings for y-" i knew what cami was going to say and i immediately shut her up, "nope!"

"don't say that. he moved on and i'm not getting my hopes up," i sat up and covered her mouth with my right hand.

"he did it out of impulse and he was probably drunk, i don't know, and he probably wants to pretend it never happened which i totally understand." i lied. if he regretted our kiss my heart would shatter into pieces all over again.

cami rolled her eyes. "i doubt it, you guys were so in love with each other how could harry just move on that quickly? not to mention megan is a stuck up model and her family is fūcking crazy under the spotlight."

"i mean, they did start off as a stunt and he probably got attached to her, i don't know, okay!" i argued.

"what happened after the kiss?" she then asked intensely.

i bit my lip debating wether or not i should tell the truth, "his phone rang."

cami gave me a confusing yet frustrated look, "who the hell was calling?"

"i don't know but he went along with the lines of; yeah, babe, i'll see you tomorrow maybe."
i mocked his low british voice at the last sentence.

"so, megan?" cami asked and i nodded anyway.

"then he said good bye and left me standing in the kitchen," i sighed.

"then afterwards... that's when you woke me up and we left?" cami asked putting the puzzle pieces together and i nodded my head yes again.

"how did you know about the kiss?" i asked once more before she sighed.

"niall saw but left you guys anyway then he called me earlier to check on you because he mentioned harry hasn't left his room ever since and there were a bunch of broken shįt on the floor."


"mate, just open the bloody door!" niall called from outside banging obnoxiously at my door.

"can you just shut the fūck up, niall?! for god's sake," i yelled back frustrated.

"i will if you clean up the mess you made! you smashed two of my vases and put a hole in the bloody wall when i greeted you good morning," he banged the door loudly this time and attempted to hit the door and push it down. "mate, you have some issues." niall sighed.

i stood up and slowly opened the door to reveal my groggy self. my eyes were slightly red and the bags under my eyes were heavy.

"i know you and avery kissed last night." when those words left his mouth my fists clenched. he continued talking, "you kissed her and i know you're mad at yourself because you still have feelings for her." he quietly spoke.

"you know nothing." i spat back at him.

"harry, i'm your best friend and what you did was just wrong. it probably felt right but you have a girlfriend for crying out loud!"

i ran my hands through my hair, "i don't know, alright, she was just there and i fūcking missed her a lot and we were the only two people and i kissed her because i never got over avery." i spoke honestly but it hurt so much.

niall looked at me softly and gave me a hug.

"clean up your girlfriend said she'll be here in an hour." he pat my back and once he let go he also advised me to apologize to avery. apologize that i kissed her and pretend it never happened for the sake of my career.

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