Guess What?

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When we get home. Both of us walk strait to Haymitch's house, to get the kid's and tell him the , as Peeta calls it, exciting news. Whereas for me, I was a little freaked out...

We knock on the door. Within a minute Haymitch is standing there with messed up hair holding Mark, and Rose is hanging on his back.

When I saw this, I couldn't stop laughing. I even heard Peeta laugh.

"Hey, Haymitch. Do you want some help?" Peeta ask sarcastically.

"You think. When you two were here, they were perfect angels. Then the second you two leave, then turn into little spider-monkeys." Haymitch says, in his bitterest he could possibly use. Which really makes me even more pissed.

"Come here, my little monsters" Peeta says. The children release from Haymitch, and run strait into Peeta's arms, which make him fall over.

"How were they?" I ask.

"Like normal. Asking me what 'morning sickness' was. And I said 'Ask your mother'." He says between laughs. "So how did you appointment go today?" He asks.

"Fine, I guess... We are going to have two more little angels running around here." I say only to see his eye turn into black holes, which again, makes me laugh.

"Are you kidding me?" He asks.

"Nope. This time we are going to have double trouble" Says Peeta, which startles me.

"Well it's about 4:00 and we have to prepare a picnic this afternoon. Bye Haymitch. Thanks for watching them." I say

"Anytime. Buh-Bye my little spider-monkeys" Haymitch says bye to everyone.

We get home and I couldn't help but fall on the couch for 5 minutes before starting to prepare for the picnic.

"Do you really want to do a picnic today? It's been a long day." Peeta says.

"I already told Rose that we are. And if your worried about that promise I made earlier, don't be. We still have plenty of time for that when the children are fast asleep." I say with a grin.

"Well that too, but it's been a long day, what with the doctor's appointment and the news we got. Are you sure you are up for this?" He asks.

"We live right outside the meadow, just never go there. And I haven't been there in a while. So, yes, I am up for this" I say reassuring him.

"Okay, just making sure. What do you want me to pack for the picnic?" He asks.

"Just some sandwiches, some fruit. And can you pack some peanut butter?" I say and he gives me a look, which I give back and he packs the peanut butter.

Lately I have been having the weirdest craving. Just last week I hast craving frosting from the can. Last night I was craving pickles. Pickles sound really good right now.

"Peeta?" I say in my sweetest tone I could possibly muster up.

"Yes, sweetheart?" He asks.

"Can you pack some pickles? Please"

"Okay, Sure sweetheart" He says

Then it dawned on me. What if I dip the pickles in the peanut butter? Okay, now that I am going to have to try.

"Kids are you ready?" I yell from downstairs.

"Yes, momma" I hear at the same time and they come running down the stairs.

"Peeta are you ready?" I ask.

"Yea, we can go whenever you ready." he says.

"Okay then, Lets go." I say and the children run to the meadow, while me and Peeta carry the basket full of food.

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