Right Now

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My name is Katniss Mellark. I am 28 years old. I just gave birth, to two beautiful, healthy babies. I have two other children waiting at home, a husband that love me over anything. I finally have the family I have dreamed about. I couldn't wish for anything else.

I cannot believe the past couple of weeks I've had lately. I was in labor for about two and a half weeks and all four of us get to go home in two days.

Hayley and Timmy.

When I got to hold them first, it was amazing. My two little night owls are finally out of my stomach, and in my hands. 

By the time Peeta got to hold Hayley and Timmy, he was crying. He looked healed from the torture Snow put him threw. He finally looked complete.

For the first time in months I got a good night's sleep. The last thing I saw was Peeta holding his beautiful newborn babies in his arms.


*2 days later*

Today's the day. Today Peeta, Hayley, Timmy and I are coming home, and Mark and Rose finally get to meet Hayley and Timmy. What I talked to Rose, she sounded so excited to meet the twins. Haymitch couldn't come to the hospital. Partly because he had to watch the kids. But when Peeta called Haymitch this morning telling him all four or us are coming home this afternoon, I swear I could hear Haymitch's screams of joy from the other side of the hospital room. I don't think he likes being around kids for that long.

"Don't forget to pack my pajamas." I say to Peeta, who is packing all my stuff while I pack the babies' clothes.

About 10 minutes later, Peeta walks up behind me, and puts his arms around my waist. Kissing the back of my neck he whispers "I love you so much." We stay this way until one of the nurses knocks on the door and walks in with some paperwork for both me and Peeta to fill out.

Once we are done filling out the papers, the nurse leaves and comes back with our beautiful babies, and another nurse with a wheelchair. "You can now leave the hospital. Mr. and Miss. Mellark." She says with a smile. Peeta gets our bags, and I sit in the wheelchair. We walk to the elevator and the doors open, the nurse wheels me inside; Peeta quickly follows. Usually I would be freaking out being in an elevator. But I have two beautiful babies sleeping on my lap. I can't help but touch both of their hands.

The doors open and we are already in the lobby of the hospital. Peeta turns to look at Hayley, Timmy and me, with his big blue eyes, "Stay here, and I'll bring the car around." Peeta says.

"Okay." Was all I could say. He gave me a kiss and he was gone.

I dropped my head to the bundles of joy in my arms. Hayley opens her eyes, and I smile. "Why, Hello there." I whisper and she starts whimpering. She must be hungry, considering the nurse changed both Hayley and Timmy before she brought them to Peeta and I.

"Shh. It's okay. I bet you're hungry. Huh?" I say, moving her closer to my chest so I can feed her. I remembered something my mother got me for the baby shower. I reached into the hospital bag and after a couple of seconds, I found it. It was a breastfeeding cover, so I can breastfeed in public, and still have the privacy I needed so I can feed my babies. I pulled it over Hayley, she started eating.

Ten minutes later she finished, and Peeta came back. "Are you ready to go sweetheart?" He asks, pulling the hospital bag over his shoulder and starts rolling me towards the hospital doors. I gasp at the fresh air. It smells like the beginning of spring. Peeta stops before our car, and first gets the babies into their car seats. Then helps me out of the wheelchair. It hurts to walk, but it's nothing like the pain I've experienced before. As I'm about to get into the car, a dandelion catches the corner of my eye. I look around, and I can see it's the only one I can see. It's the first dandelion of the spring.

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