My Babies

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                                                                         6 Months Pregnant with Twins

I wake up on the couch to a beautiful sunrise. Too find a bundle of blankets moving. I move the blankets just a little, and find Mark.

My sweet Mark, sleeping ever so quietly.

"Good morning, sweetie." I say swiftly

"Goo Mor-ing, Ma-ma" He says.

Mark tries to go back to sleep again, but just can't because of the babies inside me. My stomach is getting too big.

So I pick him up, so he's not at my side, and change positions. Now I'm laying on my back, which might not be a good thing, but it would make Mark happy to sleep with his mommy.

Mark is now on my chest, and his whining has stopped. He hasn't slept with me in such a long time, I think he misses it. I miss it too.

When Mark would whimper, i would just sing, ever so softly, to keep him calm.

Eventually Peeta comes downstairs to find me and Mark sleeping on the couch.

"Katniss, sweetheart. Wake up." Peeta says sweetly. And I just make a noise, but I'm not ready to get up. This is the most sleep I have gotten in months, because of discomfort.

"Fine, I'll be back in 15 minutes. But then you have to get up. We need to go to the store. I need your help to pick out some baby supplies." He says, as my eyes open.

"Okay, okay. I'm up, I'm up." I say holding Mark in my arms. Then I smell Peeta making a pot of coffee. 

"Can you make me a cup, please." I say with a yawn. 

He nods as I take Mark to his room upstairs and put him in his crib.

When I come downstairs, and enter the kitchen, Peeta turns to me, holding my cup of coffee in one hand, hugging me with other arm and gives me a 'Good Morning' kiss.

"Good Morning" I say "You're in a good mood this morning. Why?"

"What? Can't I be in a good mood? Plus, we are going to the store to pick out some baby supplies. So I will spending the whole day with my beautiful wife." He says and leans in for a long kiss, and I can feel my heartbeat speeding.

"Oh, come on. I'm huge. I feel full term rather just 6 months pregnant. No, you know what, I'm a freaking planet! No, worst then a planet." I say with anger, disgust, sadness, and maybe a little bit of  embarrassment.

"Katniss" He says as he cups my face with his hands "You are beautiful. Pregnant or not. In fact your glowing." He says looking at my figure.

I blush.

Once I finish my cup of coffee, I rinse my coffee cup. 

"I'm going to go take a shower." I say as I'm running up the stairs.

I go into our bedroom to grab all my stuff, then walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I can already see steam raising quickly fills the air.

I take off my pajamas, and just stare in the mirror.

Wow I think to myself Just wow... 

Then I turn a little to my right, and start to cry. What if the babies arrive early? What if I'm eating all the wrong things or not drinking enough water. What if I fall or do something that hurts the babies?

Then I blink because I'm crying. I'm trying to see where the stretch marks are and where my scars are. After 10 minutes Peeta walks in to get his shirt, and see's me crying looking at the mirror. Touching my over sized stomach.

"Katniss, what are you doing?" He asks alarmed.

"I-I don't know if I can do this." I stutter. "W-What if they come early? What I-if I'm not enough for t-them? I-If i-i'm too small f-for them?"

"Katniss, It's your body and your body is perf-"

"Look at me!" I say cutting him off. "I look huge!"

He look at me in the mirror.

"Yes you might look full term but your body is strong enough for this. If you want I could call the doctor right now and ask how much longer until you might go into labor." He asks trying to clam me. But failing.

"Would you, please. I think it might help me, knowing how much longer until they might be here." I say sounding a little bit calmer.

"Okay, I'll be right back." He says as he leaves the bathroom, and I decide, I can't do this anymore. So I go into the shower. Within 5 minutes. I'm getting out of the shower, and Peeta walks in, which makes me jump.

"Sorry, I should've knocked" He says apologetically.

"It's okay, I'm just a little jumpy lately. Did you talk to Dr. Lynn?" I ask.

"Yes, and she said if you go into labor after your 34th week of pregnancy, they wont try to stop the labor." He says with a smile on his face.

"B-But that's 10 weeks away!" I almost shriek. 

He hushes me with his finger. "And she also said that you might look full term but any women's body is capable for carrying twins. And the way you look right now; is perfectly normal." He says

"That's what she said?" I says scared.

"Yes, every word."

"Okay, fine." I say with relief, followed with a long kiss.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"For always knowing what to say, and because I love you." I say, again, giving him another kiss.

He pulled away "I love you too" He says. 

"Come on" I say. "We can finish this when we get back home, we have to go buy stuff for the babies." I say.

"Okay" He says, giving one last kiss before leaving me to finish getting ready.


"Do we really need all" I say pointing to the back seat filled with babies supplies. "this stuff? Don't we still have some stuff from Mark?" I ask.

"I don't know, but it's always better to have something and not need it. Rather then to need it and not have it." He says. Again, always better with words then I am...

"Okay, okay. I rest my case." I say hauling some stuff into the house, before walking over to Haymitch's house to pick up the kids.

I walk strait into the babies nursery, Peeta follows.

When I put the stuff I'm carrying on the table. Peeta turns me to face him, and kisses me with passion, it reminds me of the cave, once again.

The babies start kicking like crazy.

I pull away, hoping he knows how much I want this. "Peeta we have to go get the kids from Haymitch's." I say.

"I know, which is why I asked Haymitch if he could watch the kids for a few more hours." He says with a smile growing on his face.

And with that said, I put my lips onto his. Leading us in to our bedroom, and quietly but quickly closing the door behind me.

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