Right Here...

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                                                                                           9 Months Pregnant with Twins

I wake with a searing pain in my lower back. I look out the open window, and see it's the middle of the night. I look at the clock. It's 2:31 in the morning.

The pain stopped, I assumed it to be another braxton hicks contraction. I lay back down on the bed, and close my eyes. I drift back to sleep. I wake up again, laying in water. I carefully remove the blanket, and find my water broken.

Oh my god. I think to myself. I nudge Peeta, who is sleeping next to me. "Peeta, Peeta. Wake up please." I say

"What? Katniss? What's wrong?" He says getting into a sitting position. Turning the lights on. I look in to his blue eyes.

"Peeta, my water just broke." I say, smiling. I giggle when his eyes light up.

"Oh my god, Katniss, are you sure?" He asks. Probably because, I've been in labor for about 19 days now.

"Yes, I'm sure. Can you help me up, so we can go to the hospital?" I ask, when he didn't move. Most likely in shock. I know I am.

He shakes his head, and jumps from the bed to help me up. I get the phone by the bed and call Haymitch. He said if I went into labor at anytime, to call him and he would watch Rose and Mark.

Ring. Ring. Ring...

"What?" He says, still sleeping.

"Haymitch, I'm in labor. Can you come over and watch the kids, while Peeta and I go to the hospital?" 

"What? Now? At... 2:35 in the morning?" He asks.

"No, next year. Of course right now!" I scream. 

"Okay, okay. I'll be there in 5 minutes." He says, hanging up.

"Okay, I just called Haymitch. He'll be here in 5 minutes." I scream. I look around the room, and Peeta isn't anywhere in sight.

"Okay, sweetheart. Come on, I have your hospital bag packed, and the kids are still sleeping. Do you need anything?" He asks, holding a suit case.

"Um, I guess a glass of water would be nice" I say. Before I know it, Peeta dropped the suit case and went to the kitchen to get me a glass of water. A few minutes later he came back with a glass of water.

"How long apart are your contractions?" He asked.

Huh. I didn't really time them.. "About 15 minutes apart." I say after thinking about that for a while.

Me and Peeta hear a knock at the door. Peeta starts to get up, but I stop him. "No, no. I can get it." Without a single word, I walk down the stairs and start walking to the front door. I unlock the door, and open it to see Haymitch. "Hey Haymitch" I say.

"Hello, sweetheart. How you doin'?" He asked. I can tell when I called him, I woke him in the middle of the night. 

"Just in labor, and I've been in labor for 19 days. How do you think I am?!" I scream in a hushed tone.

Haymitch pulls his hands up, into a defensive position. "Hey, hey, now. No need to get all pissed of at me. I'm here to watch the kids, you can go to the hospital now." Haymitch says with a grin on his face. I turn around and start for the stairs. I can't wait to get out of this house, with Haymitch inside it.

"Peeta. Let's go." I say, grabbing his hand.

"Okay, let's go." He says, picking up the suit case and taking hold of my hand. We start walking down the stairs.

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