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"Pink Fluffy Llamas!" Is what I said, hugging some rainbow coloured llamas, while eating cotton candy. "OOH!! Jelly bean Whale!"

"(Y/N)! Get up!" Said a llama.

"Eh? What?! Did that llama just talk?!"

"Get ready for you exams!! (Y/N)-Nyan!!" I finally woke up, my mother leaning over my, a mad look on her face. "It's Exam day at Yuuei! Get ready it's already 7!"

"E-eh?" I said sitting up, a blank look in my face. "7..? Wait.. 7?! ITS SEVEN?!"

I jumped out of bed, rushing around my room, grabbing the clothes I wanted and my shower gear, and ran off to the bathroom. I had my shower, relatively warm, and got dressed.

I wore a (f/c) loose tank top, with some (2f/c) shorts, and black knee high stockings with black (brand- eg~ Nike, Adidas, etc) sneakers.

I brushed my hair, and smoothed my ears down--! My quirk! Right! I forgot to tell you!

My- our! Our, quirk is we have cat ears and tail, but they are easy to hide, we just smooth the ears over my hair and they are pretty much gone, and I wrap the tail around my stomach and up my back, and BAM! Gone! I can also get really sharp claws that can basically break everything and anything, so I'm good at close combat. I can also use something I call reflection eyes, where I can see behind things, and what I see reflects on my eyes.

We also get very distracted by wool.

Anyway! I grabbed my toast, took one bite, took a gulp of my milk and ran out the door, reaching the bus just in time!


By the time I got to Yuuei, there was no one out near the gates anymore, and I saw some guy with a tail enter the door, he came just before me probably.

"Oh no!" I said in a squeaky voice, running up to the doors, just as they were closing and jumped in. Luckily my Neko-Quirk makes me faster!

I was out of breath by the time I reached the room where everyone was sitting, so I kind of just stood there a few seconds, before crawling on the ground to find a seat, not getting in anyone's way.

I found a seat all the way in the back, where a few rows forward was a green haired boy, mumbling to himself.

'He is kind of annoying now..' I thought, puffing out my cheeks, after him mumbling for about 5 minutes it seemed like.

He stopped when an ash blonde boy next to him threatened him or something, and when some blue haired glasses guy told him to shut his trap infront of everyone.

Poor kid. He looked so embarrassed.

The DJ guy started explaining heaps of stuff I didn't understand, so when the exams started, I was just a short girl with ears and a tail, walking around.

Since I had been to startled, being knocked over by people and stuff, my ears had popped out, so I just took my tail out anyway, otherwise I would look weird. Luckily my mother is a clothes designer, and she made me a button on the back of my shorts to open and put my tail through, so it wouldn't hurt.

After about a minute of wandering around aimlessly, I found a HUGE group of three pointers. Oh! And a one pointer!

I got my claws out, and destroyed them all, except the one pointer which someone stole from me. 3:

I did the math, and I had exactly 18 points.

I thought I was doing well until I found a group of others who were talking to them selfs, and a girl said that she had 43 points. Already!

After a few more minutes, I had only gained an extra 6 points, from one one pointer, one two pointer and a three pointer.

But, out of nowhere, I heard screaming, but I didn't know where, so I turned my (e/c) eyes pink, then started to reflect what I saw.

'A girl sitting on the floor... not her... hm.. a boy running!- wait, no he is smiling.. not him... huh... three girls and one guy about to get squashed by a huge robot.. wait...! It's them!' I thought, and when I saw them, I ran straight in the direction I had seen them in.

One of the girls was trying to get up, but had obviously hurt her leg, and was struggling, while the one of the other girls were helping the boy up, probably her brother- they looked alike, and the last girl was shooting mini light balls at the robot, trying to get him away.

'Oh no! They might get even more hurt! I- I have to help!' I ran over, helping the girl with the hurt leg up, piggy backing her away.

"H-hey.. A-are you okay?" I asked, nervous.

"Yeah!  I'm fine! Thanks so much for helping me, but what about my friends?" She asked, looking behind her.

"I can drop you off here, you can sit on this, and I can help her if you want?" I offered to jump her onto the building.

"How would you get up there?" She asked, doubting me.

"U-um... I can climb it.." I said, nervous to show her my quirk.

"Okay! Go ahead!"

I got my nails out, and began climbing, and I got her up there in no time.

"I'll come back in a minute with your friends!" I said, tired squeaky voiced. 'Oh no! My quirk is tiring my out already!'

I jumped off the building, and started running, tripping over my own feet occasionally.

When I reached the other people, the girl had the boy on her back, and the other girl was walking backwards slowly, giving up.

"H-Hey!" I yelled, waving. "I-I'll help you!..." I ran over, telling the girl to get on my back.

My quirk doesn't give me strength, it actually makes it harder for me to get strong, but I spend one full day every week exercising, and eating healthily, so it was a breeze to carry the girl, and the others followed me.

I hauled them onto the roof, sitting down, breathing heavily.

"S-sorry I didn't help you earlier!" I said after a few minutes, standing up and bowing.

"H-hey.. you don't need to apologise! It's our fault for not running right away when we saw it!" The first girl I saved said, grabbing my hands, and smiling.

"We should apologise! We took your point collecting time away!" The boy said, looking guilty. "How many points do you have?"

"Oh points! Dang I totally forgot! Oh well.." I sighed, smiling. I didn't want them to feel extra guilty. "I had about 24 points."

"I'm really sorry.." the girl who shot the lights said sadly. "Now you might not get in because of us!"

"Hey.. it's okay! I could always got to Yukohara!" I said, waving my hands around. "Please don't blame your selfs! Anyone else would have done the same! In fact, how about we be friends?"

I smiled kindly to them holding my hand out.

And that's how I met my first friends.. in a long time.

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