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When I finally reach home and get through the door. Munchie my baby pit bull attacks my legs with his little paws. I let out a little laugh and pick him up, he instantly starts licking my face but I know better than to laugh with my Mouth open. I place him back on the floor and he runs away to the kitchen and I follow suit. I look in the fridge and grab the bottle of orange juice. After I pour my self a glass I bring my Bag up to my room and start in on my homework.

I hear a 'ding' alerting me that I have a  message on Kik. I look at it and it reads:

Hunter we need to talk about what happened between me and you.

I don't reply even though I know it shows Jake that I've read his message. I hear a knock on my door and turn my head to see my big brother Tony standing in the door way. "Hey Squirt whats up?" He asks. Before he realises what happened I was in his arms with my arms wrapped around his waist crying my eyes out into his chest. He pushes me away from him slightly to see my face. "Hey whats wrong?" he asks with worry laced in his voice. I shake my head and tell him that I just needed to vent. I know he won't ask any more questions, not because he doesn't care but because I told him that I was fine even though he knows that i'm lying.

That night I dream about what happened. When I wake up I'm sweaty and it's just passed 4:30. I've got an hour before I've actually got to get ready for school. So I decide to throw on some running pants and one of my Nike sports bras and go for a run. I would have taken Munchie but he would have slowed me down I felt like running as fast as a wild horse. I slow down after running for about half an hour and decide to take a seat on a park bench. I have my eyes closed and my head hanging back. 

"Are you ok?" I hear a voice ask me.

I instantly stand up an look behind me to find Jake there shirtless and his ripped body glistening with sweat. I step back staying quiet.

"Look Hunter I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday, I was drinking and Lindsey said she couldn't stay with me because she was grounded." He says.

I'm standing there looking at him like he was crazy.

"So what your saying is that it's okay for you to push your self on top of some stranger,  because your girl friend can't knock body with you?" I say venomously.

"Hunter. We both know that were not strangers to each other." He says back Cooley.

I shake my head and look him dead in the eyes.

" We haven't talked since freshman year, and best friends don't wait that long to talk to each other Jake." I bite back. Folding my arms across my chest.

He looks down and sighs at my words.

"I know it has been a long time since we last hung out hasn't it?" He ask with a bit of sadness in his voice.

I look down and stare at the ground.

" I'm sorry Hunter I should have stayed in touch with you." he apologizes.

He comes and stands in front of me and I stiffen.

He raises my chin to look  up at him. " Hunter let me make everything up to you." He says.

" Jake all I want you to do is just leave me alone and go on like yesterday never happened." I deadpan.

He looks at me kind of hurt. " Hunter if I did that I deserve to die right now in the worst way possible." he says back to me. 

I check the time on my watch and swear.

"Look I have to go get ready for school." I say back to him.

My Ex-Best Friend (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now