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Hunters P.O.V~

We just made it to the school building, Kyle and Carter just hopped out of Kyle's Hummer.

" Hey what's up!" Called Jake to Kyle like they didn't just conversate for a while on the phone right before leaving. Me and Carter shake our heads and link arms walking ahead of them.

" How did you sleep last night?" Asked Carter worridly. I shake my head, and reply groggily.

" Not well, I got like a wink of sleep."

It's not my fault, Tony has no sign of change, and to have your only family member not be with you and instead lying in a coma on a hospital bed. It takes a lot to just sudenly be happy go lucky. Jake and Kyle decide to head off with their friends. Kyle obviously stoping Jake to give Carter a good-bye kiss and hug. I would have commented their very visual PDA, but I was too tired to even possibly come up with a fair sentence. Carter moaned and when she did that Kyle grunted which caused Jake to finally break them up.

"Hey, hey , hey. You guys will see each other in like 5 freaking minutes!"

" My bad Mate but dam she just gets to me." Kyle says looking adoringly at a blushing Carter. Okay I've seen a lot of things, but Carter blushing is not usally one of them. I squeal some what waking up.

" Carter are you blushing?!" I exclaim.

" No! Why the hell would I be blushing for?!" Denied Carter getting semi defensive.

" You look so fucking sexy when you blush like that babe." Says Kyle gaining Carters attention back.

" I was so blushing." Replies a burning red Carter.

They kiss again, and then Jake and I work together to seperate them while shouting a 'Later' to each other over our shoulders.

" Hunter you've got to help me. I think I'm in love." Says a happy Carter.

" Nope you obviously got hit by a bus and just broke a leg and happily sung Mama Mia to the whole school." She looks at me worridly and just bust out laughing.

" That-- laugh didn't--laugh even make-- long laugh sense-- little giggle." She sighs and puts her arm on my shoulder.

I shake my head at her and continue walking.

We reach the front doors and walk into the main hall. Everyone is just hanging out and chilling. Waiting for the first bell. We first walk to Carter's locker.

" Hey can you help me out with this?" Carter asks after her third attempt to try and get her difficult locker open. I shake my head and step closer to her locker while she takes a mirroring step and takes one back. I twist in pass zero to the left to 13, then zero right 5 , zero left 31, and finally zero right 49. The locker pops open and I give Carter a Cocky grin. She flicks me off smiling and gives me a thanks. She goes on to throw all the books she'll not need until after lunch in her locker and slams the door shut.

"That's why it jams now!" I scold her.

" Yeah, Yeah, and that's why I have you to always un jam it." She smiles and pulls me in the direction of my own locker.

When we get to my locker the bell for school rings letting us know we have 5 minutes till the warning bell for class starts. I get my locker open with ease and place my after lunch class books in my locker and shut it. I turn while zipping my back pack up. When I look up Carter is giving a semi grimace to someone behind me when I look behind me Nick is there looking a bit shy. We haven't really talked much since him and Jake faught.

" Hey, Hunter, I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat, during lunch?" He rubs the back of his neck and blushes slightly.

" Now why in the hell would she want to do that? She doesn't. Now go turn around, and go back to east bumba-fuck. Where your actually wanted." Carter seeths at him.

"Dam babe who spit in your coffee?" Says Kyle coming up with Jake in his tracks.
When they notice Nick they both get pissed looks on their faces.

Before anyone can say anything I speak up.

"Hey guys, why don't you guys go on ahead? Then I'll catch up to you." Jake gives me an 'are you serious' look and I just show him a pleading look which he sighs and gives Nick one hell of a glare before stalking off while bumping into his shoulder. Kyle and Carter give me one last glance before Kyle bumps Nick's shoulder and Carter stomps on his toe causing him to wince.

"I'm guessing I'm Drake now 'No New Friends' but in the literal sence." Says Nick standing straight again.

" What do you want Nick? My time isn't like the wind. You have 1 minute and thirty seconds before I have to head to class." I deadpan ready to walk off like my friends did.

"Look all I want to do is apologize and get a second chance at being your friend, your true friend." Nick says looking a bit nervous.

"Please?" He begs. What should I do? This is so worse then finding the result out on shows like American Idol and The Voice.

"Fine you've got one shot to make it up to me and one shot only that means even if my friends become bullies to you during this one chance you cant harm them in any which,way,or form." I wouldn't allow them to bully him but I wouldn't force them to like him or allow him to disrespect them if he wanted me he has to take the baggage with me.

Okay so I know this is way over due but I've been writing for my book Turning CHEERful also i've been editing and things. School is coming to an end soon for me and I've been keeping my grades up so far so Im sorry that you've had to wait on reading this story for me to pass on to the next grade.
Also it was brought to my attention that 'Kyle' in the beginning is named 'Tyler' from here on out his name is 'Bobby'. Hehe XD just kidding his name will be 'Kyle' I've always been obsessed with this name I mean I even call me penny board 'Kyle' -.- yes my penny board's name is 'Kyle' and he's a guy so SHA .

RAWR!!! My Civilians. XOXO

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