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~Hunter P.O.V~ 

When I got back from my date with Nick I was exhausted we had a great time. He took me to 'Billy's Bowling Lanes' we shared a small pizza and some curly fries. Turns out that he likes curly fries as much as I do. When we were at our table and the fries came he screamed and acted giddly like a little kid. I was crying and was trying not to spit my coke out all on him. After I swallowed he handed me a napkin and apologized for his behavior. I told him he was fine and that I actually was glad he did that. Since with what was going on, I really did just need a good Ol'e tummy cramping, head back, drink spitting laugh. He was happy I was enjoying my self and all I did was smile. Then I kicked his ass in a great round of bowling. 

When he dropped me off at the king residents he walked me up to the door and kissed my forehead. When Mrs. King finally came to the door he said good night to me and Mrs. King wishing us sweet dreams and a good nights rest. Then Mrs. King smiled and closed the door while I waved and walked inside. Mrs. King waited for Nicks camaro to pull out the drive way before she went into complete girl mode. It was only kind of creepy but I could tell she needed the girl talk more than I did. So we went into the kitchen sat at the island and talked for a half an hour and then went our seperate ways for bed.

When I made it up to my temperary room I found Jake on my bed passed out with a movie in his hand it was Mulan. I smiled and grabbed my night close, went into my personal bathroom and changed. When I came out Jake was up and just sitting there. I yawned and climbed in the bed next to him. I pulled the covers over myself and just layed my head down on the fluffy pillows. 

"Did you enjoy your self?" Jake asked.

" Yeah, he took me bowling." I replied.

" That's nice, I guess. I thought we could watch Mulan again but when I got home mom said you had went to Carters to get ready for a date with Nick." He said but I couldn't help but catch a small hint of hurt in his voice. I felt bad but I had no idea why it wasn't like I liked liked Jake he was my ex-bestfriend. Plus he tried to rape me like last month! I should not  be feeling bad. I mean unless he liked me? That has to be it right? Err! 

I realize that he's getting up and getting ready to leave back to his room and I don't know what to say or do so I just lay there and watch as he walks out my room. I feel like I should have made him stay but what could I have said to make him stay? I had just went on a date with another guy. What would that make me if I go out with one guy and lay in bed with another? I fall into a rest less sleep. I dreamed of Nick and I in the future with two kids and a nice house with a white picket fence, Munchie my baby pit bull in the front yard in a cute little dog house that was an exact replica of the house we lived in. We were lying down in bed and I had just turned around in his arms to find my self face to face with Jake. I had leaned over and kissed him and then Nick walked in the bed room and I realised that the dream had changed into a moment where I was cheating. I started crying and pulling on Nick begging him to forgive me. But he gave me a disgusted look and called me a good for nothing whore then, slammed the bedroom door and grabbed our kids forms. Planning on taking them away from me, whispering to them how I was a bad mother and wife. I was yanking on the door trying to get to them but they were fading and the door was still not budging. I felt arms wrap around me and turned around and came back to look at Nick realizing it wasn' t Nick who caught me cheating and taking away my kids but Jake and I all but lost it and started scratching a pulling at Nicks hair and face. 

When I woke up I was drenched in sweat and crying my eyes out. I didn't know if it was from feeling the pain of the dream, the thought of losing Jake, or that I'd freak out more over losing Jake than the sweet, caring, kind guy I had just went on a date with. I looked over at my alarm clock on the night stand. I had about 20 minutes before I had to get up and get ready for school. I decided I'd get up and go for a run. I hadn't run in a while. I grabbed Munchie and his leash and we went for our run. When we got back I had enough time to do all my morning necessities. When I was finished Jake was just going down the stairs. He turned around and looked down the hall towards me as I stepped out my room and closed the door.

"Hey." I said and gave him a small smile. Looking at him brought back my nightmare from the night.

"Morning." He replied and walked down the stairs to the dining room. I could tell he was upset he wasn't one of those people who could hide what they felt. He wore his emotions out on his face like a mask. When he was upset or angry he would always get this little wrinkle in the corner of his left eye and nose. It's the cutest little thing. Wait what? I mean, not cute it's uhm adorable or okay. Not cute. Not saying Jake isn't cute because he's HOT! Oh me god! I need help, some serious, serious help. 

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