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HAII!! Ok this is my FIRST wattpad story and honestly it might suck like really bad BUT!! It might not so you know you could just leave a comment on how to better it... that would be nice and I most certainly will take it under connsideration. Also I'm going to put it right there out in the open. I AM A CERTIFIED FREAK! Meaning that there will be some sexual situations in here. No doubt! But all in all you might really like it none the less!! xD so be brave my civilians! (Get it my user name so all the people who like this and of course my followers I shall call you my civilians!!) Any whoo... like every great author says...

Great readings!!


Have you ever watched an anime and in the anime there's this girl with big boobs and a petite little body being pressed against the floor with her hands above her and a really hot guy with one leg in between her's? 

yeah. I know.

Well remember when you first thought 'wow I wish that was me' and then your second thought is 'well that never even happens in real life.' 

Well guess again.

I'm on the ground out of breath and panting and looking up in to the most beautiful green eyes with small flecks of hazel in them. He's breathing hard too and he has his whole body weight pressed on top of me. I'm trying not to whimper but it's kind of hard, I mean come on if you had a 6'3 brunette, with a really hot  body lying full weight on top of you and blowing what I think is Listerine mouth wash scent mixed with a strong smell of alcohol into your face and holding your arms above your head and legs open with one of his own. What would you do?l


I can't take it anymore!!

I let out a small whimper. Instantly he tenses and I feel a slight bulge on my left leg. I blush deeply at this and Whimper again unintentionally."Please Jake, please get off of me." I say with a small voice. He looks me up and down and licks his lips, but then he slowly pushes himself off of me. I breath deeply and turn on to my stomach to push my own self off the ground. I wasn't exactly sure what happened but I'll tell you what I do know. 

I was sitting in my chair after school because I was helping my English teacher Ms. Jones out with some paper work and then she got a call from her son. After she hung up she says " Hunter I need to go pick up my son so, I'll need to be leaving." Then I told her I only had a little bit of the pile left and that I wouldn't mind locking up after wards. Reluctantly she agreed and said that If she's not back in twenty minutes that I should lock up and leave whether I'm finished or not. "Okay." was all I said and then she left. Fifteen minutes later I had just finished the pile when I heard a knock at the door. My brow furrowed at this because I figured I was the last person in the building other than the custodians Jim and Richard. No offense to them but they would definitely would not come and check up on me. They were just to lazy to do something like that whether it be for me or Kim Kardashian. When I looked at the door I seen no one but Jake King. 

Did I mention that before our freshman year of high school that me & Jake were bestfriends and then puberty smacked him like a mad man and he joined the football team, got a girl thing (slutty cheerleader) he ran through woman like he was in a race to the finish line, and totally forgot I existed. 

I pushed open the door and looked up and down the hall way. "Hey Hunt." Jake says. I then turn and look up at him. "Uhm..uhm hi." I stutter. He then chuckles, then slowly lowers his eyes to my chest and lower. My cheeks instantly heat up as the blood rushes to my face. He then smiles and puts his hand on my waist pushing me back into the classroom. I stummble trying not to trip on my two left feet, but manage not to fall. He chuckles and pushes me up against a desk and starts kissing me at my collar bone. My breath hitches and I instantly hold my breath. "you look so good right now." He whispers in my ear. "uhm... jake what are you doing?" I ask in a small voice. "Showing you how much you mean to me." He replies. He then grabs my waist lifting me on top of the desk and wrapping my legs around him. 

I don't know what to do!!! I've never been in this position before... I mean I've never did the DEED.  

I start pushing him away from me and he grabs my arms pulling me with him. "Oh come on Hunter you know you don't want to be a virgin for the rest of your high school career." He says. This makes me angry. I then push him from me hard and start wailing my arms and hitting him with all my might. But he's bigger than me so he secures my arms with little effort and trips me to the floor. I gasp at his speed and then he's lying on top of me with one of his hands on both of mine above my head and then his other on my waist pressing me to the floor. He then forces my legs open and pushes his right leg between them. "That was all to easy Hunt, I thought you would have put up much more of a fight."  He says to me.

This is it I thought, im going to lose my virginity by rape to my old bestfriend that I used to take baths with. 

I don't want to cry in front of him so I put on my best poker face and stare out the windows. I was thinking about afterwards whether or not I would press charges on him. I knew I wouldn't, I wouldn't even tell anyone about what happenes here.

I can tell he's looking at me so I turn my head and decide to look at him the whole time he has his way with me. He just looks into my dark blue eyes and I look into his green hazel specked ones. I let out a whimper from his weight and I feel his erection on my left Leg. 

"Please Jake, please get off of me." I say with a small voice.

He looks me up and down and licks his lips. He then rises off of me and walks to a desk and sits down with his head in his hands.

I'm standing by the window and we're both just sitting in silence. I finally let a couple tears fall.

"I'm sorry Hunter." He says in an incoherent voice that I almost didn't hear him.

I hear him get up and walk over to me. He stops a few feet away.

"I'm so so sorry Hunter." He says.

I then let out a litte sob and start pouring tear after tear out. 

He walks over to me and wraps his arms around my shoulder and folds me into a hug.

"Why would you do that! Why would you do something like that to me?" I exclaim into his chest.

"I don't know I'm such a dick." He says.

We then sit there like that for what feels like Hours. I finally stop crying and look up at him and he stares down at me with such remorse in his eyes. He lifts his hands and I flinch. "I'm not going to hurt you, I would and will never hurt you." He says and then wipes my fallen tears away. 

I sniffle and then step away from him.  

He sighs. " Do you need a ride home?" He asks.

I look up at him with pure shock. "Do you actually think I would go any where with you?!" I yell.

He looks hurt and takes a step closer to me I step back instanly. 

"Please don't do this Hunt." He calls me by the nick name he gave me when we were six and was to lazy to call me by my full name.

"Do what? Tell everyone that you tried to have your way with me with out my permission?." I ask him with my voice dripping sweet hot venom in every word. 

He winces. " Please, Hunter, Please don't do that. You can't tell anyone." He tells me. 

I look at him with pure hatred. " Why the Fuck shouldn't I!!" I scream at him. 

He starts to talk but I cut him off by putting my hand in his face. 

"Don't worry about it I wasn't going to tell Whether you had your way with me or not, I wouldn't stoop so low." I say to him and then grab My bag and walk out the door. Leaving him standing there with shock in his eyes.

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