Chapter 1: Normal

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        In a small house that didn't look in very good shape from the outside, there were two people living in there. These two people were twins, and they would be complete opposites if it weren't for their similar hairstyles and faces. It was morning, and light was shining through Yo's window. She slowly opened her eyes and stood to look out the window. She had a warm smile that could bring everyone into a calm mood. She had then suddenly widened her eyes and had an even bigger smile, so she quickly rushed down the hallway and had gone into a room that seemed a little too dark and with a gloomy atmosphere. Yo didn't care about the atmosphere, she only cared for the big day at the moment. "It's today, it's today!" said Yo as she jumped around in the gloomy room. The sheets on the bed were moving as if someone was struggling, though it was only a girl with long, dark hair. The girl seemed to be half asleep and just kept hiding herself in the blankets. Yo pulled the girl's blankets and folded them. Yo then hit the girl on the head as she opened the curtains. "Come on, Ei, today's the first day of school!" said Yo as she walked away. Ei slowly stood up and walked to her closet, though she didn't seem too excited about school as Yo was. She grabbed her clothes and headed straight for the bathroom. As she locked herself in the bathroom, a dark aura had surrounded her as if she was absorbing it. "Someone else is being negative again?", asked Ei as she looked in the mirror, though that didn't bother her much considering she's used to it.

As a little time passed, Yo was putting toast and sandwiches in two brown bags. She admired her uniform as she twirled around and her skirt fluttered. Ei had finally appeared and took a brown bag and quickly headed out. Yo quickly took the other brown bag and headed outside locking the door and quickly followed Ei. "That uniform looks great on you." said Yo. Though Ei stayed quiet, looking up at the sky. Yo looked confused and worried at Ei. "Don't worry about me, I'm just thinking." Said Ei. "What are you thinking about?" responds Yo with excitement. "Only that without you my life could have been short or it would be so much more boring than history." Ei walked faster and Yo kept following.

They had then finally arrived at their destination. Yo grabbed Ei's hand and quickly pulled her in the school. Ei kept trying to escape Yo's grip, but she just kept on holding tighter. "Come on, you can't avoid school your whole life!" said Yo. "I actually might if you let me go!" responds Ei. A shadow is then cast on the twins, and they both look to see what it is. There was a woman with clothes that looked of someone who's strict. The twins quickly straighten up and smiled at the woman. "Go on, you don't want to be late to class." says the woman. The twins do as they're told and hurry to class. "She was the principal, but I saw something in her memories that seemed not fit for a strong woman like that." said Ei. "Please keep the powers to a minimum, even though I know we're not used to that!" responds Yo hesitantly. Ei nods and they both go to their classrooms.

As the classes went by, lunch had come. Ei and Yo gathered at a picnic table. They both sat down and started eating their sandwiches that they took out from their brown bag. Yo looks at Ei's hair and takes out two hair bands. Ei looked at Yo scared at what she's going to do. Yo starts putting Ei's hair in two buns facing down. "Now we're almost the same!" said Yo as she points to her buns, but her buns are facing up instead of down. Ei touches the buns and then continues eating. A foot suddenly steps on the table. The twins quickly jump a bit and Ei stands up and looks at the person with an angry look. "That was very rude of you, sir, so please just step away right now!" said Ei clenching a fist. "Sorry, but this is my table, so you should step away." said the young man.
"We were here first so you should respect that!" said Ei as a dark aura starts surrounding her fist and she starts gnashing her teeth. Yo grabs Ei's hand and points at the other student's head. Ei looks and sees a memory of the student. She quickly calms down and sits back down. "All right, I might as well introduce myself then, now that you have calmed down." says the student. "People call me Zachary, but you can call me Zeref if you'd like." Ei doesn't say a word and looks at Zeref. "I'm sorry for the way Ei acted, it was never her intention." said Yo as she started grabbing her belongings. "It's fine, I deserved that. Though I would like to keep her in my sight from now on." said Zeref as he grins. The twins look at each other a bit confused at what Zeref said. "Well, we have to go now." said Yo. The twins then walked away still questioning what Zeref said.

As the day had finally passed, Yo and Ei walked home as the sun was setting. Ei kept looking behind, but there was never anything there.
"Are you alright?" said Yo looking at Ei.
"Yes, I'm fine. Do you sense that too?" said Ei. The twins then stop walking and they both start looking behind them. Though nothing was there, they still felt as if they were being watched. Ei tries to ignore it and just keeps moving forward. Yo kept staring for awhile until finally she ignored it. She turns around and sees Ei standing still looking petrified, and in front of her was a monster that growled and snarled on Ei's face. Both the twins stood still for a while when suddenly, a blue flame had hit the dark monster. The twins looked at who threw that and they couldn't believe what they were seeing with their eyes. It was Zeref, but he looked different. He had a tail as dark as the night, ears of a cat, and horns that looked like a goat's horns had been taken away from it out of fun. Zeref grinned as the monster was burning into ashes. "I told you that you weren't going to leave my sight." said Zeref as the now ashes of the monster disappeared in the wind. The twins were speechless at what they saw and didn't feel like talking about the matter. "What are you?" said Ei. A white flame had then appeared on Yo's hand and looked at Zeref. "Why the hostility?" asked Zeref. "I saved you both, though you act as if I were the bad guy."
"You never answered my question either." said Ei.
"Oh!" said Zeref. ""Where are my manners? I'm heir to one of the spirit clans and I came here to seek a wife, and I chose you for the great part." The twins had then looked in shock of what they just heard. They both had then quickly run for it, seeing as they were being faced with danger. Though Zeref did nothing to stop them from running away; he just looked at them with a grin that could send shivers down your spine.

After running for a while, the twins finally made it home. They both sighed in relief, but they still felt anxious of the person Zeref was. Ei went to the living room and found Zeref laying down on their couch. "The place looks quite lovely from the inside." said Zeref. Ei screamed in terror and threw a dark cloud (that had come out of her hand) at Zeref. As soon as she looked, he was still in one piece. Yo watched from behind in terror. "If you don't mind I'd like to explain myself." said Zeref. "I'm a spirit from another world where humans can't cross or see; and there are clans that divide some of us,and I'm heir to one of those clans, but in order to become a true heir I must have a wife. That's why I've selected you as my bride, or at least until I find one that's truly worthy of the great task." Ei didn't care for what he had to say and threw a pan at him. "I don't want you here, you pest!" said Ei. 

"I'll make your house look new and anything else you want as long as it's in my power.", answered Zeref. Ei stopped and looked at Yo in consideration to make the deal. "If you want to stay here you have to do your fair share of work duty.' said Yo.

"Or I could call the police and sue you for breaking into our house." added Ei.
"If you do that they won't believe you and I'd be gone by the time they came." replied Zeref. The twins had finally given up, realizing that they couldn't convince him to leave. They brought pillows and blankets to Zeref and both had gone to their rooms, questioning what would happen next.

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