Chapter 2: Weird Rivalry

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       The first week of school had passed, and it was Saturday. Yo had just woken up and she noticed a smell that was roaming around. It was a sweet smell, as if someone had picked perfume of candy scent and spread it everywhere. Yo followed the scent and it had lead to the kitchen. There she found Zeref cooking breakfast, but she wasn't surprised that he would do such a thing; though she didn't realize that Zeref actually knew how to cook. Zeref soon realized that he was being watched and he quickly dropped everything in his hands. "You weren't suppose to arrive yet!" said Zeref. "I was gonna surprise your sister with breakfast, but I guess that's ruined now. Ah yes, and you too I guess."
"Don't be rude!" responds Yo sounding a bit mad. "At least I don't need a dumb personality and looks to make someone happy and make them mine!" Yo sounded a bit offended, but she calmed down and pretended as if nothing happened. Ei then appears to the scene and notices Zeref and Yo being a bit too quiet. "Did I miss something?" said Ei confused on what was going on. "Don't worry about that." said Zeref. "I made breakfast just for you. And it was my pleasure to do it." Ei didn't look very amused though. She didn't say anything until she walked up to Zeref and hit him in the head. "Stop doing competition with my sister! You know that in the end she's the one that's going to always win!" said Ei. Yo smiled and made the loser sign at Zeref. Though Zeref didn't react to it because he didn't really care. "Would you like to at least try the breakfast that I made you?" asked Zeref. "Fine, but if I get food poisoning I'm blaming you." responded Ei. Ei finally sits down and cuts a piece out of a pancake and takes a bite out of it. She widens her eyes and stays speechless for awhile. Zeref and Yo looked a bit scared seeing Ei's reaction. Ei finally snaps out of it and continues eating. "I'd be nice if you did breakfast from now on, if you don't mind." said Ei. "You should be heading out too, Yo."
"Oh my goodness!" said Yo. "I completely forgot about that! Thank you for reminding me!" Yo quickly grabs a backpack and heads out in a rush. Now that Yo was gone, everything seemed quiet and awkward. But Ei didn't really care what happened to Zeref as long as he didn't bother her. So Ei grabs a book, sits on her couch, and starts reading. Zeref seemed a bit confused wondering why there was no tv; so he examined the living room. Ei peeked over her book to see what he was doing but just kept trying to ignore him and so she kept reading. Zeref then started heading out without a single word.

After a bit of time passed, it was quiet and Ei had just finished reading and wondered where Zeref was. She then heard a forceful knock and quickly started heading to the door. She opens the door and sees that Zeref had brought a tv with him. He quickly went inside and placed the tv in the living room. "Why did you bring this here!?" asked Ei with a bit of anger. "I noticed something from you twins." responded Zeref. "I saw that you didn't have a tv and I wondered why. But then I realized that your house from the outside doesn't look so great and you don't have any way of communication. So I came to a conclusion that you didn't have enough money to afford such things and just make do with what you have; which would also explain why most of your lunches are sandwiches." He said as felt pride in what he said. "Yeah, that's true." said Ei. "But I'm curious where did you get the tv?"
"I stole it, obviously. How else would I get a tv?" said Zeref.
"With money that you might actually have, you idiot! Are you that dense?" responded Ei with an annoyed tone. Zeref ignored what she said and sat down watching tv. Ei gave up on the fact that maybe one day Zeref would actually listen to her. She sat on the far side of the couch where Zeref couldn't get close and pull little tricks, and she continued on with her reading and wrote things as she went on.

Night time had come by and Ei was asleep with her pen and book in her hands. Zeref looked over and sighed a bit disappointed. He decided to carry Ei and bring her to her bed. He tucked her in her bed sheets and looked at her and still looked a bit disappointed. "I'm never going to win you, am I?" asked Zeref to Ei. He then went back to the living room and an arrow was shot almost hitting Zeref's head. "I knew that you were up to something." said Zeref as he looked over with a calming look. Yo was aiming an arrow at Zeref and didn't seemed to care the slightest about what could happen next. "It makes sense since it was your people that killed the one person she cared about."
"I never knew about their intentions." said Yo. "I only knew that they were plotting something. Ei was just lucky enough to not have been killed."
"That white hair and blue eyes might make you look innocent, but you're still a monster on the inside and you know it." responds Zeref.
"And you're not? Even when leaving a trail of blood in your path you still think you're innocent after all these years." Zeref stayed still for a while without saying a single word. He suddenly put an angry face and in a flash had pinned Yo to the wall. His real form had come out with the yellow eyes of a snake's, and the face of an angry killer. "Maybe I should end your life right now!" said Zeref. "But if you do Ei will never forgive you and she'll want revenge; growing even stronger than you with power." said Yo. Finally, Zeref calms down and lets go of Yo. He didn't dare say another word, fearing that if he did things wouldn't be so pretty. His human form had finally come back as he laid down on the couch. Yo also stayed quiet and hid herself in her room. The house then grew quiet until not even the wind could be heard.

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