Chapter 4: Familiar Faces

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      At school, the twins studied at lunch. Though Ei seemed to be having trouble with her homework. "Why does homework even have to exist?" said Ei, groaning. "They exist because it's practice that helps us understand the material." said Yo. Ei kept on complaining and didn't want to do homework. Yo took Ei's homework and started writing on it. "You owe me for doing this." 

Zeref had climbed a tree and kept watch, making sure that no danger was near the twins. He then saw someone carrying boxes that covered the student's face; though they seemed to be struggling carrying them. Zeref felt a bit of pity and climbed down the tree. He drank water as he watched the person struggle; the student suddenly fell and dropped all the boxes. Zeref seemed surprised by who it was that he almost choked on his water. "No way that it's you!" said Zeref, shaking a bit. "Huh?", said the student, "Oh, hello, it's been a long time since last time we saw each other, but maybe you don't remember me since we were only in elementary school, after all."

"I remember you, Haiku." said Zeref.
"Well at least you still remember my middle name!" responded Haiku as he winked. Ei then looked and saw the two of them; she had lost all attention in her homework; Yo then follows along. Zeref helped Haiku with the boxes and walked together; they talked about what had happened since Zeref moved in with the twins. "I wish I had those kinds of adventures.", said Haiku, "Being a human is way too boring for me; spirits are way more exciting and they always face danger. I wish I was your bride so that way I can see excitement everyday!" 

Zeref shivered at that comment and acted like it wasn't even made. "You know you can't come to the spirit world." said Zeref, sighing in relief, "You know what happens when humans cross the spirit world; you've even seen it with your own eyes." Haiku looked down and stayed quiet. "Well I have to go now.", said Haiku,"I hope I can see your cat ears again some day too." And with that, Haiku was out of Zeref's view; Zeref sighed and walked only noticing that the twins were following him the whole time. He felt embarrassed after that and didn't say a word about what happened.

The school day continued to pass on normally, but Zeref didn't seem to act like he always did. As soon as they arrived home, Zeref laid on the couch and hid in the sheets. "Zeref, you're not going to sleep here anymore.", said Ei. Zeref quickly stood up looking a bit annoyed, "You know that kicking me out isn't going to be that easy."
"Just shut up and come with me." Ei walked away and Zeref followed behind; she revealed a room that didn't seem to belong to either of the twins. "This is going to be your room from now on, so if you have a problem with that then you can sleep outside.", said Ei. "And I did most of the work since Ei was too lazy to help around!", added Yo as she walked into the scene. Zeref looked around the room, not knowing what to say. He smiled and hugged the twins saying "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" repeatedly. The twins on the other hand, were trying to escape his tight hug. "He's an evil spirit but he acts like a human that received a new car!", said Ei. Yo laughed at the situation and Zeref quickly let go of the twins. "So I'm guessing that you girls don't mind me being here?", asked Zeref, "I mean, I'm the only guy here so I'm guessing it has to be a bit uncomfortable for both of you." Yo suddenly took a police baton out and smiled as if nothing was wrong;"Of course it's fine, as long as you behave. Or we'll have to punish you.", said Yo. "Where did you even get that from!?" said Zeref a bit scared for what might happen if he did something bad. "Anyway, I'm going to bed.", said Ei. "Hold on just a minute!", exclaimed Yo, "You still have homework to do, you lazy Yin!" Ei didn't comment and quickly ran away. "Come gather your paraphernalia, because you're going to study harder than you ever have before!" said Yo chasing Ei around. Zeref smiled and went into his room; "I'm glad I have those twins in my life.", said Zeref, "I don't know what I would've done right now if it weren't for them."

When the chaos had finally calmed down, Ei had fallen asleep with a pencil stuck in her hair. Yo kissed Ei's forehead and headed outside; she looked up at the stars and sighed. She suddenly took out her fire bow and arrows and aimed in front of her, she kept quiet for awhile. Chains had then grabbed Yo by the neck and was pulled away; she looked and saw Ann with an evil grin on her face. "Don't worry, you're just going to take a break for awhile." said Ann as she pulled Yo away into the shadows of the night. Yo had then come out of the darkness and made an evil grin as she looked at the house. "Well evil spirit," said the supposed Yo, "let's have a little fun before your final day." And with that, she entered the house and acted as if nothing ever happened.

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