Chapter 3: Connection

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     Yo had woken up early and headed out in the backyard without telling anyone. There she saw a person in a cloak eating a fruit. She walked up to the person and observed them, making sure that they weren't an enemy. She offered the person some money but they refused. "All I care about is getting rid of that monster." said the person. "Careful." said Yo. "He is way more resistent than I thought. And if I mess with him, the spirits will then come after me since they know about my rank." Yo then walked away from the person and went inside the house. The person took their hood off and looked through a window, seeing Zeref sleeping on the couch. "Don't worry," said the person. "I'll make sure it's a quick death for you." The person then walked away as they disappeared in the shadows.

A few hours had passed and everything was calm and quiet. Then suddenly, Ei came running out of her room and put tickets in front of Zeref's face. Zeref looked a bit annoyed with being slapped with paper. "We're going to this carnival so you and Yo can get along!" said Ei.
"But you don't get along with me either." said Zeref.
"That's not the point! I don't like you but at least I try to make the best of it."
"Actually you don't. You just try to not attack me with a spoon." responded Zeref. Ei then throws a spoon at Zeref and grins. "Now!" said Ei. "We'll all get ready and we'll go. And no excuses to not go either!" Zeref groaned, hiding his head in the pillows. "Stop your whining and groaning, cat." said Yo as she walked into the scene. "I'll stop whining and groaning when you stop pretending, you fake." responded Zeref. Yo then starts throwing spoons at Zeref as he starts trying to escape the flying spoons.

When everything had finally calmed down again, the crew headed on to the carnival. There was an awkward silence that no one dared to interrupt. Ei walked ahead of Yo and Zeref leaving the two alone. "Now that she's gone," said Zeref; "please tell me why she never smiles. It's like she has everything she wants but she still feels empty." Yo sighed and looked down. "It was a long time ago when we were about seven years old." said Yo. "We never knew each other until she came into my village. It all started when rain was picking up suddenly out of nowhere. There was warnings being sent out that an evil spirit was going on a killing spree; but it was way worse than that. She killed everything that was in her path, and if the crops were to be touched by her, they would die. Then she finally came close to the village and I watched as all the soldiers were slowly dying. Though something drew me near her and I walked close to her, facing her face to face. I wasn't dying, and I looked at her face and she was in tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore and I hugged telling her 'Don't worry. You don't have to suffer your pain anymore.' And that was when she finally turned back to normal and the village took her in as part of the family. No one has ever seen her smile except me." Zeref seemed a bit shocked by that story, and he seemed a bit speechless. The rest of their walk had then continued on with the awkward silence.

They then reached their destination. Yo looked at the scenery full of lights and bright colors and with the music in the background. Ei was already gone and was nowhere close. "Well, your sister did say that we have to get along, so let's get this over with." said Zeref. They then walked to different booths and played games; but everything still felt tense between the two. They came across a booth where there was a small sea lion plush, and Yo looked at it excited. "I'm not good at shooting games at all!" said Yo disappointed. Zeref decided to play the game and so he did. He won at the end and gave the sea lion plush to Yo. "Thank you so much," said Yo, "you're the best!" Zeref couldn't believe that she was actually being nice to him and even complimented him. "You act too adorable when being nice, so please don't do that too much." said Zeref.
"You're not so bad as I thought." said Yo, "How are you so kind to people even if you're hated?"
"Easy," said Zeref, "people always judge others that seem different and will only accept a truth that's their fit. Though if you get on my bad side I won't be so kind and gentle." Yo looked a bit nervous by that last statement and started looking around. She grabbed Zeref's hand and pulled him away from the crowd. They hid behind a tree and Yo fidgeted with her fingers, making Zeref a bit anxious. "Why are we here, Yo?" said Zeref.
"Because someone is coming to end your life." responded Yo. Zeref grew more weary of his surroundings; listening to every moment there was. Yo quickly hugged Zeref when an arrow had pierced Yo's shoulder instead of Zeref's. "Apparently now you changed your mind, miss Yin." said the new voice. Yo looked at Zeref and mouthed the word sorry; though she tried not to cry. Zeref grabbed the arrow and hesitated a bit before taking out the arrow; Yo whimpered trying not to scream and not cause a commotion. Chains had then grabbed Yo's leg and pulled her away from Zeref; they let go of her and grab Zeref by the neck. It slowly burned his neck causing an even larger pain; the person didn't care though. "I'd recognize that scent anywhere." said Zeref. "So you figured it out?" said the person, "I'm impressed. Did you miss me? The beautiful Ann that makes the best out of everything."
"But you don't really make a living out of anything real."
"And I don't make a living out of flirting, but no one is judging you, now are they?" responded Ann pulling Zeref closer. An arrow then passes by Ann, making a cut on her cheek with a bit of smoke coming out. Yo was aiming at Ann with a bow and arrow made of white flames. "Next one will be in your head." said Yo. "I won't kill you because it's against the rules so consider yourself lucky, Yang." said Ann, "And where is your Yin? After all Yin and Yang are greater together."
"Her Yin is right here!" said Ei as she threw a punch at Ann. The chains had broke when Ann fell down by the intensity of the punch. Ann looked at Ei and she felt fear and anger when seeing Ei's eyes of green. "You win this time," said Ann, "but next time I'll be the one bringing fear!" And with those last words, Ann had run off in the darkness.

After the long way of the crew arriving to their home, Ei tended to Zeref's and Yo's wounds. "Maybe we shouldn't be apart from a long distance." said Ei. "We should all rest since school is tomorrow." added Yo; and so Ei had gone ahead to bed and dropped dead asleep. Yo followed behind when Zeref grabbed Yo and hugs her tightly. "Thank you for taking the arrow;" said Zeref, "it was very nice of you." Yo blushed a bit and smiled at Zeref; they said their goodbyes for the night and everything was going back to normal.

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