Chapter 5: Behind a Mask

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Ei jumped on Yo's bed repeatedly trying to wake her up, but Yo just kept on sleeping and ignored Ei. Come on, Yo", said Ei, "we're going to be late if you don't wake up." Zeref walked in and grabbed and pulled Yo close and waited, while Ei looked angry at what he was doing. Yo had finally opened her eyes slowly and looked at Zeref a bit confused; until finally, she snapped out of it and hit Zeref in the head. "That's what you get for doing that, you cat freak!" said Ei. Zeref scratched his head and had a serious look on his face; "Maybe Yo should stay here while you and I shall go to school.", said Zeref. "I can go to school with both of you." said Yo. Ei and Zeref looked at each other a bit surprised at hearing Yo's voice; her voice is usually higher and sounded a bit like Ei. "Is something the matter?" asked Yo.
"Not at all!" replied both Ei and Zeref. With that, Yo acted weird even before leaving for school; she even didn't have her usual buns and cheery smile.

When they arrived at school, Yo didn't seem too happy being at school like she usually is. She sat on a different seat and almost everyone in the class looked at her strangely; while a male student looked at her annoyed. "Hey little cheery runt," said the student, "that's my seat so you better run off."; but Yo just ignored him. He eventually got mad and threw the first punch, but Yo quickly grabbed it before it hit her. She looked at the student and kicked him hard enough to make him crash with a desk. Ei grabbed Yo, preventing her to attack another person; "Stop this right now!", said Ei. Yo looked at her with stone cold eyes and hit her with her elbow, making Ei crash with the wall. "You're just a demon that doesn't belong here." said Yo; and just when she was going to punch Ei again, Zeref had appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Yo's punch. "You can mess with anyone and I wouldn't care;", said Zeref, "but you messing and hitting Ei is just crossing the line. How dare you even look at her?"
"Fine I won't mess with her, for now." said Yo as the ambiance turned dark and everyone was asleep except for Ei, Zeref and Yo. "I honestly thought that my disguise would last longer than this, but I guess you just know the twins way too much."
"What did you do with Yo?" said Zeref. Ei had then noticed that Zeref was in his actual form and the Yo that she thought she knew, turned into Ann from last time at the carnival. Ei's face slowly turned from scared to angry. "Oh!" said Ann, "I almost forgot about her, but don't worry she's chained up somewhere unconscious. Though if I defeat you both, I don't think you'll have to worry about her anytime soon; but I'd be careful how you attack me if I were you. You don't want to hurt all these students because of me. Especially that one little old friend of yours; what was his name? Jared Haiku was it?" Zeref quickly attacked Ann with his blue flames, but was pushed down by her chains, making him fall out the window; he was hanging from the chains that didn't let go of him. "You've grown weak since you've arrived to the human world.", said Ann as she looked at him from the window. Zeref tried melting the chains, though they burned his skin, but he didn't care about himself at that moment. Ann was suddenly being pulled back by Ei; Ann had let go of the chains but Ei quickly reacted and had grabbed the chains with her other hand. Ei didn't have a choice but to let go of Ann and went to help Zeref; it proved to be a bad choice since more chains quickly grabbed Ei and tightened around her. "Come on, Yin!", said Ann, "You can't hold him in the predicament you're in!" Ei let go of the chains and struggled to get out. Though Ann didn't expect that at all; "I can't believe you actually did that!" said Ann. "That's because I was already out of those ridiculous chains." said Zeref as he climbed back into the classroom. He then helped Ei out of the chains and set her down in the corner of the classroom. "Hey, I can help too." said Ei.
"There is no need to." responded Zeref.
"But how are you-"
"I said there is no need to, so please just stay there. Think of me as your tool and you'll be okay." 

Ei threw a plastic spoon at Zeref and hit him in the head with her fist. "Stop talking nonsense and just let me help, you idiot!" said Ei as she started attacking Ann. She grabbed her arms and threw her to Zeref; while Zeref hit Ann's back with his blue flames. "You fools!" said Ann, "That barely does anything!"; she then quickly regretted saying those words when she looked that her arms were burning. She screamed in pain saying "Make it stop!" as she scratched her arms. Ei walked up to her bringing fear to Ann; and Ann shaked and tears were falling out of her eyes. Ei grabbed Ann's head and put her forehead on her's. "You suffered in your past life;", said Ei, "but please don't take it out on others just because your parents did those terrible things to you." She then hugged Ann as they both cried; and all of Ann's burning pain in her arms quickly faded away. All had gone normal and everyone in the class woke up; even Zeref had his human form back. Zeref didn't waste time and grabbed Ann and held her in the air outside of the broken window. "Hey!" said Ei, "She's not going to hurt anyone, so it's fine."

"She hurt you, and that is unforgivable in my book!" said Zeref, "Now tell me where Yo is or I'll drop you right now!" There was no reply though; Ann grabbed Zeref's collar and pulled him out with her. Everyone panicked and many students looked out their windows as Zeref and Ann were falling from a three floors high building. "You ignorant spirit!", said Zeref angry, "All you had to do is tell me where Yo was and I would've let you go!" Zeref grabbed on to the fall with his right hand as he carried Ann with his other hand; he fell onto the floor luckily with not severe injuries. "I get that you want to kill me,", said Zeref, "but I first need to know that Yo is safe with her sister. So please, just tell me where she is."
"Why do you even care for them?", asked Ann as she gave a key to Zeref, "You're an evil spirit so act like one!" Ei watched from behind as Zeref smiled and grabbed Ei's hand; "People can change, believe it or not.", said Zeref as he ran away with Ei. "Where are we going?" asked Ei anxious. "We're going to go to your sister, genius!" responded Zeref as Ei looked surprised at him.

The key seemed to lead to an old factory that looked abandoned. Zeref quickly opened the entrance for the factory and saw Yo in chains hanged against a wall. "I did not expect to see this sight at all. Kind of attractive." said Zeref as he looked at the poor Yo. Ei hit him in the head aggressively; "Don't you dare think like that while my sister looks like that! And especially when I'm around!", said Ei as she took the key from Zeref and set free her sister. "Oh come on, it's not my fault that I'm a male. She did look cute when vulnerable though." said Zeref; he then got slapped by two hands and got red cheeks. Yo seemed to be awake somehow and looked a bit annoyed. "What did I say about misbehaving, cat?" said Yo as she fixed herself up. Ei hugged Yo tightly and wouldn't let go; even Zeref had to help with taking her off of Yo. "I'm glad you're back, Yo.", said Zeref, "Please, try not to do that to us ever again. Especially to your sister; she had to hurt someone and then make them feel better just to find you." Yo smiled and tackle hugged Zeref. "And thank you for taking care of her for me." said Yo. Zeref and Yo had then noticed that Ei had fallen asleep on the floor without even making a single peep.

Zeref carried her on his back and brought her to her bed safe and sound. Yo had also fallen asleep in her own room after all that happened that day. Zeref looked at Ei and never really acknowledged that she always had her left eye covered; he slowly moved away her bangs from her eye and saw a scar that only seemed to be on the top eyelid. Zeref looked disappointed in himself and left Ei alone. With that, he finally went to bed, dreaming things he shouldn't be.

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