Chapter 8: A Visit to the Spirit World

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Yo knocked on Ei's door, insisting her to get out of her room. "Whatever happened, let me help you fix it, please." said Yo; there was no response though. She then noticed that everything was a bit too quiet and that Zeref was also locked in his room. She knocked on Zeref's door and there was no response either. Just when she started to walk away, there was a sound of a door opening; it was Zeref. He only opened the door a bit and peeked to see who it was. "Zeref, what's going on with you and Ei?" asked Yo as she crossed her arms. He didn't respond at all and just kept staring; Yo felt a bit uncomfortable. Zeref then smiled and quickly closed his door again.

Yo had given up at that point and went on to the couch, wondering why everyone is acting weird. She then heard Ei's yelling and screaming; of course Yo went to check what was going on immediately. Zeref was carrying Ei out of the house; he seemed to be heading somewhere. Yo followed behind; watching out for neighbors that didn't look at them. Zeref went into a wood that was nearby and a portal opened. Ei kept on fighting begging to go. He didn't seem to listen and jumped in the portal; Yo quickly jumped after.

As soon as they went in, they seemed to be in a place that felt more fictional to them. "Welcome to the spirit world." said Zeref as finally put Ei down. Yo and Ei looked around amazed looking at the scenery. There was a bright area far away from where they were standing; it even had more sunlight. The twins looked at each other and panicked as they saw each other in a different form; they had small horns, wings and eyes that looked of a dragon's. "We actually have a spirit form!" said Yo. "And we look weird!" added Ei. Zeref also seemed to be in his spirit form. He started to swing his tail back and forth as he looked at the twins excitedly, and quickly had an earnest face. "I'm sorry that I touched you like that Ei.", said Zeref, "I promise it won't happen again." He then walked away and the twins followed behind as they saw the scenery. Everything seemed a bit gloomy and the sky seemed to be gloaming. They looked at the people and there many different types of spirits that all seemed to be bad from the way their eyes looked. "So, I'm guessing that everyone here is a bad spirit from how they have snake eyes." said Yo. "Yeah, but some good spirits also have reptile eyes, though it's kind of rare for that to happen on their side." responded Zeref.

They soon arrived at a house that looked quite big. He stepped one foot into the house and many spirits quickly gathered around him. "Our master finally arrived from the earth world!" said one of the spirits. They all suddenly looked at the twins and gathered around Ei and many of the guys grabbed her. "This one is a cute one, master!" said another spirit. Zeref kicked the spirit's head and was going to grab Ei, but quickly stopped himself. Yo looked at the situation intently and tried to figuring out why they only went after Ei. "These girls are not to be touched unless I say so.", said Zeref, "Am I understood?" The spirits nodded and looked at Yo in a bit of terror; they all went on to what they were doing while they kept an eye on her. "Why do they look at me like that?" asked Yo as she hid behind Ei. "Because us evil spirits don't like good spirits that roam around our territory.", responded Zeref, "So what I'm saying is that you're extra, so go home." Yo looked annoyed and slowly turned red. "At least she's not someone that just kisses me on the roof out of nowhere." said Ei. Yo looked confused for a second until she realized why they were acting so weird; she didn't seem so amused realizing that. Zeref walked away, leaving the twins alone with the spirits.

Zeref entered a room, where there was a male spirit that looked bigger than him. "You brought the Yin Yang sisters." said the spirit. Zeref sat on a chair and took a pipe. "The Yang is not our enemy, father." said Zeref, "She's actually quite kind and gentle, but strict at the same time. But she's not the one I want. Her sister, the Yin, is the one I'm after, but I did something so bad to her that I can't even allow myself to touch her."
"Then you're weak!" said Zeref's father. Zeref was quickly thrown through the wall with a powerful wind. The other servants and the twins looked at Zeref; Ei was the only one that went up to him. He quickly stood up and looked at his father as he smiled. "This old man really likes to throw me around like a doll." said Zeref as blue flames appeared on his hands. Ei slowly backed away, standing in the crowd. Zeref threw the flames at his father, but were quickly put out by his father's strong winds. "You focus too much on hitting the target rather than controlling the flames!" said his father. Zeref started to look a bit annoyed and his flames grew bigger. Just when Zeref went in for the attack, a lady stood between the two annoyed spirits. Zeref quickly stopped and his flames had disappeared.

Everyone looked a bit scared as the lady just stood there without saying a word. She suddenly looked at Zeref's father and a book came flying to his head. Zeref slowly walked away, hoping that she wouldn't notice him. The lady quickly looked at Zeref and a dictionary flew to his head. "I thought I told you both to stop fighting in the house!" said the lady. She then looked at the twins and walked towards them. "I'm sorry those two boys ever bothered you.", said the lady, "My name is Enna and this idiot of a father is Amaimon. And I'm guessing you already know Zeref." The twins looked at each other confused to why everyone is so afraid of Enna. Enna repeatedly hit Amaimon and cursed at him. "This is what I get for having weird parents." said Zeref as he scratched his head.
"Those are your parents?!", asked Ei.
"They're way more crazy than you." added Yo. Enna then grabbed Ei's hands and her cat tail moved side by side. "Would you please stay for awhile with us?" asked Enna. Ei looked at Yo asking for a bit of help. Yo raised up her hands and shook her head. "I don't know if I really want to right now" answered Ei. Enna looked at her with puppy eyes and shed a bit of tears. "Okay, I'll stay awhile." said Ei as she pulled her hands away. Enna hugged Ei excitedly as everyone quickly moved. "We'll have a room prepared for you and your sister." said Enna as she went into a room.

Some of the spirits had then lead the way to the twins' room. Zeref kept his distance when following them. Ei kept looking down and didn't want to say a word. Yo looked at her and hugged her from behind. "I know that it's awkward for you to be here after all that happened to you." said Yo, "But I know that you want to fix it somehow. Plus, you can't just run away from something that you're afraid of all the time." Ei smiled and stretched her arms. They then decided to go to bed; Zeref stood next to their door outside and watched the other spirits walk by.

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