Chapter 7: Taken for a Second

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     The morning had come and everyone was still asleep in their beds; except Zeref of course. He got bored of waiting so much on everyone waking up that he decided to head outside to grab breakfast. He went to a cafe not far from the motel and sat in a booth; there he ordered his food and looked outside the window while he waited for his food. "What have been doing?", thought Zeref, "I should have gotten a wife already and killed all those that have seen my true identity. But why haven't I done that already? Maybe I've grown weak?" A girl then comes out of nowhere and sits by Zeref; "Hey, I just saw you and I thought you needed some company." said the girl.
"And you're in high school?" asked Zeref.
"Wow, how did you know?"
"I didn't, you just acted like a desperate high school student and that came to my head. Plus, you look like one of those popular high school girls that act rude to everyone and always try to get a boyfriend  and whatever they want because they think they can." The girl seemed a bit offended and acted as if he never said that. "That's funny and all, but wow, you look like you work out." said the girl as she touched Zeref's arm. He didn't know what to do and had finally given up when someone pulls the girl away from Zeref. It was Ei; who then stood in front of the girl looking mad and bringing fear to her. The girl shook in fear  and quickly ran away. "I can't believe people are actually like you, Zeref." said Ei as she sat in front of Zeref. "I'll forget you mentioned me in that sentence." responded Zeref. And just in time, his food arrived and Ei looked at it, but didn't want to say anything. "I can give you some if you want it so badly." said Zeref as he gave a fork to Ei. She grabbed the fork and they both started eating. Though, Ei grabbed a napkin and started to write on it with a pen; she showed it to Zeref and it said "Be careful. We're being watched." Zeref looked around and noticed that someone seemed to look at them every so often.

They finished with their food and quickly headed to their rooms; there they went and closed the curtains. Though, Yo still seemed to be asleep and Jared had just come out of the bathroom. "Is something wrong?" asked Jared as he dried his hair. "There are people watching us and we need to leave as soon as possible." said Ei. "And we can't use our powers all that much either." added Zeref. He then went to wake up Yo and was immediately kicked by her; she yawned and stretched. "I know what's going on, I just didn't want to wake up at all." said Yo as she stood up and gathered her things. Everyone started doing the same and quickly headed out to the bus station; they were lucky enough to find one and got in it. "So, I'm guessing that our father is doing this." said Yo.
"I'm guessing that too." responded Ei.
"But why would he do this to us now, when he already has everything he wants?"
"I have no idea, but if it comes to anything, I'll give him a good conversation."
"Wait, you two still have relatives alive?" asked Zeref a bit nervous. Yo nodded and started reading a manual she found. She then wondered how convenient it was that a bus was available right when they asked for one, and there didn't seem to be anyone else in the bus except the driver and the other of course; she came to a realization and walked up to the driver. She tapped the driver's shoulder and the bus immediately stopped, making Yo fall. The bus driver handcuffs Yo and everyone stands up; though they had noticed that they were surrounded by officers. "What's going on?" asked Jared as he looked outside his window. More officers had then come and handcuffed everyone else; Ei looked as if she expected that it would happen.

They were taken away somewhere that seemed far away from their home; it was a building that had security all over the place. Zeref looked at his handcuffs and noticed that his was different from everyone else's; it was a black light that seemed to stung him a bit. "I wouldn't try to remove those if I were you." said Ei. When they finally arrived, they were brought to a lab and were seated except Zeref; who was put in a cage. Then, a man came and inspected Zeref; he shined a black light at Zeref and revealed his spirit form. Yo quickly stood up, but was sat back down by a guard. "Hey, would you stop shining that light at me." said Zeref leaning onto the bars of the cage. "Fine, but it's on you if I don't get enough information.", said the man, "My name is Arden and I noticed awhile ago that you started living with my daughters. Kind of disrespectful to me since you're trying to steal them from me." Zeref didn't seem to react to what he said until he came to the realization of what he said and freaked out a bit. The handcuffs were then removed; Ei ran up to Arden and punched him. "We told you to never do this to us again!" said Ei in anger.
"But it's fun and I wanted to find out more about the thing." responded Arden as he scratched his head.
"Am I even suppose to be here?" asked Jared. "And are we even needed at all?" added Yo. Arden rolled his eyes and pulled a lever that next to Zeref's cage; the cage had opened and Zeref quickly walked out of it, returning back to his human form. Jared quickly hugged Zeref and didn't really let go for awhile; Zeref didn't really know what to do at that point.

Ei quickly walked away with an expression that could bring fear to anyone. The others followed behind except Yo; she first went to hug Arden and then followed the group. "He caused us all this trouble for something that he could've just asked to do!" said Ei in anger. "I do admit your father is an interesting one." said Zeref as he finally freed himself from Jared's hug. Yo seemed a little too quiet and looked down on the floor a lot; Ei looked at her and went up to her only to hug her and kiss her cheek. Zeref seemed to panic a bit at seeing that, while Jared looked with content eyes. "That's not fair!", said Zeref, "I haven't even gotten close to kissing one of you!" The twins looked at him with death stares and he immediately calmed down; they almost slapped him too, but managed to control themselves enough.

It took them quite a while for them to arrive, but once they did, they all sighed in relief. Jared had said his goodbyes and went on to his home. Ei had quickly disappeared out of everyone's site and Zeref went on looking for her. He went outside to the backyard and a pebble had fallen on his head; he looked over to see how the pebble got on his head and saw Ei on the roof of the house. He climbed up to the roof using a ladder and sat next to Ei; she didn't really seem to care he was there. "I've been thinking about something.", said Ei, "When the portal to the spirit world opens, can I go there with you to see what it's like?" Zeref grinned for a moment when suddenly, he hugged Ei im excitement. "You won't regret it!" said Zeref. He then kissed Ei without even thinking about it. Ei didn't seem to be too happy about it though; she slapped Zeref and jumped down from the roof with a red face. "I guessed I got denied there.", said Zeref, "I was sure that was gonna work too." Ei locked herself in her room and felt a bit of enmity towards Zeref, and didn't dare to open the door to anyone.

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